You break out in a sweat when you think about what’s in store for you in just a few weeks:
New university.
New course of study.
The move.
School is behind you and you can hardly wait to start studying.
But instead of looking forward to it, you panic.
You lie awake at night and ask yourself:
- Damn … Have I really thought of everything?
- What if I don’t manage the first semester?
- How am I supposed to manage on my own?
Here’s the answer to your questions: this article and our checklist at the end of the text will help you out of a tight spot!
Step by step, we’ll guide you through this challenging time just before the start of your studies. Let’s go!
#1 Gather all important documents
- Letter of admission to your degree program
- Certificate of enrollment from your university
- Identification document (e.g. identity card or passport)
- Proof of health insurance (e.g. certificate from your health insurance company)
- Certificates such as language certificates
In some circumstances, other documents may be important, including proof of your bank account for tuition fees, a residence permit/visa, a CV, etc. Some universities also want to see a copy of your birth certificate for identification purposes.
To be on the safe side, check your university’s website and the faculty’s website for the required documents.
#2 Get your finances in order
This is a super important point, because: nothing happens without moss. Here are the most important steps:
Open an account
Before you start your studies, you should definitely open a current account into which you can receive money from your parents, scholarship payments etc., for example. It is also necessary for important expenses. One of these is the semester fee (see below).
Tip: Some banks offer students free accounts including a free credit card. The credit card can be particularly helpful if, for example, you want to spend a semester abroad and withdraw money locally at favorable conditions.
Compare accounts online to find the perfect current account for students.
Pay the semester fee on time
The semester fee is a contribution that students pay to the university per semester and usually before the beginning of each semester. The semester contribution is not a tuition fee, as Germany does not charge fees of this kind. Instead, the semester fee is used to fund student institutions and services.
This is what you pay the semester fee for:
- Studentenwerk (runs dormitories and dining halls, among other things)
- Semester ticket (low-priced public transport ticket)
- Financing of teaching staff & university infrastructure
Important: The semester fee can vary from semester to semester. Therefore, find out the exact amount before you start your studies and transfer the amount or set up a direct debit in time.
Maintain a financial plan
Don’t just let your finances run on the side. Otherwise you risk losing track of your spending and getting into debt. That’s never fun, and certainly not if you’re a student on a budget.
Don’t worry, you don’t have to laboriously create long Excel lists by hand or download old-fashioned online templates to create a financial plan. We recommend using selected financial apps that provide smart support for your financial planning.
#3 Take advantage of Orientation Week (O-Week).
The first week of the semester is usually a lecture-free orientation week. Students should get to know the university and its facilities such as libraries during this time.
It is extremely important to familiarize yourself with contact points and modalities of your study program, to meet contact persons and to make first contacts with other students. Don’t miss this opportunity, because it will never again be as easy and relaxed as during the orientation week.
Typical events during orientation week are:
- Introductory meetings
- Course-related meetings
- Excursions through the city or into the surrounding area
- Pub crawls
Find out about the dates of the events in good time to make the most of O-Week. Sometimes registration is required so that the organizers can plan. Also, if applicable, bring money with you or transfer it in advance if the event has a fee.
Remember: Orientation week is a key week to help you get started in your studies. So it pays to take in as many events as possible during O-Week.
#4 Get learning materials in time
To be organized in your studies, you’ll need lots of materials:
- Good Laptop
- Smartphone
- Tablet
- Pens (ballpoint pen, fountain pen
- Highlighters of different colors
- Quick folders
- Folders
- Textbooks, journals
- Study-specific utensils (e.g. tools)
Our tip: Look out for special offers and price promotions especially for students to buy study materials as cheaply as possible. Discounters, electronics retailers and stationery stores also regularly offer discounts.
#5 Take care of badges and accesses
You’ll need IDs and accesses early on to participate in the day-to-day of your studies. Among the most important are:
- Login for the university website
- Access to your university mail client
- Account for a learning management system
- Access to the library website
- Access to job boards (“Schwarzes Brett”)
- Logins for research databases
Get your login or access data as early as possible, as they are extremely important even before the official start of your studies, especially the e-mail access, as the universities often communicate particularly relevant information such as names of lecturers, seminar rooms and event times via e-mails.
#6 Put important dates and deadlines in your calendar
There are a lot of important dates for your studies. Keeping them in a wall planner will relieve you enormously, give you planning security and ensure that you have your head free for your studies.
The important dates and deadlines in your studies include:
- Enrollment deadlines
- Application deadlines
- Deadlines for submitting coursework (e.g. term papers)
- Examination dates
- Dates for lectures and seminars
Our tip: You can keep handwritten appointments in a classic calendar, but we recommend a digital calendar that you can synchronize on your laptop and smartphone. The advantage here is that you can set reminders in good time to help you meet deadlines and not forget important dates.
#7 Build a social network early on
Once the study week starts, you will be fully occupied with memorizing the course material. In other words, it is difficult to make new contacts during a full week of study, which is why we recommended that you take part in the O-week under point #3.
However, you can also start cultivating contacts beforehand by:
- become active in onlinegroups and apps related to your university or course of study,
- take part in online taster days,
- register for subject-related or regional webinars or
- attend cultural and social events (e.g., city festival or museum tour).
Especially events that take place outside of the university have the advantage that you build up a circle of friends and acquaintances alongside your studies. This will definitely enrich your view of life and everyday life.
#8 Look for a part-time job
Looking for a part-time job at the start of your studies has several advantages:
Financial independence
A part-time job gives you more money in your account that you can spend on study materials, short trips or other things. It also makes sense to start saving at a young age. In any case, the part-time job gives you an additional financial cushion.
Career opportunities
A part-time job gives you an early start on the job market. Whether you stock groceries in a warehouse, work in the back office or deliver food, it doesn’t matter: you make contacts with colleagues and superiors early on, and you never know where they will take you. Perhaps to your first permanent job after graduation?
Your life revolves a lot around studying, of course. But with a part-time job, you can avoid unnecessary worrying. The regular change of scenery distracts you and you earn money at the same time.
Tip: Have a look at our list of cool part-time jobs, there’s bound to be something for you!
#9 Take a sports course
Sport helps you to stay fit and is also an excellent way to compensate for all the sitting around.
Most universities offer sports courses, but it is important to be quick, as the principle of first come, first served often applies. So find out about the courses on offer early on and book your preferred course online.
A sports course creates routines and gives you another social network that extends beyond the confines of your degree course.
Exercise is also good for relieving stress so that you can then throw yourself back into your studies with renewed energy.
#10 Learn to organize yourself
“Organize? I can’t even sort my playlist!”
If this sounds familiar, don’t worry: not everyone is an organizational talent, and you don’t have to become one.
It’s all about getting the important things in order. Your time management is central to this.
In our article on this topic, you will learn which apps you can use to quickly and easily create to-do lists and how to structure your tasks so that you always keep track of everything.
If you put these tips into practice, you will successfully manage your days and still have free time to enjoy. Does that sound good? Then read the article 😉
Download: Free checklist for the beginning of your studies
With our checklist for the beginning of your studies (PDF) you are perfectly organized from the beginning and during your studies. Download it now for free!
More articles in our blog
Phew, that was quite a lot, wasn’t it?
No wonder: the start of your studies is a new phase in your life with lots of changes.
That’s why we recommend that you don’t just take a quick look at our checklist, but use it as a guide again and again and take your time to complete the points on it.
Then you’ll have a smooth start to your studies 😉
By the way, we have more top articles here that will help you:
Good luck with your studies. You’re going to rock it!
Ahoys and see you soon,
Your Staytoo team
You look at your watch and go crazy.
Fuck! The day is almost over.
You’ve been hanging out on TikTok for hours and could cry with frustration … you’ve planned so much for today but haven’t even managed a fraction of it.
Oh my god bruh, oh heeell no! 🙀
How could this happen!
You only know one thing: it’s not the first time you’ve had to run after the day in order to somehow juggle exams, a job and friends.
And that once again it hasn’t worked out.
You ask yourself hopelessly: Will it be the same tomorrow?
Will you feel at the mercy of the day instead of taking the helm yourself?
No more of that.
You want to change something, that’s why you’re reading this article.
All right, let’s get started – with time management that really works.
Self-management: the basis for time management
Managing yourself sounds kind of weird, doesn’t it?
Like you’re sitting in a seminar for snobby young managers.
Source: X / BWL – JUSTUS:
However, self-management has little to do with the lifestyle of a business administrator.
Self-management is about getting to know yourself so that you know what is important to you and act accordingly – and the result of this is called time management.
Important: Self-management always comes before time management.
These questions will help you with your self-management:
- What is particularly important to me?
- What are my personal goals?
- What do I not want to do (anymore)?
Answers to these questions create clarity and help you to set priorities.
At the moment, everything seems to have a high priority: You have to study for exams, write an application for an internship and then there’s the next family birthday for which you still haven’t organized a present!
You immediately get the feeling that everything is getting on top of you.
Of course, that’s super stressful.
That’s exactly what you want to get away from.
The aim is to become the boss of your life – in your studies, professionally and privately.
There are time management methods for this, because surprise: many clever people have had this problem before you and they have become super successful and happy with the following methods.
These time management methods work
There are many time management methods, but we offer you some that we have tried and tested over the years and therefore recommend!
Eat the Frog
Do you remember putting off unpleasant homework when you were at school? Well, it feels good in the short term – but the mountain of unpleasant to-dos piles up over time until you have no choice but to work through them in disgruntled agony for hours on end.
In adult life, many people continue with this bad habit. Whether it’s a tax return, re-registering after a move or a doctor’s appointment: inconvenient things become your future-me’s problem!
But that means twice as much work in the future, and you already have a guilty conscience today for free.
This is exactly where Eat the Frog (or Eat that frog) comes in: The strange name goes back to a US-American idiom: “Eating a frog” means starting with the most unpleasant task of the day first.
Because you have the most energy and resilience early in the morning. Well rested and fit, you will find it much easier to tackle difficult tasks.
With Eat the Frog, you start with the most difficult/unpleasant task and work your way up to the easier ones bit by bit. The result: in the afternoon, you only have pleasant to-dos ahead of you!
Tip: Eat the Frog is an advanced self-management technique. You need a certain amount of self-discipline, which is often lacking. Try this: Imagine how you feel when you have completed the most difficult task of the day. Feel this great feeling, imagine it intensely. And then get started on this task. This motivational boost will make it much easier for you to implement Eat the Frog!
Eisenhower principle
Dwight D. Eisenhower was military governor of the American occupation zone in Germany, NATO supreme commander, the 34th president of the USA and … extremely well organized. He had to be in order to fulfill his demanding duties.
His time management method, which became world-famous under the name of the Eisenhower Principle, is based on the rapid sorting of daily tasks.
This is known as the Eisenhower matrix with four quadrants:
Copyright graphic: Staytoo
Here is the list of the Eisenhower matrix for clarity:
- Priority 1 (very high): Important and urgent
- Prio 2 (high): Important, but not urgent
- Prio 3 (low): Urgent, but not important
- Prio 4 (irrelevant): Not urgent and not important
Important and urgent tasks are those that need to be completed immediately.
Important but not urgent tasks must wait until the tasks with priority 1 are completed.
Urgent but not important: This includes everything that appears to be urgent but is not important at all. You can cross these tasks off your list straight away.
Not urgent and not important: Can go! 🙂
The Eisenhower matrix helps you to recognize what is really relevant in your to-do list, sort it and remove unnecessary ballast. It is particularly effective for work, e.g. as a working student, when you need to set the right priorities for your working day. But it is also helpful during your studies, wherever you have to break projects down into individual steps and prioritize them according to importance and urgency.
Pareto principle
The Pareto principle states that 80 % of the results can be achieved with 20 % of the effort:
- With 20% learning effort, you will achieve 80% of your learning progress
- With 20% training in the gym, you ensure 80% of your fitness
- With 20% of your relationships, you ensure 80% of your social happiness
However, the Pareto principle only works if you are focused and effective, i.e. if you are not distracted by e-mails, phone calls or surfing the Internet during the 20% performance.
Pareto also has a downside: to achieve the remaining 20 % for a 100 % result, you would have to put in 80 % effort.
A huge imbalance!
How does this happen? The answer can be given by perfectionists who get bogged down in little things and details because they want the “perfect result”. But there is no such thing, and the time and energy required to get there is extremely high and therefore wasteful.
The Pareto principle is a fascinating reminder of another important saying that we have to thank the Americans for: “Done is better than perfect.“
This credo, which is expressed in the Pareto principle, is incredibly relaxing and is a good antidote to perfectionism.
Does this mean that you should never give 100%? No, but Pareto helps you to make great progress on a project without permanently overburdening yourself with excessive demands.
Pomodoro technique
The traditional technique works with a short-time alarm clock, but there are now also free apps such as Pomofocus or focus booster.
This is how Pomodoro works:
- Set the task
- Set the Pomodoro alarm clock
- Work for 25 minutes with focus
- Take a 5-minute break
- Repeat the whole process (up to 4 times)
- Complete the task or take a longer break
With Pomodoro, you can work in intervals without neglecting breaks. This is ideal for studying and for projects of all kinds!
Which time management method is right for you?
You’re probably asking yourself this question, but it’s misleading. It’s not about finding the perfect time management method. Because there is no such thing. 😊
A much smarter and more realistic approach is to cleverly combine the various time management methods.
But no more theory, we’ll show you how this can be done using a specific day.
This is what your successful day looks like
The following example day should help you as a guide. It is our very personal recommendation on how to master the ideal day. And it starts the evening before!
Day 1
Day 2
Before we go any further: not every student is an early riser. If you’re more of a night owl who doesn’t get going until later in the day and you can organize your time freely, then simply adapt the following example day to suit your rhythm.
07:00: After getting up, you eat a healthy breakfast (brain food tips can be found here).
07:20: You sit down at your laptop and sort your to-do list for the current day according to the Eisenhower principle. What is urgent and important, what is not important but urgent, etc.
07:30: Time for the most unpleasant task of the day (Eat the Frog). In your case, it’s the task of finally getting started on that annoying chore you’ve been putting off for weeks. Take the bull – er – the frog by the thighs! You use the Pomodoro technique to make effective and targeted progress with enough breaks, without overexerting yourself.
09:30: You look at your screen with pride. It’s unbelievable how much you’ve managed to do in a few hours! That’s when your guilty conscience kicks in, whispering to you: What you’ve written isn’t perfect yet! You smile and say to your inner critic: “So what? It doesn’t have to be. Done is better than perfect.”
You are pleased that you have come up with the Pareto principle: achieve 80% of the result in 20% of the time. That’s how to work effectively! Tomorrow you’ll be focused on your housework again and improve it. But now it’s time for a walk before you go to the seminar at the university.
11:30 a.m.: You come out of the seminar room and look forward to the upcoming lunch break. You feel light and free because you know that the most difficult task of the day is already behind you. The guilty conscience that used to torment you in the afternoons and evenings because of procrastinated housework doesn’t even arise.
12:30 p.m.: After a delicious meal in the canteen, you have two more lectures to go. Luckily you’ve eaten something light so that you can continue to concentrate. On you go with plenty of energy!
05:00: After a long and exhausting day, you arrive at your apartment. You’ve set aside an hour to file the day’s notes and catch up on your emails, WhatsApps and so on. You finally manage to reply to messages from your family, friends and fellow students promptly, instead of taking days as usual. You can now also respond to mail from your health insurance company, the student union, etc. in a timely manner.
06:00: You take a look at your self-management tool: What have you successfully completed today and can cross off the list, what still needs to be done? You also write down all the other tasks you can think of and sort them according to urgency and importance using the Eisenhower matrix.
06:15: Free time! Thanks to your good self-management, you can now switch off with the good feeling of having successfully completed the day. Great!
More articles in our blog
Are you keen on further development? We can help you with that! Read our popular articles on these topics:
Ahoy and see you soon,
Your Staytoo team
It’s fine weather outside, bright sunshine and warmth.
And what are you doing? You’re still stuck in your apartment because you have no idea what to do.
You don’t have time and/or money for a long vacation, you remain trapped in the hamster wheel of everyday life, between university, part-time job and study stress.
Feels be💩, doesn’t it?
Okay, time for a short vacation, a mini-relaxation.
You google events in your city and are overwhelmed by a huge range of options. You don’t like most of them anyway, and the few events that you find exciting cost a lot of money.
You realize how the unsuccessful search for cool events is getting you down. The day is already half over when all the bad feelings come up.
Lack of drive.
What a bummer, you don’t want to feel like this! After all, summer is supposed to be the best time of the year!
Don’t let yourself get discouraged.
With our short trip tips, you’ll get out, switch off and finally experience something. From top concerts to relaxing in nature, we’ve put together the highlights for you. 😎
Short trips around Berlin
Our beautiful capital Berlin has a wonderful surrounding area to offer, where you can discover a lot of places. We present two great destinations for short trips and an insider tip.
#1 Spreewald
With the Spreewald (Spree Forest), a magnificent natural and cultural landscape stretches out before the gates of Berlin. Hikes, bike tours, canoe trips: In the Spreewald all this is possible, even romantic gondola rides. What is especially nice is that the Spreewald is worth visiting at any time of the year. In summer the dense foliage of the trees offers cool shade, in autumn the rich pumpkin harvests and art markets impress, in winter the landscape fascinated again completely new with ice and snow, until nature awakens to new life in spring.
#2 Beelitz-Heilstätten
Once a sanatorium for lung diseases, the Beelitz-Heilstätten (Beelitz Sanatorium) have become one of the most famous lost places. The eventful and sometimes dark past fascinates adventurers and tourists alike, and several documentaries and feature films have been made about the sanatoriums.
Buildings such as the Old Surgery, the former combined heat and power plant and the sanatorium are definitely worth a visit, but since they are ruins, we recommend a professional guided tour, where you will also learn a lot of exciting background knowledge about this historic place. A special highlight here is the treetop path, which winds through the railing at a height of up to 23 meters.
Lost Places Extra Tip
Do you like historical lost places like the Heilstätten in Beelitz? Then we recommend Teufelsberg in Berlin for a day trip. During the Cold War, the U.S. military operated a listening and flight surveillance station here. Urban art has long since emerged from the relics of that time, and you’ll also find a downhill trail on the mountain and lots of exciting historical information.
#3 Pfaueninsel
Honestly: “Peacock Island” sounds super nice, doesn’t it? And the name is no exaggeration: On this island, you can observe real peacocks and walk in the footsteps of kings through a park with a white fairytale castle. The castle itself is currently closed for renovation work, but the view from the outside alone is definitely worth a visit.
For a day trip, you will need a little over an hour from the apartment building by bike or public transport, but you will definitely remember your time there. There is a coffee garden on the sunbathing lawn (pure chill-out) and … honestly, do we need to tell you more? Well, we do have one more: there’s a swimming area where you can jump straight into the Havel. So don’t forget your swimming trunks and bikini 😉
#4 Berlin Art Week
Five days of pure contemporary art – that’s what Berlin Art Week offers you in concentrated form. Artists from all over the world exhibit their works. The festival meeting point is the BAW Garten at the Gropius Bau, where performances and cool drinks await you. You will also meet other exciting people interested in art.
Tip: Berlin Art Week has great spots to discover all over the city, including near your Staytoo apartment! These include the Daadgalerie (Oranienstraße 161), the Konrad Fischer Galerie (Neue Grünstraße 12) and the Ivo Wessel Collection (Michaelkirchplatz 1-2). You can find all locations on the website.
September 11-15, 2024
Various locations in Berlin
Short trips around Bonn
You want to get out of the big city? Then the surroundings of Bonn offer perfect opportunities.
#1 Drachenfels
The Rhine Cycle Route stretches from the Swiss Alps to the North Sea over 1,391 kilometers. Don’t worry, that’s way too much for a short trip, of course. But part of the Rhine Cycle Path is ideal for getting a great view of the Drachenfels in the Siebengebirge.
On the way there, you’ll have the opportunity to pay a visit to the Nibelungen Hall and Drachenburg Castle. In addition, you’ll be driving along the Rhine almost the entire time, so you’ll get to enjoy nature and culture in equal measure.
#2 Skywalk Rabenlay
Feel like Luke Skywalker for once and … wait, the 24 square meter Skywalk Rabenlay viewing platform has nothing to do with Star Wars. But with a fantastic wide and deep view of Bonn on the Rabenlay mountain.
Online, the travel community recommends enjoying the vantage point in good weather with sunshine. But even on a starry night, the sky above the skywalk, which opened in 2017, shows itself in unforgettable beauty. And who knows: Maybe you’ll see Luke Skywalker’s X-Wing light up on such a night?
#3 Beethovenfest
In September, you will be treated to 70 concerts, with everything from soloists to renowned international orchestras. Beethoven fans will get their money’s worth here, as will friends of classical music or those who want to become one.
Our tip: The opening concert “Beethoven & MEUTE” starts on September 6 at 7:30 pm and you shouldn’t miss it. Why? Because MEUTE is a techno marching band that is “starting a mutiny at the opera”. It’s sure to be exciting.
Extra tip for Berliners: As part of the Beethovenfest, the “Sonderkonzert Berlin: Beethoven 9” will take place on Tuesday, September 3rd at 8 pm in the Gedächtniskirche.
September 05 – October 03, 2024
Various locations in Bonn
#4 Bonner Stadtgartenkonzerte
The famous Bonn City Garden Concerts are now in their twelfth year, featuring well-known artists such as Nicholas Müller (Jupiter Jones) as well as international newcomers from a wide range of musical genres: pop, jazz, folk, punk … take your pick! You can find all the dates and bands on the Bonn city website.
August 02-31, 2024
Old customs
53113 Bonn
Short trips around Kaiserslautern
If you look at the Barbarossa city of Kaiserslautern on the map, you will quickly recognize its favorable location. At the gates of Kaiserslautern, the Palatinate Forest to the south and a more than 100-year-old tunnel to the west are waiting to be discovered by you.
#1 Pfälzerwald
The Pfälzerwald (Palatinate Forest) offers fascinating landscapes and cultural monuments that are great to explore with a hiking backpack as well as with a mountain bike. The Palatinate Forest is especially famous for the Karlstal Gorge, Berwartstein Castle, Hambach Castle and Orenfels with an excellent viewpoint.
#2 Over 100 years old tunnel
Anyone who has ever passed through this tunnel, which is over 100 years old, on a hot summer day will remember the experience. In the past, an old railroad line passed through here, but today cyclists and hikers cross the cool, almost cold illuminated tunnel. But this is not the only highlight: in the immediate vicinity there are other great spots such as the Ohmbachsee as part of the “Pfälzer Seentour” and the old railroad line. A water treading pool provides refreshment for the feet on this short trip.
#3 Japanischer Garten
The Japanese Garden opens its doors in the season between April and October. Never been there before? Then it’s about time! Not only Japan fans will get their money’s worth here. Waterfalls, teahouses, imposing rocks and ponds will whisk you away to another world that is very different from our European one.
How about forest bathing to switch off from the stress of university? There is a course every third Wednesday of the month. You can also book regular yoga classes with a certified yoga teacher and relaxation trainer, which often take place on Saturdays. This promises pure relaxation!
April-October 2024
Am Abendsberg 1
67657 Kaiserslautern
#4 Volksparkkonzerte
The Volkspark concerts take place every 14 days on Sundays in the city center of Kaiserslautern. The whole thing runs until the beginning of September. On August 18, you can expect the best of 100 years of brass band music, and on September 1, the Blue Light Big Band Ludwigshafen will treat you to lush sounds, including Latin, pop, soul and swing.
The Volkspark concerts then go into their fall and winter rest until May, when it’s “(almost) always Sundays again!” So make a note now to check the Kaiserslautern city events calendar for the concerts in spring!
May-September 2024
Volkspark Kaiserslautern
Short trips around Leipzig
The “secret capital of Saxony,” as Leipzig is known behind closed doors, is a great place to live. Also and especially because natural highlights have developed around the city over the decades.
#1 Leipziger Neuseenland
During the GDR era, there was a lot of lignite mining in the Leipzig region. When open-cast mining was discontinued, the question arose in landscape planning at the time: What to do with the gigantic holes in the ground?
They were flooded, creating the so-called Leipziger Neuseenland, which includes Lake Cospuden (“Cossi”), Lake Hainer, Lake Markkleeberg, Lake Kulkwitz and many others. For the first exploration of the Leipzig Neuseenland we recommend as a destination the Cospudener See, which is not even 5 kilometers away from our apartment house.
#2 Leipziger Wasserfest
Singer-songwriters, storytelling theater, guitar music: the Leipzig Water Festival is all the rage in the trade fair city. Cruise along the canal in a boat or relax in a deckchair with a fresh, cool cocktail – Leipzig celebrates its cultural and natural diversity, the elegant balancing act between city and nature. In any case, it will be colorful, cheerful and summery!
August 16-18, 2024
Lindenau harbor, Plagwitz district park, Karl Heine Canal
#3 Highfield Festival
Are you ready for a festival in a class of its own at Lake Störmthal? Highfield is a legendary indie rock festival with a deluxe line-up including Macklemore, Rise Against, Peter Fox, Cro, Ski Aggu and so on. Get your tickets for this unique summer event now!
August 16-18, 2024
Lake Störmthal
#4 Halle
Compared to Leipzig, Halle does not have a particularly good reputation. Unjustly so! The city on the Saale River is considered a cultural center in Central Germany with the municipal theater, the opera house, the art museum Moritzburg Halle and numerous other institutions. Striking sights are also the Red Tower, the Halle Cathedral, the Botanical Garden and the zoo.
In addition, Halle had several hip clubs, such as the dance bar Palette or the club Drushba. Halle is also a university town, where many young people live, similar to Leipzig.
Short trips around Nuremberg
Located north in Bavaria – and yes, strictly speaking in Middle Franconia – is Nuremberg, one of the most beautiful and diverse cities in Germany. If you’re wondering why Franconia is in Bavaria and why there are such vast differences … you’d better ask a local (Lower, Middle or Upper) Franconian. We give you here in this article great short trip tips for the region around!
#1 Schwarzachklamm
Schwarzachklamm is one of the most beautiful so-called geotypes and is located directly near Nuremberg. Follow the course of the Schwarzach River and discover the region, which has been under nature protection since 1936. Over millions of years, the Schwarzach has washed geographic formations into the sandstone, which look impressive and are worth at least one visit.
#2 Beer hike Fränkische Schweiz
Over the centuries, a beer brewing culture has established itself in the Fränkische Schweiz (Franconian Switzerland), a hilly and mountainous landscape in Upper Franconia. 69 breweries in the region brew Franconian beer of various kinds and are happy to welcome hikers who want to combine the pleasure of beer with a beer hike or walk. The great thing is that you can put together your own route for the beer hike according to your mood and include overnight accommodations.
#3 Herbstvolksfest Nürnberg
The Nuremberg Volksfest is a festive event. On August 23, the festival traditionally begins with the beer tapping in the Papert marquee. Afterwards, be amazed by the magical lights in the sky with fireworks.
You probably won’t be attending the Senior Citizens’ Afternoon on August 27, but you might be attending exciting events such as Princesses, Superheroes and Movie Stars: Meet your Idols! (August 30) or Magic Friday meets Steam Punk (September 6), where you can immerse yourself in the world of Victorian science fiction.
You can find the complete program on the Autumn Folk Festival website.
#4 Stadt(ver-)führungen
Go in search of treasures on the city tours in Nuremberg and Fürth. This includes works of art, monuments, but also church, land, book and art treasures and much more.
With over 500 tour topics, city guides offer you a wide variety of perspectives from which you can experience the two cities. These include, for example, guided tours to the treasures of medieval folk art or to Nuremberg’s Old Town, which is considered an open-air museum with legendary treasures. We think: There’s no better way to get to know your adopted city! Check out all the events on the Nuremberg website.
Various locations in Nuremberg & Fürth
September 20-22, 2024
More articles in our blog
Have you caught the travel bug? In further articles on our website you will get to know the most beautiful railroad routes in Germany and get further valuable tips.
Are you a stranger in the city, don’t know anyone and feel alone? We can help you make new contacts quickly.
#1 Rekindle old friendships
The easiest way to make friends in a new city is, of course, to already have or have had friends there. Perhaps you already know someone in the city or an old classmate has moved to the city you are now moving to?
Don’t be afraid to get in touch and suggest a meeting. If the friendship is rekindled, it won’t be long before the new old friend takes you along to their friends’ parties. Which brings us to the next tip.
#2 Get to know friends of friends
Your friends also have friends that you don’t (yet) know. Join them, perhaps at the next party of one of your friends’ friends? There’s a good chance that you’ll get on with these people too – after all, your friends have good taste when it comes to choosing the people they like to spend time with 😉
Our tip: We have collected routes near the Staytoo houses.
#3 Take a trip
Make yourself a few sandwiches, fill your water bottle with water or tea, pack both in a small rucksack and off you go – that’s all you need for a short trip.
Whether you’re walking through the city or exploring nearby forests on an (e-)bike: Sooner or later you will meet other adventurous people, e.g. at a rest stop, and you can swap stories with them. Who knows, maybe this will lead to an adventure group in which you regularly do something together?
In cities, there are hiking and jogging groups that meet regularly. Take a look at portals such as Lauftreff or Wander Community to find suitable people.
Our tip: We have collected routes near the Staytoo houses.
#4 Visit university events
Pub crawls, introductory events, campus tours: Use university events whenever possible to make friends in a new city. Especially at the start of the semester, universities offer events such as Freshers’ Week so that fellow students and lecturers can get to know each other. You can find the events on offer on the website of your university or university of applied sciences.
#5 Get to know your Staytoo neighbors
Many exciting people like you live at Staytoo. It’s worth getting to know them. For example, how about inviting your neighbor over for a cup of tea or to cook together? Great friendships have also been formed during board game evenings or walks together.
Our tip: Did you know that Staytoo offers its own events? BBQ in summer, MovieInParty, semester kick-off party, Halloween hangover brunch: there’s always something going on here, but you also have your own space. True to the motto: Staytoo is you!
Follow us on our Instagram account, where we regularly share information about Staytoo events such as house parties. You’ll also find videos with tips from other students. Of course you can also find us on TikTok.
#6 Take part in events
Exciting events can be found in every city, for example neighborhood festivals, concerts, exhibitions or theater performances. It may feel strange to go to an event alone, but once you’re there, you’ll realize that it’s fun too. The important thing is that you get involved and remain open and relaxed. This will give you the best chance of striking up conversations with others.
#7 Organize an event yourself
If you are new to a foreign city, know that others feel the same way. Every newcomer is happy to have opportunities to get to know each other. It’s a great opportunity if you create these opportunities yourself, be it through a picnic, a movie night or a group walk to get to know each other.
For the aforementioned movie night, which you can post as an event call in an Insta story, you will need technical equipment such as a projector, laptop etc. as well as chairs. Everyone can bring something, so there is also a joint planning process that you can discuss online. As the organizer of your own events, you will also learn important soft skills such as how to set up and successfully manage a project.
#8 Join a club (music, sports, etc.)
Have you sung in a choir or enjoy playing volleyball? Time to join a club! There are usually taster sessions where you can check whether you feel comfortable with the people, the facilities, etc. A shared hobby brings people together, so you’ll quickly make friends this way.
Extra tip: Check the offers for university sports or university sports to see if there are any suitable courses for you. These courses are often cheaper than normal courses in the city and you will also get to know fellow students.
#9 Try social apps
Yes, we all know Tinder. But it doesn’t always have to be dating: there are also apps that help you find friends in a new city. The most popular are:
Each app has different special features. Meetup focuses on groups and joint activities online and offline.
We3 is based on the concept of the mini-group: It says that friendships are best formed when three people meet to get to know each other.
Spontacs, on the other hand, offers you the opportunity to meet people from your area to spontaneously experience a leisure activity with them, such as going to the movies or playing sports.
Bumble For Friends specializes in the match function, which means that when two potential friends match, they only have 24 hours to get in touch with each other. This “pressure” has the advantage that you venture out of your comfort zone and make the first move before the opportunity passes.
Extra tip: Enter your university on Bumble For Friends to find suitable contacts from your university environment.
#10 Get a part-time job
Most students do this anyway to earn some money on the side. You can combine the intention to increase your bank balance with making friends in your new city. When choosing a part-time job, make sure that you will be in contact with people. A job in the archives may be pleasantly quiet, but probably not the right way to make new friends.
Here are a few jobs where you’ll interact with people a lot:
- Language tandem (translator)
- cinema/theater box office
- Supermarket work
- Promotion jobs
- Recruiting members for associations
- Catering and event jobs (catering, service, etc.)
Of course, it’s particularly clever if you find a job that allows you to make new friends and further your career. Take a look at the online job boards or our tips for creative part-time jobs.
#11 Start with Co-Learning or Working
Why always sit alone in a small room and brood to yourself? More and more universities in Germany are offering co-learning spaces in which open learning rooms are made available. The learning spaces are often equipped with multimedia such as touch displays or laptops to borrow.
Not only do you get to know fellow students there, but you also increase your learning effectiveness at the same time.
Co-working spaces are particularly interesting for you if you want to start your own business as a student and build up a professional network while you are still a student. This is because other self-employed people, e.g. web designers, developers and graphic designers, often work in co-working spaces.
Co-working spaces are usually subject to a fee, but a small investment in a desk that you can book flexibly will definitely pay off for the expansion of your private and professional network.
#12 Use the bulletin board
Maybe a bit oldschool, but still present at many universities: The bulletin board with all kinds of notices, from book giveaways to carpooling opportunities to course offers, there are plenty of chances to make friends in your new city. Some bulletin boards even include personals, reminiscent of the classic personals in newspapers.
#13 Talk to people outside
Admittedly, this is not the right way for everyone to make friends in a new city. But it is often easier than you think to get in touch with other people out there. Most people are open to it and are happy to have such a pleasant surprise in their everyday lives.
The biggest hurdle here is starting the conversation. Questions are a great way to make it easier.
Our tip: Greet people with a friendly “hello” and a smile, this often works wonders.
You can start a conversation with a stranger with these questions:
- Do you know a good restaurant nearby?
- I’m new in town, do you know where is a good place to party/sport/go on an excursion?
Questions can also be combined with compliments:
- Nice jacket, did you buy it here in town?
- If I may say so honestly: You seem likeable and as a newcomer I am looking for some
- I’m looking for a bit of a connection in the city. Would you like to go out for ice cream with me?
These are just sample questions that you can adapt as you wish. It is important that you ask a positive, innocuous question that invites small talk. You should definitely avoid topics such as politics or religion, as these are very personal and often emotional topics.
#14 Try Language Tandem
Language tandem is a great way to make friends in a new city: You have a common interest with your tandem partner, you both want to learn a language. The language tandem is the perfect method for this, because a native speaker corrects each other. Through the regular exchange, you automatically get to know each other better and possibly become friends.
Difficulty making friends in a new city
Sometimes it can be difficult to make new friends. You are not alone in this! Get to know the typical difficulties that many students struggle with when they are new to a foreign city:
Start-up time: friendships are not formed overnight, but through regular activities together. This strengthens your bond of friendship, but also means that you have to invest time and commitment in new friendships.
Anonymity at large universities: At universities and colleges with thousands of students, the individual is hardly noticed. The support provided by lecturers is generally more impersonal, as is the interaction between students. Individual conversations fall by the wayside or are fleeting. Some students withdraw in such an anonymous atmosphere instead of trying to make new contacts.
Finding connections in existing groups: An existing group is an established social structure. There are certain dynamics (keyword insider jokes), routines and even hierarchies. It sounds stupid, but the new individual must first “prove” to a group whether you are on the same wavelength.
How to deal with the difficulties
The most important thing is that you don’t take setbacks in making new friends personally.
A contact no longer responds to your calls or messages, even though you thought a friendship was forming between you?
A group no longer informs you about its activities?
That hurts, no question. But in the vast majority of cases, it doesn’t mean that something is wrong with you. Sometimes it’s just not right, so just keep looking for people you get on really well with.
Tip: Are you unsure whether you have qualities that make you socially awkward? Ask those closest to you how they perceive you to find out how you are perceived from the outside.
Extra tip: Combine our tips
We recommend that you make friends in different ways. So don’t just rely on dating apps, but overcome your inhibitions and also approach people in real life, visit our Staytoo events, etc. It’s all in the mix and you’ll meet great people faster. 🙂
More articles in our blog
Studying is an intensive, varied and challenging time. In our article, we show you the most important steps for coping well during this time:
Making new friends can take quite a while before you are successful. Keep an open mind and over time you will have a social environment in which you feel comfortable.
We from the Staytoo team wish you lots of fun and success!
Ahoy 😉
Finally out of the lecture hall.
It’s actually the perfect time to chill out and go on adventures.
The sun comes out and the temperature rises.
But you feel that lump in your throat.
“So, what do you do in summer?”
Your breath quickens, your pulse quickens when you hear this question.
Summer is the time of year to be outside a lot and enjoy life.
And that’s exactly the problem.
You’ve seen the videos on Insta and TikTok, young people smiling at the camera, having fun – on the beach, in a bar, at a festival.
Somehow they always seem to know what’s going on in summer.
But with you, there’s just this damn pressure and the accompanying fear of missing out on summer, of not having enjoyed it. Instead of a good mood, you feel FOMO (fear of missing out).
Many people feel like you!
Luckily, we’ve written this article for you with tips for the summertime. Against FOMO and for a great lecture-free time! 😎☀️
#1 Summer tips for Berlin
Summer in Berlin – that means pure nature and culture. Find out how to make the most of your summer in the capital.
Berlin lakes
Berlin has several lakes that you can reach super quickly from your Staytoo apartment.
These lakes are in your area:
- Plötzensee (7 km away | small but beautiful)
- Wannsee (15 km away | large inland beach, great lido)
- Müggelsee (22 km away | many hiking and cycling trails, ideal for water sports)
Each lake and its surroundings are different, so it’s great fun to visit each of them and enjoy your time there.
Extra tip: The Landwehr Canal is only 2 km from the Staytoo apartment building. Not a lake, of course, but ideal for a walk along the water.
Open-air cinemas and concerts
The Freiluftkino Kreuzberg and the Freiluftkino Insel entice audiences with first-run movies in the open air. Here are a few selected movie tips:
Freiluftkino Kreuzberg:
- Sonne und Beton (German coming-of-age drama) / 18.07. | 21:30
- Poor Things (science-fantasy comedy with Emma Stone) / 23.07. | 21:15
- Dirty Dancing (absolute dance movie classic) / 03.08. | 21:00 hrs
Outdoor Cinema Island:
- Challengers – Rivals (exciting love triangle in a tennis environment) / 13.07. | 21:30 hrs
- Open Screening (several short films by filmmakers) / 17.07. | 21:30 hrs
- Barbie (black humor comedy with Margot Robbie and Ryan Gosling) / 27.07. | 21:45 hrs
And here are a few highlights of the open-air concert season:
- Hypegarten Biergarten & Open Air Tanzbar / 27.07. | 15:00 – 22:00 | ŒLGARTEN
- Christian Steiffen (“God of Schlager”) / 10.08. | 18:45 | Kulturbrauerei
- Nina Chuba – Open Airs 2024 / 03.08. | 19:00 | Zitadelle Spandau
#2 Summer tips for Bonn
Summer is turning up in Bonn too. Time to get out your swimming trunks and bikini for the Römerbad! But there are other cool leisure tips:
Bonn forest reserve Kottenforst
The Kottenforst forest reserve is the ideal place to experience pure nature:
- 40 km² forest area
- Mixed and coniferous forests
- Diverse wildlife
- Numerous viewpoints and hiking trails
Rheinaue leisure park
In the middle of the leisure park is the 15-hectare Auensee lake, where boating is particularly fun. But the Rheinaue leisure park is also perfect for long walks and picnics. You can enjoy refreshments in the beer garden of the park restaurant.
- Auensee: 15 hectares in size
- Activities: Boating, walks, picnics
- Park restaurant: Beer garden
Beethoven House Bonn
Follow in the footsteps of the famous composer and discover new sides to one of the greatest musical geniuses of all time in the special exhibition “Bernstein’s Beethoven”.
- Special exhibition: “Bernstein’s Beethoven”
- Duration of the exhibition: 03.05. – 19.08.
Leonard Bernstein, after whom the special exhibition is named, worked as a composer himself and is regarded as one of Ludwig van Beethoven’s outstanding mediators in the 20th century. In other words: make sure you visit the exhibition!
#3 Summer tips for Kaiserslautern
Explore a sea of flowers, walk along medieval paths and plunge into the urban nightlife – that’s how versatile Kaiserslautern is in summer.
Kaiserslautern Garden Show
The Kaiserslautern Garden Show opens its doors in the summer months. The large garden show is divided into thematically different areas, you will find examples of modern garden architecture as well as kitchen gardens, medicinal plant gardens and water gardens.
- Thematic areas: modern garden architecture, kitchen gardens, medicinal plant gardens, water gardens
- Seating areas and culinary highlights (brewery at the garden show)
Hohenecken Castle
If you are interested in the Middle Ages, a trip to the Hohenecken castle ruins is just the thing for you. Parts of the walls and the keep from past times of the so-called spur castle are still clearly visible, and you also get a breathtaking view of the forest and meadows.
- History: dates back to the 13th century
- Preserved parts: Walls, keep
- View: Forest and meadows
Lautr summer evenings
Every second Thursday, bands perform on a mobile stage in the city center of Kaiserslautern. You can expect evenings full of dancing and music, for example from DJ DIDI, who blasts electric sound through the speakers.
- Event: Lautrer Summer Evenings
- Date: 13.06. – 22.08.
- Activities: Dance, music, gastronomy
Enjoy this unique summer event, and if you need a break from dancing, just head to one of the nearby restaurants for a drink and something to eat.
#4 Summer tips for Leipzig
Richard Wagner is said to have once said: “The summer in Leipzig is unforgettable for me. I lived like in paradise.” You’re right, Richard! That’s how exciting the most beautiful time of year is in the trade fair city:
Leipzig New Lake District
The Leipzig New Lakeland was created from former lignite mining areas and invites you to enjoy wonderful excursions. You have a choice of different lakes, each with its own unique atmosphere – some are natural, others are perfect for sports enthusiasts:
These lakes are in your area:
- Markkleeberger See (7 km away | with canoe park, also ideal for sailing)
- Lake Cospuden (8 km away | very popular lake with a beach feeling)
- Lake Zwenkau (14 km, geared towards water sports, somewhat snobby surroundings, but still great)
You should definitely explore the lakes by bike, as there are cycle paths around the lakes, with viewpoints, bathing spots, snack bars, restaurants and … oh, get on your bike and experience it for yourself!
International Bach Competition
Leipzig is known as the city of Bach, which has to do with the fact that the composer lived and worked here for 27 years. So it’s no wonder that Johann Sebastian gets his own competition here.
- Date: 16-27.07.
- Musical fireworks in a class of their own (violin, piano, voice & ensembles)
- Performers dedicate themselves to various pieces by the artist
- New sound highlights that you should not miss out on
Highfield Festival
When the sun pops, it’s time again: three days awake at Highfield on Lake Störmthal. Get ready for a line-up in a class of its own:
- Alligatoah
- Peter Fox
- Trettmann
- Rise Against
- Cro
Any more questions? Nope? Very good. Then grab a tent and a sun hat (ultra-important, as there’s no shade!) and plenty of drinks of your choice to bathe in high spirits and the finest music at Highfield.
#5 summer tips for Nuremberg
The historic city of crafts and trade fairs has a multitude of summer highlights to offer. Our selection is the perfect mix of a diverse range of events.
Stadium Park Open-Air
Finch’s concerts are already sold out. But that doesn’t matter, because there are still tickets available for:
- Status Quo + Spider Murphy Gang,
- Wincent Weiss and
- Save The Core.
Easily accessible and surrounded by greenery, the Stadionpark Open Air is perfect for summer vibes in Franconia.
Wakeboarding on Lake Brombach
The large reservoir is a good hour’s train ride from Nuremberg and takes around 50 minutes by car. The journey is worth it! You can hire wakeboards in the wonderful natural surroundings and have fun at the facility.
You have the choice between
- the simple practice facility,
- a 600-metre-long full-size cable and
- a facility for advanced riders.
In the evening, you can relax at the beach bar sipping cocktails after a great day.
Nicolaus Copernicus Planetarium
Blue skies and sunshine in summer are all well and good. But it’s really exciting to discover our starry tent in the large planetarium. In Bavaria’s largest star theater, you can explore stars, moons, planets and entire galaxies. There are also fascinating events that will leave you with unforgettable memories.
These events take place in summer (selection):
- Time travel – from the Big Bang to mankind (13.07.)
- The current starry sky over Nuremberg (31.07.)
- Expedition into the solar system (15.08.)
Look beyond the proverbial horizon and spend at least part of the summer in space, in the most fascinating place of all.
More articles in our blog
Fancy more excursions and trips? Then read our popular articles on the topic now!
We wish you a great summer with lots of sun, good vibes and wonderful experiences.
Ahoy and see you soon,
Your Staytoo team
You are sitting in front of the white screen of your laptop.
The text program is open, but empty.
Because you have no idea what the hell you’re supposed to write in there.
You were motivated and resolved to finally finish the cover letter for your application.
But then you have doubts that slow you down.
- Do you still need a cover letter these days?
- And what the hell belongs in it?
- Won’t I just get lost in the crowd with my text?
Such thoughts drag you down.
It doesn’t help that you’ve heard a million times from relatives and read in clever articles that applications have to be individual.
That’s all well and good, but an individual approach takes up a lot of time, which you don’t have between the lecture hall and your part-time job.
Is there a better way?
Yes! 😊
We’ll show you smart ways to apply correctly, have fun doing it and significantly increase your chances of landing your dream job!
A brief overview: These are the basics
A classic application contains the following basics:
- Cover letter
- Curriculum Vitae
- References / Certificates
That’s all it is.
But the devil is in the detail. Every company has different expectations when it comes to applications.
That’s why the most important tip before you do anything is to find out about the requirements for applications from your chosen company.
Many companies have career pages on their websites where you can find all the essentials, or at least the contact details of a contact person you can get in touch with.
You should definitely ask for this information. Knowing what your potential employer specifically expects from you will give you security and save you a lot of work when preparing your application.
Only then should you move on to step two: the cover letter.
How to write a banging cover letter
The most important thing about a strong cover letter is that you avoid boredom. Memorize these three “u “s and declare them your absolute no-gos from now on.
Print them out, make wall tattoos of them, whatever helps you to remember them.
It has to get into your head that cover letters should never, never, never be
- impersonal,
- uninteresting or
- unoriginal.
Nowadays, the cover letter is the most important component of an application. This is due to the attitude of many employers in these times of skills shortages. They believe that motivation, drive and willingness to learn are much more important than grades or which university you attended.
The cover letter gives you the chance to express precisely these qualities. But this is precisely what many young professionals who have to write cover letters find difficult. They feel the pressure, they lack experience and not all of them are born copywriters.
Here’s the good news: you don’t have to be! Use AI tools to formulate killer cover letters. You should use AI tools to create your application in general, e.g. in our 10 creative tips further down in the article.
ChatGPT, for example, can really help with creative text drafts. But be careful: remember the three “u “s? You have to avoid them with ChatGPT as well, otherwise you’ll only get generic stuff (also called grits by us 🍮).
So tell ChatGPT what you want with a specific prompt.
Bad prompt:
Write me a cover letter for a job in marketing.
Good prompt:
Provide me with examples of strong, specific, powerful cover letters for marketing job applications.
You will then receive a wealth of examples and suggestions that you can refine and use as a starting point for your customized cover letter. The good thing about this prompt is that you comply with data protection regulations because you do not mention any company names or names of individuals.
The cover letter is the most time-consuming and most important part of a classic application. Of course, your CV should also be neatly written and your supporting documents (references, certificates) should be complete, but unlike the cover letter, this is a one-off job and you don’t have to redo these documents every time you apply.
So much for the traditional application and cover letter.
But hey, we live in 2024.
Aren’t there smarter ways to apply?
Of course there are!
Application yes, but original! 8 creative ways
Stand out from the crowd with these 7 creative applications. This is the single most important reason why you should be imaginative in your application.
Let’s get started!
#1 Create an application video
You have everything you need in your pocket to shoot a cool job application video – even inexpensive smartphones that have come onto the market in recent years have good to very good camera quality. The old bastard writing this article for you could only have dreamed of this over ten years ago when he was applying for jobs after university!
You can easily produce videos in HD or UHD quality with your smartphone. That’s quite enough. However, the microphones on most smartphones are shitty. We recommend upgrading here: Bluetooth microphones for video recording are available from Amazon for less than 15 euros. You won’t be able to record studio songs with these, but the audio quality will improve significantly. Plus, it just looks cool and influencer-like to wear one of these visibly on your shirt or blouse. 🤭
And what goes into a video like this? Above all, it has to be short, under a minute is ideal, even better under 30 seconds.
Use the video as a pitch. Tell why you are perfect for the job, what experience you have in the field and what you would like to tackle on your first day at the new company.
An application video has the strong advantage of being personal. The decision-makers at the company can see your facial expressions and gestures, hear your voice and get a first impression of you. So make sure you wear clean clothes, as you would in a job interview, and that the lighting is good, so that you are neither too bright nor too dark.
Yes, it’s all work, but you know what? This is precisely why you stand out, because the majority of applicants are not prepared to invest this work in an application video. So seize the opportunity!
#2 Create an application website
Nowadays, websites can be built in a weekend, and with a little practice it can be done even faster. There are two options that make sense for students on a budget:
- WordPress (open source system)
- Website builders (Wix, Jimdo, Squarespace etc.)
We recommend website builders because they are much easier to use than WordPress and because the leading providers offer attractive student discounts (Wix, for example, 50%). With the cheapest tariffs, that’s a few euros a month that you should definitely invest.
Because website builders allow you to use stylish professional templates for your application website that work flawlessly right from the start.
In just a few hours, you can create a professional online presence that will make you stand out to your potential employer. The providers ensure a smooth technical process, whereas with WordPress you often have difficulties with jumbled plugins … oh, trust us and just use a modular system, okay? 😉
Remember to include a link to your website in your application to the employer so that you can be found.
#3 Create a puzzle
People love puzzles.
Okay, not everyone, but most of us like to puzzle, whether it’s old-school Sudoku or gaming on a smartphone, PC & co. From simple word puzzles to complex mazes, there are no limits to your creativity.
Your puzzles should
- be related to your job or industry,
- be challenging, but not too difficult,
- emphasize your skills and
- be visually well designed.
Of course, your puzzles should also be solvable. If this seems like a no-brainer to you now, you’re absolutely right, but some people come up with the strangest ideas… 🤭
You can also use AI tools like ChatGPT to create puzzles. Theoretically, anyone can do this, but who is crazy enough to actually do it in an application?
So go for it.
#4 Develop a mini-game or an app
A mini-game or an app is even more ingenious than a puzzle, but also more complex. This tip is therefore particularly suitable for those of you with programming experience.
Meanwhile, there are also ways to program without code, but this is a topic that requires time, and you don’t have that if you want to create high-quality applications at the end of your studies.
These are fresh ideas for a mini-game:
- Quiz App
- Endless runner game (avoid obstacles, jump, collect rewards)
- To-do lists with rewards
And these are great helpful apps:
- Social media analysis tool
- Time management app
- Notes app with special features (e.g. handwriting recognition)
As I said, developing a mini-game or an app is a fine art, but that’s exactly why it’s so interesting and convincing for an application.
#5 Suggest improvements
If implemented correctly, this is an extremely effective and impressive way to land your dream job.
And it works like this: You specifically look for weak points that you notice as an outsider at your dream company. These could be, for example, spelling or forwarding errors on the company’s website that you have noticed. Pointing out such errors shows that you can work conscientiously and accurately, which is required in many jobs.
It doesn’t always have to be mistakes that you point out. For example, if you are applying for a job in marketing, you could share suggestions on how to better implement social media campaigns. Perhaps you also know of channels that the company is not yet using or is using insufficiently. Create a mini-concept for this and submit it as an application.
But be careful, it can backfire if your criticism seems to come from above. Always remain friendly and respectful in your explanations, and you should always refer to your ideas as suggestions or approaches. Ultimately, it is up to the company to decide whether or not to accept your suggestions.
#6 Use the audio application
Applications via voice message are booming. For example, companies send you questions that you can conveniently answer with voice messages. Or you can instruct your voice assistant to start the audio application process with a simple voice command – if you have a voice assistant.
Companies that offer this want to make it as easy as possible for applicants. Often both sides, employers and employees, are happy about this because it eliminates the time-consuming cover letter. What’s more, voice messages are more personal than text and far less time-consuming than producing application videos.
Nevertheless, there are a few things you should bear in mind:
- Use a good microphone, upgrade if necessary
- Speak in a quiet environment without distracting background noise
- Avoid filler sounds such as “um”, “ooh”, “uh” and clearing your throat
- Keep it short
- Write down what you want to say
Also practice out loud several times before recording and sending the voice messages. Voice messages for a job application should not be confused with the everyday chatter that we send back and forth via WhatsApp. The recordings must come across as serious, professional and clear, then you have the best chance of success.
#7 Write a story
Do you enjoy writing?
Then put your talent to good use and create an exciting story that captivates the reader.
How about the story of your own application that ultimately leads to you getting the job and achieving success for your dream company? The story can and should definitely come across as relaxed, with a pinch of humor and surprising twists. So it’s about entertainment, a bit like coming up with an exciting story for Netflix.
If the story is well written, you’ll make an impression. And by the way, storytelling is an important skill, especially in PR work, but also in product development and employee management.
Strong stories boost sales, motivate employees and attract investors. So your storytelling talent makes you even more valuable to the company.
#8 Send merch
The idea is so absurd and funny that it’s genius again: send your personalized merchandise to companies to draw attention to yourself.
Here are a few ideas of what you can now create yourself cheaply, quickly and with an individual design:
- T-shirts
- Stickers
- Mugs and cups
- USB sticks
- mouse pads
- Key rings
- Calenders
Design tools such as Canva or NetSuite can help you with this. However, you should use the merch very discreetly. Imagine sending 500 unsolicited mouse pads to a company that nobody there needs. This is not only spammy, but also anything but sustainable. In the worst case scenario, you will attract negative attention from the company.
Merch should be used discreetly; it’s about the gesture, not the product itself. You can also cleverly combine different ideas, such as sending your video application on a USB stick with your logo or photo. However, you should definitely announce this in advance by email and be aware that IT will check your USB stick.
Apply passively: Let yourself be found!
You also take on a passive role and have to wait for companies to get in touch with you. And then it is far from certain that these are companies that suit you.
Our conclusion: The passive application is a nice-to-have that you can use. However, you should not rely on it alone, but always keep the sceptre in your own hands by actively approaching your desired companies with applications.
More articles in our blog
Are you ready to get started in the world of work? We have more super handy articles for you to help you find your dream job!
Read on right now:
We wish you lots of success and fun with your application, because never forget: the journey is the reward. And if your application is creative, you’ll end up at a cool company.
All the best and ahoy!
Your Staytoo team
Every year, 300,000 tons of garbage end up on Germany’s streets and in parks.
300,000 tons.
300,000 tons, that’s for example:
- 30 Eiffel Towers
- 7.500 trucks or
- 50.000 elephants
That’s an incredible amount.
And you know what it’s like when you’re looking forward to a nice afternoon in the park: you want to make yourself comfortable on a meadow and study there.
As soon as you arrive at the park, you see strange things … dog excrement, used toilet paper, syringe needles, sanitary towels … objects that definitely don’t belong there.
Empty drinks cans and ketchup-smeared paper plates, which you also discover on the meadow, are the least of it. Believe it or not, we even found a goat’s foot in the park. 🙀
You feel like your lunch is about to come up.
Frustrated and with a queasy stomach, you decide to go back home and study within your own four walls.
Unfortunately, many people are like you.
Here’s the good news: you don’t have to put up with the disgusting state of affairs out there, nobody does. Because we can all do something about the garbage in our cities.
This is what happens when garbage is left lying around for too long
Garbage causes a lot of problems, whether in Berlin, Munich, Hamburg, Cologne … garbage lying around is simply mega rubbish, always.
Garbage lying around
- destroys the appearance of a clean, well-kept, liveable city,
- attracts pests such as rats and mice, which can transmit diseases,
- pollutes soils and water sources with harmful substances,
- endangers children and pets at play (e.g. through broken glass) and
- drags down the people who have to live in such an environment.
We say no to garbage lying around and want to do our bit, so on World Environment Day it was time for us to grab our garbage bags and clean up!
Want to find out more about the background to our campaign? Then read on now!
Why the campaign is important to us
We made a small contribution with the clean-up campaign on June 5.
Local authorities, public order offices, cleaning companies – they are all also fighting against waste in our environment. The problem: these institutions reach their limits every day, there is simply too much garbage that is carelessly thrown away.
That’s why we wanted to set an example on World Environment Day as the Staytoo family by getting involved. We set off in the morning, our team grabbed the bin tongs and bags to go on a litter hunt in Berlin’s Viktoriapark.
Plastic bags, disposable cups, cigarette butts, bottles, cardboard boxes – the garbage had many faces on this day. None of it was pretty, but no matter! After all, we were there to remove the garbage from the park.
We would never have guessed that it was so much fun. Let the pictures speak for themselves.
So we had fun that day, were out and about a lot and wanted to set an example. Going out and picking up garbage yourself has so many positive effects that it’s always worthwhile, not just on World Environment Day.
Help the environment: Picking up litter makes your surroundings more liveable, healthier and more beautiful, not only for yourself but also for your fellow human beings, who will thank you for it.
Be a role model: Tackling things yourself and setting a good example sets an example. Other people will be inspired and motivated to do something good too. Personal initiative shows that it can be done! Inhibitions to get involved can be lowered in this way.
A sense of responsibility: When you pick up litter, you show that you care about what happens around you. It feels good to take responsibility and to realize that you have a positive influence on your environment.
Personal development: Parties and trips are cool, but it is precisely the responsibility you take on during such activities that helps you to grow as a person and mature. This doesn’t necessarily have to be litter picking, you can also get involved in other ways, for example at an animal shelter or in community gardens. Either way, your character will benefit from it.
As you can see, there are plenty of good reasons to look after your environment. This starts on a small scale, for example if you see garbage lying around somewhere that you can pick up and throw in a garbage can.
However, please be careful and pay attention to hygiene, never touch broken glass of unknown origin or empty syringes! The safest way to dispose of waste is with waste tongs like the ones we used. You can buy them online for a few euros, or ask at your Staytoo house if you can borrow one.
Spread the word and take action yourself!
Do you like our campaign? Then tell your friends about it or, even better, start such a campaign yourself via social media!
How about a short reel on Insta and TikTok where you announce that you’re starting a similar cleanup in a nearby park? Publish the reel a few days before the actual event so that potential helpers can plan.
A little tip: Topics such as sustainability and environmental protection are particularly popular on X (formerly Twitter), where postings about such a campaign also fit in well.
If you start an appeal on social media and find out about it through us, we would of course appreciate a props in the form of a mention. 👍
What else you can do for the environment
Here are some more tips on how you can do your bit for the environment!
Produce less waste yourself: The good deed starts with yourself: Review your consumption habits and ask yourself how you can produce less waste in your everyday life. There are now sustainable alternatives for many disposable products (e.g. reusable coffee cups for on the go), instead of a plastic toothbrush you can use a wooden toothbrush in future, etc. You will see that this is a super exciting journey to discover new ways to save waste, e.g. via tutorials on YouTube.
Separate waste: Unfortunately, a big problem nowadays is still that many people don’t separate their waste. Not cool. But it’s not that difficult if you use three small garbage cans or bin liners and empty them regularly into the right garbage cans. Make sure you also use the recycling centers to dispose of these materials and also take empty batteries and electronic waste to the appropriate collection points.
Support and educate associations: Become a member of associations such as the BDE (Bundesverband der Deutschen Entsorgungs-, Wasser- und Kreislaufwirtschaft e.V.) and find out about the topic through local offers such as the BSR-Abfall-ABC in Berlin.
Over time, you will become a real professional and be able to pass on your valuable knowledge about waste separation, disposal and recycling. The better and more experienced you become, the more useful it can also be to give workshops on the subject, for example at your university.
More articles in our blog
Have you got the urge to do something good for yourself and the environment? Then we have even more tips for you that you’ll love:
And now let’s get to the garbage tongs! 😉
We hope we’ve been able to inspire you to do more for the environment. Feel free to contact us in your Staytoo house about such campaigns, we are happy to plan nice campaigns together with you residents.
With this in mind … stay and keep your environment clean!
Ahoy and see you soon,
Your Staytoo team
Your studies are coming to an end and the next stage is already waiting: working life! But where on earth should you start working? After all, there is a huge range of small and large companies that will overwhelm you.
The agony of choice starts with the question of whether a small or large company is right for you?
Are you in good hands in a start-up or a corporation? Or somewhere in between?
You feel lost, and everyone you know tells you something different.
Friends who work in start-ups tell you horror stories of overtime, weekend shifts and creepy bosses who say something about “we’re all family”, while your friends can barely make ends meet on their meagre salaries.
Corporate employees don’t seem to fare any better: Although they have a good salary, they complain about long decision-making processes, rigid structures and mind-numbing, monotonous days.
So you ask yourself: what should I do?
Don’t despair under any circumstances.
We’ll help you with our two golden tips and explain the pros and cons of working in a start-up and in a large company!
Tip #1: You can always change your mind – but do it with style
Perhaps it will help you to remember that you are not making a decision for eternity. This sounds banal, but we often forget this when we have to decide for or against something.
Decisions are rarely final, not even whether you work in a start-up or a corporation, in other words: you can change your mind if you realize that you don’t feel comfortable in your job.
Of course, you should adhere to your employment contract and observe the relevant notice periods.
It’s also not cool to leave an employment relationship at the drop of a hat and leave your employer with a bunch of open projects. Word gets around quickly, which is why you should carry out a change of employer cleanly, i.e. fairly and transparently.
This includes informing your employer in good time about your move to another company. They will thank you for it because it will give them enough time to find a successor for you.
You should also always arrange a handover to a colleague or your successor so that no information is lost and the company can continue to operate seamlessly after your departure. This kind of behavior is legitimate and is good practice in both small and large companies.
If you take this to heart, you can switch from a start-up to a corporation and vice versa – no one will hold it against you if you are fair and honest. And this attitude is incredibly relaxing, isn’t it?
By the way: these days, it’s completely normal to move back and forth between smaller and larger companies over the course of your working life. So relax when you realize that you want to change – you’re far from alone!
Tip #2: Just try it out
By the time you start your career, you will have gained experience in the world of work, for example through part-time jobs and internships. But you won’t know what it’s really like until you’ve been working in a company for several days, weeks, months or even years.
So there is no way around trying things out. Look on the bright side: you are embarking on an exciting journey where you will gain a lot of experience and find out what you like and what you don’t like.
With this perspective, not an hour of work is wasted, not even in a company where you didn’t feel comfortable, because this stage in your life helps you to find out where you really belong.
So trying out jobs is always a good idea, even if you realize after a while that you want to change jobs.
But maybe things will turn out differently and you’ll feel right at home with your employer straight away. This can always happen, and it doesn’t matter whether it’s a start-up or a larger company. The company has to suit you, that’s the key. In our article on this topic, you can find out how to find your ideal employer.
Start-ups: advantages and disadvantages
There are over 70,000 start-ups in Germany that create jobs. But what is it like to work in one of these hip small companies?
We show you the pros and cons.
Advantages of start-ups
Let’s start with the good things about being an employee in a start-up.
High responsibility
In a start-up, a few shoulders usually carry a lot of responsibility. This simply has to do with the fact that a start-up does not have the staffing levels of a large company.
So realize that you will have responsibility for important company processes after a short induction or even during it. If you enjoy it and you are someone others can rely on, it will feel exciting and fulfilling for you.
Broad range of tasks
The high level of responsibility also comes with a wide range of tasks: writing emails, organizing meetings, communicating with customers, processing returns … depending on the area in the company, you will be responsible for a variety of tasks, and sometimes you may even jump into areas outside your field if a colleague is ill or on vacation. This will allow you to think outside the box and massively expand your skills.
Flat hierarchies
In a start-up, a direct line to the boss is the rule, not the exception. There are rarely intermediary superiors, and if there are, you will have to work together as equals to manage the workload. A start-up can only survive on the market if it is as efficient as possible; steep hierarchies are simply a hindrance.
Insights into entrepreneurship
By immersing yourself in a wide variety of areas, you get to know the start-up from the inside out. You often get an insight into the figures and sales targets. You will also get to know the founders’ working methods and how they deal with entrepreneurial challenges. All of this will significantly boost your self-employment.
Disadvantages of start-ups
Start-ups like to present themselves as cool and laid-back, on first-name terms with the boss and all that.
But there are also downsides …
High risk / uncertainty
Working in a start-up always means uncertainty. A business model that works today may be gone tomorrow.
Or a competitor overtakes you and dominates the market.
Or the investors might jump ship.
Or, or, or, or …
The uncertainties are high in a start-up, which is why your job is insecure. Added to this is the lack of statutory protection against dismissal for companies with fewer than ten employees.
High workload
Many tasks also mean that work in a start-up never stops. Even though there are many companies that try to avoid overtime for their employees, this will happen from time to time.
It simply doesn’t fit in with the hands-on mentality of start-ups to drop the pen at 5 p.m. on the dot and sign out on the time clock.
Instead, it is appreciated and expected that you as an employee give 110% every day and go the extra mile. However, this can be quite stressful in the long run and can upset your work-life balance, at least for a while.
But: hard work also helps you progress really quickly and broadens your horizons. You are young and can still really step on the gas, which will set the course for your career. So it’s not bad per se to pinch your cheeks together and work a lot – it just shouldn’t become a permanent state for months or years on end, as that wouldn’t be good for your health and motivation.
Limited budget
Large companies often have budgets in the five or even six-figure range – sometimes even more.
Start-ups can only dream of this; they have to cut corners at every turn in order to keep the money they have painstakingly acquired together through equity, crowdfunding, investors, etc. In practice, this means that you are initially unable to implement many things that would require considerable funds, which can be frustrating.
Not very representative
No one outside the start-up scene will know most start-ups. You won’t be able to score big points with them either on your CV or at a party interview. So if you’re looking for a job to flex your muscles, a start-up might not be the right choice.
Large companies: Advantages and disadvantages
A big salary, a company car, a stellar career – that’s what many companies promise.
But what does it really look like behind the scenes?
We show you the pros and cons of working in a corporation.
Advantages of large companies
The big players on the labor market are attractive to many employees. We’ll tell you why.
Economic stability
Large companies such as corporations are usually firmly established in the world of work. They have grown over many decades and successfully cultivate their field of business. Accordingly, they can offer their employees stability and security. Thanks to their own HR department, salaries are paid on time and everything is taken care of, from vacations to sabbaticals.
Clear career paths
Careers in large companies are clearly mapped out, from entry level to department head, the steps of the career ladder are clearly visible. However, it can take many years to reach them, during which you have to be diligent and committed.
Regulated working hours
In large companies, the classic 9-to-5 jobs are commonplace. You start on time in the morning and go home on time. Sure, every now and then there’s a project where you have to work hard, but otherwise you can rely on regular working hours and a predictable work-life balance.
Generous budget
Marketing can be really fun in a large company. Why? Because you can produce image films, run advertisements on social media and have high-quality posters printed for trade fairs. Everything costs money, of course, but this is often more readily available in larger companies than in start-ups, so you can really make a difference. That makes you happy.
High reputation
Large companies are rooted in their region and far beyond. Many of them have international locations and enjoy a good reputation. This will give you something exciting to talk about at parties and a great place on your CV if you ever want to apply elsewhere.
Disadvantages of large companies
Large companies are often said to be as sluggish as a tanker. Find out whether this is true and what other disadvantages there are in corporations.
Long decision-making processes (bureaucracy)
Before measure X, Y is implemented, the supervisor, the head of department, the intern and the boss himself have to look over your plan, which you have worked out in detail and in painstaking detail. Otherwise your idea wouldn’t have made it to the top in the first place.
The only problem is that half of the decision-makers are on vacation, sick or on a business trip. So your action plan is left to languish for weeks or even months.
These and similar experiences are extremely annoying, but are often part and parcel of large companies in Germany. The bureaucracy sometimes also comes about because entire departments inefficiently circle around problems instead of solving them quickly.
At most, you will meet many colleagues in the hallway with a nod of the head and a quick hello every now and then. However, you won’t have much or anything to do with most of them.
Your contacts are usually limited to the team you work in. And even there, your colleagues will be busy with their own, separate projects.
So a corporation works a bit like a big city: lots of people come together, but everyone does their own thing, which is why anonymity is high.
Few design options
In a large company, you have a clearly defined area of responsibility – then nothing happens for a long time. You want to get a taste of another area of responsibility? That has to be approved first.
Are you interested in another project? Even then you have to explain to the boss why, why, why. And even if you can convince him, it’s still not a given that you’ll expand your creative scope. Remember disadvantage #1, all the red tape?
OK, I now have an overview – and now what?
Jump straight to tip #2 in our article: Try it out! Think a start-up is cool? Then apply for a trial job there!
Would you rather get a taste of a corporate group? Do a trainee program that is limited in time and then decide whether you want to stay there or not.
What we’re trying to say is that structures today are nowhere near as rigid as they used to be. Have the courage to enter into different working relationships and also have the courage to say no to a company if it doesn’t suit you (anymore).
There are various paths open to you, which can also be cleverly combined: an internship in a start-up or in a larger company, where you can gain new experience in your first few years and switch when you feel like it.
Perhaps you will have gained enough experience by then that you want to start your own business? Here you can find out how to get started with self-employment during your studies.
It’s always about finding your own path. And that works best through experience: learning, adjusting, learning, adjusting. Some people find their dream job straight away, for others it takes longer. So what? The important thing is that you keep moving, then nothing stands in the way of a successful career.
More articles in our blog
Want even more articles to help you get ahead? Then check out these guides on our blog:
Do your thing and don’t let anyone talk you into it. Listen to the experiences of others, but ultimately only you will be able to find what suits you. And you will if you work hard and keep your eyes open.
We wish you all the best!
Ahoy and good luck rolling up your sleeves,
Your Staytoo team
“So, what do you want to do after your studies?”
Do you also feel overwhelmed when Uncle Albert asks you this question at the family birthday party?
There are so many options out there, so much you can do. But what suits you?
You know one thing for sure: you don’t just want to work somewhere to earn money.
Sure, money is part of life.
But the essential question you should ask yourself is: Is this job a good fit for my life?
Other questions follow:
- Does the work there fulfill me?
- Does this company have a mission and values that are important to me?
- Are there opportunities for advancement, the option to work from home and other benefits?
You want to know these things before you decide on an employer.
There’s a big but: these days, every company can write great-sounding job advertisements and mission statements. And reviews on Glassdoor or kununu can be faked.
You know that, and that’s what drives you to despair.
Because how can you separate the wheat from the chaff?
With our tips and tricks.
Ensure clarity: What do I want?
To find the right employer, you first need to get to know yourself and find out what is important to you.
People are very different. Some people want to have a career and flex with lots of money, others want as much time as possible for themselves or for childcare. Still others value a cool team where work is fun.
In most cases, it is a mixture of different needs that employees value in their desired employer.
Sit down in a quiet minute and write down what is important to you personally with your employer. Don’t think about it, just write down everything that comes to mind. That’s what I did and it gave me a lot of clarity.
Sometimes it’s difficult to figure out on your own what is important to you in a suitable employer. Then ask relatives and friends what they think of you. The perspective of people who know you well helps you to find out what is really important to you.
- Extra tip: Visit the BiZ, the careers information center in your city. Competent people there will help you find suitable professions for you.
We also recommend that you take a personality test to find out about your strengths and talents.
These are popular and helpful personality tests:
Gallup’s personality test is the most complex and costs money, but in our experience it also offers you the most comprehensive and differentiated profile of your skills and character traits.
The 65 euros are a considerable outlay, but consider the test an investment in your future. In all likelihood, the test will lead you to the jobs that really suit you, so that you avoid bitter mistakes in your career choice.
The other two tests will help you to get to know yourself better, but are much more superficial. We recommend that you use them as an introduction or supplement.
Incidentally, support and advice from a career coach is better than any online test.
Let yourself be coached
Coaches – aren’t they the guys who stand on stage in skinny jeans, white sneakers and too-tight T-shirts and shout calendar slogans into the audience?
Yes, they exist too. And there are serious career coaches who may not reach an audience of millions on YouTube, but who will help you find suitable employers.
During the interview, the career coach will help you to identify your strengths and weaknesses, your likes and dislikes.
Based on this, the next step is to draw up a plan with you on how you can not only find your dream employer, but also convince them of you. Good career coaches know exactly what to include in an application these days and how to master an assessment.
A coach will also recognize key skills that they will work with you to develop, for example soft skills such as public speaking, body language, time management, etc.
What does a reputable career coach look for?
- References: What learning and work stages has the coach been through that qualify them?
- Testimonials: Are there credible recommendations from clients on the coach’s website?
- Gut feeling: Do you have a good feeling about your contact with the coach, e.g. in emails and phone calls?
These pointers will help you in your search for a suitable career coach.
The next step is to get a taste of the world of work.
Do an internship
You’ve probably heard the term Generation Internship. It used to refer to young people who shuffled from internship to internship in the hope that this method would eventually lead to a good job.
Fortunately, the labor market has changed dramatically. There is still a shortage of skilled workers in Germany and employees are desperately needed, for example in the railroad, catering and manufacturing industries (chemicals, etc.).
Many employers are now open to career changers, in other words: in addition to professional qualifications, what matters nowadays is whether you are a committed, inquisitive employee.
This closes the circle: if you find the right employer for you, you are committed and motivated, which means the employer is satisfied with your work performance – a classic win-win situation.
That’s why the reputation of internships is much better today than it was ten or twenty years ago: It helps both sides, you and the employer, to find out if you’re a good fit for each other.
In addition, it is now much easier to be offered an attractive position after an internship. High-performing, committed employees are hard to find, and those who perform well during their internship have good prospects of finding an attractive job.
In our article on internships, you can find out what you should bear in mind when looking for an internship.
Extra tip: Don’t fancy a month-long internship to find out whether an employer is right for you? Then how about a trial working day? Suggest such a trial day to the employer and find out on this day whether you are a good fit for the company and vice versa.
Talk to (ex-)employees
Who knows more about a company than the people who work or have worked there?
Get to know the company and its employees at networking events such as trade fairs and talk to them. This will give you an idea of what it’s like to work for this employer.
Of course, it is particularly exciting if you can also talk to former employees who will tell you the pros and cons of the job in an unembellished and honest way.
But be careful, especially with ex-employees who only speak badly about the company. There are often personal or emotional stories behind this that are not very objective. You should therefore speak to several (ex-)employees to get a differentiated impression.
Be prepared for compromises
Finding the perfect employer where everything is right straight away is like the proverbial search for a needle in a haystack.
Especially at the beginning of your career, you should be willing to compromise, because you don’t get anything for free.
Some advantages have to be earned through hard work and reliability. Many employers will first put you to the test (probationary period) to find out whether you are an employee they can rely on.
If you can prove this to them, later negotiations on topics such as working from home, flexible working hours, new work equipment, etc. will be much easier. So be prepared to make compromises with an attractive employer if everything else is right.
Start your own business
Become your own boss and start your own business. This way, you can create the job you want with the clients that suit you. In many areas of self-employment, you can work from home or on the road, whether during the day or at night is also up to you.
This applies, for example, to areas such as web development, design, copywriting, etc. In most cases, however, you will have certain core working hours, just like in a regular job, which has to do with the fact that you work for clients who are available during the day.
Caution: Self-employment may sound tempting, but it is a challenge. So that you don’t start out naive, but well prepared, we recommend our article on self-employment. It gives you solid tips on how to become self-employed while studying and why this is absolutely the best time.
More articles in our blog
Are you already rolling up your sleeves and scouring the web for suitable jobs for you? Then be sure to read these articles in our blog to be even better prepared for your search:
Ready for takeoff?
We wish you every success in finding the right employer for you!
Ahoy and toi, toi, toi
Your Staytoo team
In the last few weeks, you’ve pulled out your debit card a thousand times to pay for your purchases.
The new shoes, the delicious cocktails in the bar and, of course, folders, writing pads and specialist literature for the new semester: everything cost money.
Now you’re holding your smartphone in your hand, nervously tapping your banking app with your thumb.
At any moment, you’ll find out how your account is doing. You are preoccupied with a question that has kept you awake for several nights: What does the account balance look like?
You’re shocked when the app shows you the hard truth: you’re in the red again.
Are you fed up with it?
Do you want to stop living from hand to mouth and finally get your finances under control?
You will – with these 5 top financial apps!
#1 Haushaltsbuch: Free app for your budget overview
The first and most important step in dealing with finances is to get an overview.
Where does your money go? And how do you make sure that as little of it as possible disappears somewhere? Haushaltsbuch offers you a cool and easy way to do this by allowing you to enter your income and expenditure in seconds and structure them with labels.
The switch between different time periods allows you to monitor the development of your finances in the short, medium and long term. You can also create tags such as cinema so that you can immediately assign each expense or income.
Extra tip: Create photos of receipts for expenses that you can deduct in your tax return. You can attach these receipts directly to the respective expense in the app.
Using Haushaltsbuch is very intuitive and is attractively presented with bar charts and pie charts. Dry financial planning is now a thing of the past!
#2 Karma: voucher app for top deals
Do you know what the best way to save money is? By not spending it in the first place. And you don’t even have to make a big sacrifice if you use coupons and discounts. This app will help you.
Karma is a free browser extension that requires Google’s Chrome browser, which is also free. The app informs you about discounts and coupons for products that you add to your shopping list, for example, or browses online stores in real time to find the best prices for your desired items.
Another smart feature: every purchase you make via Karma earns you Cash Rewards, which you can use to continue shopping. Your wallet will thank you and you can still afford great clothes etc. We think that’s pretty lit.
#3: WISO Steuer: Your helper for your tax return
Wondering why you need a tax tool? After all, as a student you are not obliged to complete a tax return. But we strongly advise you to do it anyway, because: The law gives you the opportunity to get a refund for the costs of your studies as soon as you start your professional life. You can find out exactly how this works in our article on tax returns.
WISO Steuer made the difficult process simple: preparing a tax return with an easy-to-understand walkthrough. Screenshot: WISO STEUER
This means you can get back hundreds or even thousands of euros, depending on the extent of your expenses, that you invested in textbooks, laptop purchases etc. during your studies.
Have you now got the urge to prepare your tax return?
Then be sure to check out WISO Steuer, it’s child’s play: with this app you can do your tax return intuitively, because let’s be honest … the tax forms from the tax office aren’t exactly cool, in some places they’re even really difficult to understand.
Practical and hugely time-saving: transferring your data from existing tax returns or files. Screenshot: WISO STEUER
WISO Steuer translates the forms to a certain extent by asking you specific, easy-to-understand questions. You answer them and WISO fills out the tax return for you in the right places. Although the tool costs money, it is worth every penny because it will save you time and spare your nerves.
#4: Monkee: Save money
Did you have a piggy bank in your home that filled up over time?
Bring back that nostalgic feeling and bring your piggy bank into the digital age with Monkee.
Enter in the app how much money you want to have saved by when – i.e. the amount you want to save. Monkee will then create a savings plan for you.
You can also create several savings plans, for example for a short trip or to buy a new smartphone. Practical, simple and straightforward – just the way we like it.
We’ve found that saving money this way finally works and, above all, effortlessly.
And it’s really satisfying when you can watch your account gradually fill up.
Another cool feature: the FutureBoost from Monkee. You can use the app to make purchases with well-known partners and receive a savings amount credited to your Monkee account.
All in all, a well-rounded solution and a great, motivating savings app.
#5 Too Good to Go: Eat delicious food for free
Save money and do something for sustainability: How does that sound? Too good to be true, right? Too Good to Go makes it possible: do something good for your wallet and pick up food that restaurants and cafés would otherwise throw away.
In most restaurants, bakeries etc., there is something left over at the end of the day that would just end up in the bin – unless you pick up the food.
Sometimes there are a few rolls and pieces of cake, but often complete meals. Some restaurants also give away great surprise bags, so you’ll discover new culinary delights – and all at super low prices, often in the single-digit euro range.
If you hop on your bike to pick up your food, you’ll also be doing a bit of exercise and doing something for your health.
Too Good To Go shows you all the restaurants in your area that are part of the sustainable network.
What are you waiting for?
#6 Finanzguru: The all-in-one giant
The developers describe their financial guru as a “digital financial assistant”. And that describes the app pretty accurately, because you can use it to manage your accounts.
The way it works is that you link your accounts to the app, and it’s easy to link multiple accounts such as current and savings accounts. You can also enter contracts such as insurance policies.
Want more features? Finanzguru calculates your disposable income in real time based on your account transactions, predicts future bookings based on existing contracts, analyzes your spending habits, makes suggestions for improvement and gives recommendations for hedging risks.
It is also reassuring to know that Finanzguru’s servers are located in Germany. With data as sensitive as your own finances, that’s a good thing.
The service is so successful that it made it onto the TV show Die Höhle der Löwen (The Lion’s Den), where it won a big deal. We also think the app is great and are therefore happy to recommend it to you.
More articles in our blog
Do you want to improve your finances and spice up your bank account? Then check out our ideas for cool student jobs, learn how to cook cheap and tasty meals and much more.
We wish you every success with your financial planning and can only advise you to tackle the issue. If you learn to control your income and expenditure now as a student, you will be able to manage your finances well later on. This will help you enormously in your working life and, of course, when you are planning a family.
With this in mind…
Ahoy and see you soon!
Your Staytoo team
Do you know the feeling?
Once again you’re desperately clicking through property portals, biting your nails and gasping for breath because you’re running out of time.
Something will turn up, you thought at the beginning of your search for a small apartment or a room in a shared flat.
You were motivated, after all, your application for a place at university was successful.
But now you realize the harsh reality of the housing market.
You’ve long since forgotten that anyone will reply to your application for an apartment or shared flat.
If you do get invited to a viewing, you’ll have to endure flat share castings in which you’ll be asked far too private questions by far too many strangers.
No more of that. We’ll introduce you to different types of housing and show you how smart student living works and what you get out of it. Small spoiler: lots of advantages!
Shared flat or own apartment: difficult and expensive
Generations before you, it was quite normal to move into a shared flat or your own apartment.
Both have become really difficult today. The best example of this is Berlin: in the early 2000s, apartments were literally thrown at you and you could move in anywhere quickly and easily for a pittance.
Over the years, however, Berlin has become a boomtown, with more and more people wanting to live in this cool, exciting city.
This is one of several reasons for the housing shortage; similar developments can also be observed in Leipzig, for example, which has been called “Hypezig” since 2010 for good reason. The influx is simply huge.
In short: in many German cities, demand on the housing market is significantly higher than supply. This is creating a housing shortage and a veritable battle for living space is raging.
For landlords of such apartments, this is of course a dream, because there will always be someone who will move in despite the horrendous rents. And that person usually gets the apartment.
But it’s not just the housing shortage that has led to an explosion in costs. Rising energy prices are also making one-room apartments and even shared apartments unaffordable for students. In some parts of Berlin, for example, a room in a shared flat costs over 1,000 euros a month.
Who is supposed to be able to afford that as a student?
Student accommodation as a solution?
Local student unions offer halls of residence. They are furnished, which saves you the cost of buying furniture. In addition, kitchens are standard in most halls of residence, but with a big but. More on this in a moment.
Oh yes: a DSL Internet flat rate, electricity and utilities are also included in the rent of a hall of residence these days.
Perfect, isn’t it?
Well, almost.
The disadvantage of living in a student hall of residence is that you have to apply for a place. Places in halls of residence are in high demand, which is why you may be rejected. And then? What do you do when the semester is coming up and your application for a place in a hall of residence hasn’t worked out?
That’s pure stress, which nobody needs.
And if you’ve managed to get a place? Then the next surprise awaits you: your flatmate.
Many halls of residence rent out rooms in shared flats where students are thrown together. This means, for example, that you and your new flatmate each have a lockable room, but you have to share common areas such as the bathroom and kitchen.
In other words, you live with a complete stranger from one day to the next. This can go well, but there are regular conflicts. The most frequent point of contention is cleanliness, but different ideas about sleeping and resting times, visitors, etc. are also not uncommon.
Another negative aspect of student residences is that you may not feel comfortable with the furnishings. The often cheap furniture is only replaced every few years, and the mattresses on the beds … well.
All in all, living in a student residence will be a big adjustment if you’re coming from a cozy, individualized home.
Luckily, there is a smart alternative for student living, the perfect mix of all living arrangements: the student apartment.
Student living the smart way
When students or prospective students look for an apartment, very few people think of apartments. After all, it sounds kind of outlandish and expensive.
Hey, to be honest: a student apartment is not the cheapest way to live as a student. But it is the best!
And for the following reasons:
- You have peace and quiet when you need it, for example when studying or when you want to stream your favorite series while lying on your bed in your pajamas.
- You can meet and chat with other residents at any time, for example in the common rooms – so you’ll never be lonely. Oh, and did we mention the regular parties in the community rooms? 😉
They look like this, for example:
- The student apartments are clean and tastefully, modern and furnished to a high standard so that you feel at home from the first day you move in. Of course, this also means that you have your own kitchen and bathroom.
- Everything is included in the rent – electricity, water, heating and internet. So like a hall of residence? Nope, there are a few really cool goodies, e.g. all Staytoo apartments have their own gym or a good connection to a gym nearby. So after university, you come home, do your sports session and can slip straight into your apartment to shower and relax.
- Our student apartments are not far away, so you have short distances and save a lot of time. They are also located in trendy city centers, e.g. in Berlin (Kreuzberg) or in Leipzig on the Karl-Liebknecht-Straße nightlife mile.
- You can get help and support from an on-site Residential Manager at any time. Is your heating broken? Let the Residential Manager know and they will get it fixed as quickly as possible. Want to know where you can go partying and which bars and clubs are particularly popular? The Residential Manager will be able to tell you that too, as they are your local contact. Of course, this also gives you safety.
To summarize: student apartments are an ingenious concept that combines the advantages of other forms of living without having to live with the disadvantages.
Want to see for yourself whether apartment living is for you? Then book a convenient and free viewing appointment in one of our Staytoo homes. We look forward to seeing you!
More articles in our blog
It’s not just living that needs to be learned: We have other great articles for you that are all about student living and will help you to make your everyday life easier, more beautiful and healthier:
Finally, we would like to say: We would be delighted to welcome you to one of our houses. If you live with us, you’ll have a great time enjoying your student life and concentrating fully on your studies at the same time.
What are you waiting for?
Get in touch with us or book a viewing appointment.
You’ll love it here, we promise.
Ahoy and see you soon
Your Staytoo team
It’s another one of those crappy days.
Your alarm goes off far too early and after snoozing for the third time, you finally roll out of bed.
Half asleep, you shuffle into the bathroom and stand in the shower like a zombie. Your movements to wash yourself are dull and sluggish.
You step out of the shower and watch yourself in the mirror with puffy eyes as you brush your teeth.
You listlessly put on whatever clothes you can get your hands on: wrinkled trousers, a smelly T-shirt.
Then you run off because you’re late again.
You arrive late at the lecture hall and everyone is staring at you.
Tired, hungry and nervous, you squeeze past your fellow students in the packed row of seats and sink powerlessly onto one of the few free chairs.
Your exhaustion remains, your brain seems to be in airplane mode all day.
No one is available at the moment.
In the evening, you drag yourself to bed, dissatisfied and totally exhausted.
Before you fall asleep, you ask yourself how the hell you’re going to manage the next day, which is going to be the same again.
Our answer: by taking your diet to a new level with brainfood!
It’s not about completely changing your diet, which would then resemble a menu from a boot camp.
It’s about brain foods that are inexpensive and taste really good.
Read through our personal brain food list now, based on our experiences as students and high performers at work!
Note: The following information is a personal recommendation and does not constitute health advice. We expressly point out that you should consult a doctor for nutritional advice.
Dark chocolate
Well, would you have thought that chocolate is one of the ultimate brain foods?
Caution: not every chocolate will get your brain working at full speed. The high cocoa content of at least 70% is important, preferably more. Cocoa contains flavonoids, which can promote blood flow to your brain.
Cocoa also lowers blood pressure, raises endorphin and serotonin levels (happy hormones, yay! 🥳) and has an anti-inflammatory effect thanks to antioxidants.
Tip: If you don’t like dark chocolate on its own as much as its whole milk siblings, we recommend grating it into your favorite yogurt so that its taste is no longer as dominant.
Wholemeal pasta & wholemeal bread
Even the Ludolf TV family knew how ingenious pasta is. His explanations are simply legendary:
However, most of us eat “white” pasta, i.e. egg pasta or pasta made from durum wheat semolina. Although they taste delicious, they only contain a lot of carbohydrates.
They give you a good energy boost shortly after eating, but after a short high, your energy levels will plummet faster than your grades would if you stopped studying overnight.
The reason for this is the blood sugar level: it rises sharply when you eat light-colored pasta, whereupon the body shoots lots of insulin to deal with it.
In the long term, this not only promotes obesity, this constant up and down unfortunately also increases the risk of diseases such as diabetes.
Here’s the good news: you can enjoy pasta without having to put up with these negative effects, with wholemeal pasta. This brown pasta is available in all the same varieties as your favorite pasta, i.e. spaghetti, penne, tagliatelle, etc.
Unlike their white flour counterparts, wholemeal pasta contains:
- More fiber
- More B vitamins (riboflavin, niacin, thiamine, etc.)
- More minerals (zinc, iron, magnesium)
This nutrient-rich combination ensures that your body receives more nutrients than with white pasta. Wholemeal pasta also keeps you fuller for longer thanks to the fiber.
Here’s another piece of good news: all this also applies to wholemeal bread.
After all, bread is also made from flour. The difference is that with wholemeal bread, the “whole” grain is processed, including the germ and bran. With white flour, which you know from toast, light-colored rolls, baguettes, etc., the germ and bran are removed, along with a number of valuable nutrients.
We therefore recommend that you only eat wholemeal pasta and bread. They taste just as good as their white flour counterparts, but are many times healthier.
Tip for wholemeal bread: Toast your slices of wholemeal bread. This develops delicious toasted aromas, making the bread taste even more delicious. It also makes it really crispy.
Salty peanuts are a must at any party. But you really can’t call them brain food.
But other nuts are real energy bombs.
These are the best brain food nuts:
- Walnuts
- Cashews
- Hazelnuts
- Almonds
- Pistachios
- Brazil nuts
What these nuts have in common is that they contain many good substances. Walnuts boast omega-3 fatty acids, while almonds and hazelnuts are rich in vitamin E. Cashews have protein on board, and Brazil nuts provide you with selenium, which is hard to get and so urgently needed by the body.
Of course, you’ve already figured it out: it’s particularly clever to combine different nuts into a nut mix. This not only gives you an incredible variety of flavors, but also a rich spectrum of nutrients. Exactly what we want from brain food!
Tip: Nuts are simply delicious as a topping on salads or pieces of cake. Definitely give them a try!
Fat fish
Yes, the trend in nutrition these days is clearly towards vegetarianism and veganism. “Fatty fish” doesn’t necessarily sound like something you should go for.
But again, we’re not talking about fish sticks from the deep fryer or smoked eel, although both can be delicious depending on your taste.
By oily fish, we mean types of fish that contain particularly high levels of healthy fats.
These types of oily fish are particularly healthy:
- Mackerel
- Salmon
- Sardines
- Herring
- Trout
These fish species all score points with omega-3 fatty acids, but also with vitamin D, which is essential for survival and of which many Central Europeans have a deficiency.
At the same time, vitamin D is incredibly important for nerve regeneration, the regulation of neurotransmitters and sleep, among other things – all of which are factors for your fitness and ability to concentrate.
So our personal recommendation is: put more fish on your plate!
Tip: Salmon and trout are the mildest tasting types of fish. If you’re not a fish fan yet, try these two types of fish first. Mackerel and herring, on the other hand, are quite intense, so you can try them later.
Berries in all shapes and colors are true brain food.
These are the best berries:
- Blueberries
- Raspberries
- Blackberries
- Cranberries
- Acai berries
- Strawberries
- Goji berries
- Currants
You will of course be familiar with some of these, such as raspberries, strawberries and blueberries. But beware: it makes a huge difference which berries you eat.
You can assume that cultivated strawberries that you buy in December, which have logically been flown halfway around the world, contain hardly any nutrients. But that’s exactly what we expect from brain food.
The top criterion is: berries should be fresh and not from the greenhouse.
Strawberries from the field are better than strawberries from the greenhouse.
Wild blueberries are better than cultivated blueberries.
Of course, picking the berries yourself is the most fun. We have a special tip for this, namely the free website There is a map there that lists fruit bushes, nuts, herbs etc. throughout Germany.
Important: Make sure you wash picked berries etc. thoroughly before eating them. You should also only pick berries where they are publicly accessible, i.e. not on private land.
The great thing about picking berries is that it’s completely free and you’re out in the fresh air. So you’re not only doing something good for your health, but also for your wallet.
Tip: Thanks to the freezers in supermarkets, you are not dependent on the season when eating berries. You can find raspberries and even wild blueberries in any well-stocked frozen food section.
Green leafy vegetables
Popeye lied.
If you’re not yet familiar with the cartoon sailor and his love of cringe spinach, take a look at this clip:
When we were kids, we were told with Popeye that we had to eat a lot of spinach because it contained a lot of iron, which makes you strong. It later turned out that this was total nonsense. Spinach has much less iron than we thought for decades. And all because of a decimal error!
Read the story of the iron lie in spinach here if you’re interested.
To this day, the spinach obsession from our childhood makes us feel salty when we think about it.
But wait a minute …
Was cartoon sailor Popeye right after all?
Well, yes.
This brings us to a very important and interesting point: there is no such thing as brain food that turns you into a learning and concentration machine. If there was, we’d all just eat it.
But that would be pretty boring, wouldn’t it?
The fact is that spinach contains lots of good and healthy substances, but it’s far from being the one-and-only power food it was once advertised as.
Incidentally, this is also a healthy brain food leafy vegetable:
- Kale
- wild garlic
- Swiss chard
- rocket
- Lamb’s lettuce
- Parsley
In addition to numerous vitamins (vitamin K, vitamin C) and antioxidants, green vegetables also contain chlorophyll, which gives them their typical green color. There are now exciting studies that suggest that it is good for our bodies. So green vegetables should also end up on your menu more often!
Tip: Don’t store green vegetables for too long, a maximum of 2 to 3 days in the fridge after purchase. This preserves most of the nutrients. As with berries, you can also use frozen spinach, parsley etc. with confidence. The plants are frozen immediately after harvesting so that their full nutrient spectrum is preserved.
Avocados are great for your brain as they contain a number of valuable ingredients that boost your concentration, including potassium, magnesium, folic acid, unsaturated fatty acids and fiber.
This brain food also contains vitamin K, which is important for the communication between nerve cells.
Long story short: Eat more avocados, for example as a spread with a pinch of pepper or as a delicious guacamole: Cut two avocados lengthwise, scoop out the flesh, put it in a bowl and mix it with fresh, finely chopped garlic, pepper, salt and a dash of lemon juice. Yummy!
Even the poet Wilhelm Busch got to the heart of the matter:
Everyone knows that, whoever it may be, the egg is healthy and strengthening!
Go for it, Wilhelm!
Eggs are simply great brain food that can be prepared in many different ways.
Here are a few variations for delicious eggs:
- Fried egg
- Scrambled eggs
- Boiled eggs
- Omelette
- Stuffed eggs
- Poached eggs
This is just a list to give you an idea of what you can do with eggs.
Poaching means that you put the eggs in hot water just below boiling point, around 95 degrees Celsius. This makes the egg white firm, but the yolk stays nice and soft. In the Eggs Benedict recipe, for example, eggs are prepared in this way.
Eggs are real nutrient bombs, let’s list everything you give your body when you eat them:
- High-quality proteins (lots of them)
- Vitamins (vitamin A, D, B12, E)
- Omega-3 fatty acids
- Carotenoids (antioxidants that are good for your eyes, among other things)
Tip: As already mentioned, you can also fill eggs by boiling them, cutting them in half and scooping the yolk out of both halves with a small spoon. Put the yolks in a small bowl and mix with mayonnaise, salt, pepper and dill.
In recent years, turmeric has become increasingly interesting as a brain food. In Ayurveda, an Indian healing system that is over 5,000 years old, turmeric has long been known as a remedy.
According to this teaching, the brain food turmeric is considered
- anti-inflammatory,
- liver cleansing,
- skin-caring and
- digestive.
It is also said to promote mental clarity. Perfect for a brain food, right?
The numerous positive properties are mainly attributed to curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric root.
We recommend buying turmeric as a root, fresh from an organic store. Supermarkets now also offer turmeric in their range, but here too you should look for organic quality to enjoy turmeric with as few harmful substances as possible.
Tip: The burner for us is golden milk, which is prepared with turmeric. Here’s how to make a glass: pour 300 ml of plant milk (e.g. almond milk) into a blender, add a piece of turmeric, a piece of ginger, black pepper, cinnamon and coconut oil (½ tsp each). Pour the blended milk into a saucepan and bring to the boil briefly. Your golden milk is ready! You can sweeten it with agave syrup, for example.
Green tea
Forget coffee. Too much of it will only make you nervous anyway and put a strain on your body.
The healthy alternative is green tea, which also contains caffeine, but much less than coffee (approx. 50% of a normal cup of coffee). In addition, green tea contains L-theanine, an amino acid that stimulates alpha wave activity in the brain, among other things. This creates a state of relaxation and concentration at the same time – perfect for effectively implementing learning methods!
Furthermore, studies suggest that green tea can promote blood circulation in the brain, which means that your brain cells are better supplied with oxygen and nutrients. You know that leaden tiredness when studying… With green tea, that’s history.
Tip: Don’t steep green tea for too long, otherwise it will become too strong and bitter. As a rule, the brewing time is a maximum of 3 minutes, preferably only 1 or 2 minutes.
More articles in our blog
You feel like going on a little shopping spree after our brainfood tips to pick up all the healthy foods?
But before you head out, you should definitely take a look at these articles, which have some delicious recipes for you:
We wish you a successful summer semester, with lots of concentration, focus and fun while learning. You now have the right brain food for this 😉.
Good luck and ahoy!
You’re frustrated.
Once again, you’ve been looking for apps to help you cope better with everyday life.
To help you get a grip on the flood of appointments.
So that you can finally hammer learning material into your brain.
You’ve been looking for apps to make your chaotic, jam-packed life at university a little easier.
You’ve rummaged through the App Store, maybe tried one or two apps and then realized: damn, they’re not getting me anywhere.
So you deleted them from your smartphone in frustration and are now muddling through everyday life with a pocket calendar.
And when it comes to learning, you rely on hand-written index cards because they worked so well … in the 1970s.
Here’s the good news: they exist! Apps that can really help you with your study problems. And it’s not your fault that you haven’t found them yet.
It’s because there are so many apps out there that nobody can see through them.
Except us: we’ve taken the trouble to find the pearls among the apps, the performance boosters.
Our featured top apps …
- … take your productivity to a new level,
- … push your learning progress and
- … finally give you back clarity and focus for your everyday life.
Sound good?
Then read on and get the top apps for your studies!
#1 Studo: Your complete study overview
One app for your university emails, one for your courses, then another for your calendar and … stop! You’ll get a headache just listing them all. Studo is an all-in-one app where you have everything in one place.
You don’t have to enter your course dates by hand, just enter the university, course and semester. The courses are already entered in an overview, as well as in your Studo calendar. What we find particularly cool is the room plan, which shows you exactly where the course is taking place. No more endless searching for the right room on campus!
You can ask questions about your studies in the Studo chat and exchange ideas with fellow students. In short, Studo is the university in your pocket. Perfect!
- Operating systems: Android & iOS
- Prices: 2.99 euros per month or 19.99 euros per year
#2 Studyflix: Learning app for your pocket
Study fast with Studyflix! The learning portal for students with over 5,000 learning videos. The videos are free and to the point. Instead of a lot of babble, there’s compact knowledge that you can absorb when it fits into your daily routine.
This will save you hours of reading books and the unsatisfactory search for learning videos on YouTube with annoying ads in front of them.
The videos are divided into subject areas and you can also create your own learning plan. Our personal tip: also use the flashcards that are provided with the videos. The combination of different learning methods increases the likelihood that you will memorize the knowledge well.
- Operating systems: Android & iOS
- Prices: Free of charge
#3 Forest: The app for your concentration
Goodbye distraction, or as one user wrote in the Google Play Store: “Forest was an absolute game changer for me both in everyday life and during the exam phase.”
Firstly, because Forest ensures that you finally have peace and quiet and are left in peace. You can use it to block all other apps – i.e. disruptive factors – on your smartphone, or leave selected apps active that you need for your study session or for taking notes, for example.
Forest also rewards you with trees. Sounds a bit strange, but it’s beautiful and a great way to motivate yourself. Incidentally, you can also plant real trees with the app, so you are also doing something sustainable when you use the app. Definitely worth a personal recommendation for us!
- Operating systems: Android & iOS
- Prices: Free of charge
#4 Duolingo: Learning languages the fun way
You will always need languages, and to be honest: are the language lessons you had at school enough? Usually not, especially when you’re dealing with native speakers.
Duolingo makes it easy for you to learn languages in your everyday life and in a short amount of time – with 20 minutes a day, you are already considered an extreme learner for the app, but you can also start with a relaxed 5 minutes.
Duolingo is therefore also ideal for preparing flexibly for a semester abroad without spending too much time learning the language.
But here’s another important personal tip: don’t just use the app to learn – this applies to every language learning app. Native speakers always speak a little differently depending on the region.
We therefore recommend that you combine your learning success via the app with a language tandem partner. You can also use the option of learning with YouTube videos from content creators who are native speakers – simply switch on German subtitles and memorize the language, especially the intonation and speed of speech. This will greatly enhance your learning experience.
- Operating systems: Android & iOS
- Prices: Free of charge
#5 Blinkist: Absorb knowledge in fast-forward
Blinkist is a summary app, which is probably the best way to describe it. The service collects knowledge from books and podcasts and then makes the “know-how pearls” available to you – easily digestible as audio content.
This saves you hours of media consumption, which can be entertaining, but of course also takes up an incredible amount of time. With Blinkist, you get the main message of a book or podcast, because let’s face it: most sources don’t contain more than one really important core message anyway.
So you save yourself all the fuss and can continue researching from the core information, for example with these AI tools for research.
- Operating systems: Android & iOS
- Prices: Free with a 7-day trial subscription, then €6.67 with an annual subscription for students
#6: Zotero: Work professionally and scientifically
During your studies, you will deal a lot with technical texts such as essays and monographs. Depending on your degree program, you will also have to work with diagrams, tables, statistics, etc.
Not only do you have to work through all of this, you also have to cite it correctly. If you try to do this by hand with sticky notes and footnotes in WORD or Libre Office … forget it. Doing it this way is not only incredibly tedious, but also error-prone.
Zotero helps you create a clean database of your sources and search them by keyword.
Note: Zotero is currently in Early Access mode, in which the app does not currently allow new users. The developers are working hard to finalize the app, so you should already have it on your screen and check back regularly to see if you can install it.
- Operating systems: Android & iOS
- Prices: from 20 $ per year
#7: Scanner Pro: Scan notes and documents professionally
Lecture notes, certificate of enrolment, course certificates: you get documents like these from time to time – and then? Put them in a folder?
No matter how well you file, sort and categorize these papers … in the long run, it will get on your nerves to keep digging out the folders and there is a high risk of losing a document in the process.
Why not digitize all the documents you come across during your studies? Of course, you can and should continue to file the printed originals. But with Scanner Pro, you can have them on your smartphone in no time at all, copy them as you wish and upload them to a cloud, for example, so you can access them from anywhere.
For example, you can access your documents even when you’re visiting your parents, going for a walk in the park or abroad.
Wondering if you could just use your cell phone camera?
You can, but then it’s just … Or to put it another way: then you just have photos of your documents.
Scanner Pro, on the other hand …
- … automatically creates high-quality PDF files,
- … has a full-text search function for your scans,
- … allows annotations and password protection for your documents and
- … enables auto-uploads to the cloud(s) of your choice.
Scanner Pro is only for Apple users and costs money, at least 19.99 euros per year. But this is an app that is well worth the investment. I promise!
Tip for Android users: Use CamScanner, also a PDF scanner app. Although the app is nowhere near as fancy as Scanner Pro, it has the same features on board.
- Operating systems: OS
- Prices: from 19,99 Euro / year
More articles in our blog
Have you downloaded the most important study apps onto your smartphone? Then it’s time to provide yourself with other digital solutions that will make you more productive, more successful and more satisfied:
Do you know a cool app that belongs on the list? Then tell us about it on our social media channels on Facebook and Instagram!
We wish you every success with our suggested top apps and say:
Ahoy and see you soon!
Your Staytoo team
PS: Next month we’ll introduce you to some great financial apps. So it’s worth checking out our blog regularly!
Do you know this frustration?
- Do you constantly feel overwhelmed and feel like you’re losing track of everything?
- Do you wish there were 48 hours in a day so you could finally get everything done?
- Wondering if there’s a smart solution to make your stressful day easier?
The good news: there is! In the form of AI tools.
Here’s the wake-up call you need:
You don’t need any more tools.
You need the right tools and the motivation to use them effectively.
In this blog article, we present the essence of 1,000 AI tools.
Forget everything you’ve ever heard about productivity tools. Here you will find 20 hand-picked high-end solutions that will revolutionize your studies.
But beware: these tools are not a no-brainer. They are diamonds in the rough that need to be polished.
Are you ready to invest time and effort to fundamentally change your life?
Then close your browser, delete TikTok and dive into the world of ultimate productivity enhancement!
Are you ready for the next step?
AI tools for research and data analysis
Research and data analysis make up a significant part of your studies. You will be doing this work again and again, whether for presentations or to prepare for an exam. The following tools will save you a lot of time and effort.
With you develop AI-supported concept maps based on scientific papers.
And it works like this: You enter a topic on a mind map, and then click on “Pros” and “Cons” to add the pros and cons of that topic to the mind map.
Or an explanation of the topic that is so simple that even a that even a 5-year-old can understand it. Think of it like a point-and-click adventure game, but as a playful learning and presentation method. Ingenious!
Explain Paper
Tired of difficult-to-understand gibberish in academic texts? We love “Explain Paper” for explaining cryptic text passages.
Simply upload the relevant document, highlight the desired text passage and let it translate academic jargon into easy-to-understand language – making it much easier and better for you to understand the context!
In our example, we tried this with our Staytoo Christmas story, which you can download for free.
Tavily saves you hours of Google research. With Tavily, you enter a question on a subject area and receive the latest research results.
You should definitely try it out if you want to be more efficient in your research! You need a ChatGPT4 account for Tavily, but it’s worth it because it will significantly reduce your research time.
Don’t feel like taking notes during the lecture? Let do the work for you.
The AI tool automatically transcribes audio recordings into text. So while you give the professor your full attention during the lecture, transcribes everything so that you can call up the notes later. We find it particularly practical that you can also save the lectures as MP3s, so you can listen to them again later as a podcast while jogging or cycling.
AI tools for better learning
We’ve all been there: exams are approaching, but the exam material just won’t stick in your head Dry, mindless cramming won’t get you anywhere.
That’s why we recommend our tried and tested learning methods – and of course the following AI tools for better learning.
Would you like to create flashcards and work with a flashcard box? Neither do we.
Wisdolia creates cards from PDF files that you upload to the tool. Imagine that: Quiz questions in index card form that the tool generates for you based on PDF texts. Although you don’t have to imagine it, you can try it out right away!
Similar to Wisdolia, Quizlet also creates flashcards for you to study. The big advantage compared to Wisdolia: Quizlet is in German, which is particularly cool when working with Quizlet’s AI tutor. It also helps you as a digital assistant to create the perfect quiz for your topic.
The name kind of reminds you of the Yahoo! search engine, doesn’t it? Don’t you know it? Okay, now we feel old. But hey, Kahoot! is more up-to-date than ever, even though the company has been around since 2013.
Kahoot! is playful and wacky, and that’s exactly what makes it so brilliant: you can compete with other students in quiz competitions and create your own quizzes in which you can pit your fellow students against each other. Learning as a multiplayer game, how ingenious.
AI tools for writing and word processing
Writing and word processing tools based on AI make studying so much easier! But beware: under no circumstances should you pass off AI texts as your own. It’s not even necessary, as you can use them as excellent support.
You can code with Caktus. You can write essays with Caktus.
With Caktus you can rewrite text passages.
With the Hook Generator, Caktus has completely won us over.
It writes you a hook, i.e. a few sentences that draw your lecturer into the text. Like fishing, you know? Or in other words: If you have to write any text as a draft, use Caktus. Just do it, you won’t regret it.
We’ve tried a few video tools, but Synthesia is the best we’ve found. Click here for the Staytoo video.
It’s super simple: you enter a text, choose a voiceover artist and a lifelike video is created in seconds. You can use it to create great explanatory videos for presentations, for example. Or you can use Synthesia for learning, for example like this:
- Upload a difficult text whose content you want to learn to the Explain Paper AI tool. The tool will then explain the text to you.
- Add the simplified explanation from Explain Paper to Synthesia and use it to create your own personal explanatory video.
AI tools for creativity and innovation
Creative AI tools help you create graphics, videos and presentations. Discover our top tools in this area that will make you rock.
Nvidia Canvas
If your studies require artistic skills, Nvidia Canvas is the perfect choice for you. You may know Nvidia as a manufacturer of graphics cards. Nvidia has now poured its technical expertise into a great AI tool.
You can create realistic landscapes with simple brushstrokes. Incidentally, this is also a pretty cool way to create backgrounds for your own laptop.
Do you work with 3D models in your studies? Then you should definitely take a look at Versy. With this app, you can create three-dimensional rooms – with text! Presentation rooms, lofts, kitchens – there are no limits to your imagination and Versy’s display options. Definitely try it out!
The only downside: you currently have to join a waiting list before you can work with the tool.
You can really spice up your presentations with short videos.
But how should you create such short videos? After all, most students don’t have enough money to produce expensive videos.
And even if they did: Video production takes a lot of time, not to mention know-how and … stop! Kaiber helps you. You write a scene and Kaiber creates a video for you, animé-style if you like.
It’s as simple as that, and as ingenious as you’ll discover.
Leia Pix
Kind of creepy, but also damn impressive: with Leia Pix you can turn 2D images into high-quality 3D images. No idea how it works technically, but you know what? We don’t care, because the wow effect is what counts when you look at the pictures. And your fellow students will feel the same way when you call up the powerful 3D images in your presentation.
Midjourney was and is the thing when it comes to AI image generation.
And there’s a good reason for that: Midjourney simply creates fantastic images, no matter what the subject.
One thing that takes a bit of getting used to is that you create the images through text descriptions on a Discord server. It’s a bit technical, but don’t worry, with this quick start you’ll quickly get the hang of it and get the coolest images out of Midjourney.
Presentations: We love them, especially when we only have to look at them and don’t have to create them ourselves.
But since there’s no getting around it in university, you can make a virtue out of necessity, as the saying goes: with Tome, you can create presentations quickly and stylishly. You choose a template, enter the topic you want the presentation to be about in the tool and you’re done! With a little fine-tuning of the individual slides afterwards, you can create a top presentation in just a few minutes.
Pretty smart, isn’t it?
AI tools for time management and organization
Time is a big problem when studying – or rather, finding enough time for all the tasks at hand. The following tools are an ingenious way to help you finally get a grip on your time management.
Notion is the heavyweight when it comes to optimizing your productivity. And to be honest, that was the problem for a long time: as much as we like Notion, it’s pretty time-consuming to familiarize yourself with Notion without an AI assistant.
The Notion AI add-on is a huge relief. The AI is your personal assistant that explains the tool to you and performs tasks in the tool itself. This will take your productivity to a whole new level.
Notion is still too extensive and too complicated for you? Then Todoist is the right self- and time management tool for you. Similar to Notion, you can create projects here, create and prioritize tasks, and upload your files that belong to the respective tasks or projects.
Everything is easier and smoother, even if Todoist seems a little slimmed down compared to Notion. By the way: There is also an AI for Todoist, the AI Assistant, which helps you in the tool. is a treat for fans of the Google calendar. The smart scheduling app supports you throughout your week with smart planning of your appointments to create your perfect daily schedule.
We don’t know whether we actually got 40% more done in the week, but we definitely brought more order and structure to our daily routines.
By the way, it’s especially cool if you link Notion or Todoist with The tasks from these productivity tools are then imported directly into your calendar, prioritized and scheduled according to your preferences.
Other AI tools you should know about
The following AI tools have proven to be great all-round tools that you can use from time to time in everyday life.
Google Gemini (formerly Google Bard)
Google reacted quickly to the AI trend and created its own AI.
The great thing is: Google Gemini can be used as an app via Android. So you always have one of the most powerful artificial intelligences on the planet in your pocket. Gemini also interacts with your smartphone content if required.
For example, if you take a photo of a flower on your next spring walk, you can use this photo directly to ask Gemini what kind of flower it is.
Gemini is also unbeatable when you’re searching for something on the web. No wonder, since Google itself offers the data from its own search engine.
Have you always wanted to build your own website? For example, to start your own business alongside your studies? There’s only been one problem so far: building a website takes a hell of a lot of time.
Take a look at Mixo: The AI website builder only needs a sentence in which you describe what your website should be about, and it will put together a complete website for you.
To ensure that the result is not too generic, Mixo asks you what your goal is.
Do you want website visitors to contact you? Or book appointments with you because you are a freelancer, for example? Tell Mixo and be surprised by the result!
AI special: ChatGPT
It all started with ChatGPT, or at least the big AI hype. But the developers are not resting on their laurels: The company behind it, OpenAI, is constantly developing ChatGPT further and the results in response to queries are getting better and better.
This is also the reason for our personal recommendation: the developers of ChatGPT have simply gained the most experience with the use of AI and are perfecting their baby accordingly. Therefore, you should not make the mistake of leaving ChatGPT behind, even if there are new exciting AI tools.
But beware: You should definitely keep the following things in mind with ChatGPT.
Therefore you should be careful when using ChatGPT in teaching and research
Every time you hand in a written paper, you confirm that this paper is your own work. Or in other words: You assure the university/technical college that it is a research work done by you, a text written by you and not plagiarism.
However, the likelihood is, when using ChatGPT, that if your text is submitted, there will be copyright infringement that you won’t even notice.
ChatGPT creates texts based on existing texts
ChatGPT has a gigantic pool of existing texts and learned from them how natural language works, according to the developers. Nevertheless, already existing texts written by humans remain the basis from which ChatGPT makes use of. This is because ChatGPT is an AI model and actually not a creative artificial intelligence.
Dr. Max Greger, specialist lawyer for IT law, writes about the question of copyright of the alleged artificial intelligence on his website:
However, it is also the case that ChatGPT does not always create the texts completely generically. After all, the AI is not intelligent in the truest sense, but reproduces the answers based on previously viewed documents.
So it is not excluded that the AI either reproduces existing text structures or excerpts from texts that are only slightly modified. In both cases, this would constitute a reproduction under § 16 UrhG. If you then upload these texts to your website, this would also be a public disclosure according to § 19a UrhG.
ChatGPT texts belong to the company OpenAI
Problem No. 2: When asked where the copyrights of a text of ChatGPT are, the bot itself answers:
So even if you manage to have a ChatGPT text created that stands up to the now very thorough Plagscan software out there, you are committing copyright infringement. As a further warning, powerful AI text recognition software already exists for schools and other educational institutions such as universities, even developed by the ChatGPT inventors themselves. It is called “AI Text Classifier”, and it is already in use and under continuous development.
Further problems with the use of ChatGPT in schools, colleges and universities
Copyright is only one pitfall in using ChatGPT in studies. Here are other pitfalls if you’re toying with the idea of having AI write texts for you.
Outdated knowledge
According to the developers, ChatGPT is at a knowledge level of the end of 2021, so the chatbot is not aware of developments that took place in 2022. ChatGPT cannot therefore tell you what developments have taken place in society and research in the last year, which is particularly unhelpful for texts that refer to current events.
Incorrect information
The 2021 knowledge level is not the only problem. In several experiments, ChatGPT has spit out nonsensical or even incorrect answers to technical questions. From incorrect equations in mathematics to incorrect factual information in content, there have been several such phenomena documented on the web. The problem: If you rely on ChatGPT to answer the questions, how are you going to distinguish correct from incorrect information?
You can use ChatGPT sensibly in teaching and research
Is ChatGPT completely unsuitable for studying because of the problems mentioned above? No! There are absolutely useful applications for ChatGPT. However, since it is a new technology with so far unresolved legal issues, we would like to point out that the use of ChatGTP for your studies is always at your own risk. Now let’s get to the useful application possibilities!
For research: ChatGPT is a good helper if you want to find exciting aspects and relevant information for a topic. The tool recognizes meaningful connections and clusters that belong to a topic complex. On this basis you can also let ChatGPT spit out exciting research questions by entering the command “Find research questions on the topic …” or “Tell me research areas on …”.
For text drafts: Using ChatGPT to generate text drafts can help you find inspiration for the structure of your own texts. However, it is very important that you write your own texts and not just modify the ChatGPT drafts. Otherwise you run the risk of plagiarism. Of course, this also applies if you use ChatGPT to create codes in another department such as computer science.
For proofreading and editing: ChatGPT detects grammatical and stylistic errors in existing texts. To do this, enter the command “Check this text for spelling and grammar errors:”, copy the text into the input field and then let ChatGPT find these errors for you. By the way, ChatGPT is also able to find synonyms for terms in your texts with the command “Find synonyms for …”. to find synonyms for terms in your texts. This is useful for example if you don’t always want to write “employees” or similar in your texts.
For learning: With ChatGPT you can create your own quiz and thus create your individual exam. Give the command “Create me a quiz on the topic …” and test yourself!
More info about chances and risks of ChatGPT in studies
The success of ChatGPT came as a surprise; accordingly, schools, colleges, and universities have yet to learn how to use ChatGPT. But it is very likely that educational institutions will make extensive use of AI recognition tools such as OpenAI’s “AI Text Classifier” to recognize AI-generated texts.
However, it does not look like ChatGPT will be banned in schools and colleges for the time being. In the meantime, there are numerous media reports in which teachers, lecturers, principals, etc. have their say. The tone is similar throughout: A ban on the technology for university teaching does not make sense or is almost impossible to implement. It is much more important to teach students the meaning of their own work on the material.
Let’s be honest: You study for yourself in order to acquire qualifications. So if you study, work hard and use ChatGPT to support you, you have a tool that will help you in your studies. We wish you good luck with it!
More articles in our blog
Did you find the AI tools presented here exciting? We have so much more to offer on our blog! Take a look at these articles:
And don’t forget: A fool with a tool is still a fool, even with AI tools. Or to put it in our words: these tools can’t do the studying for you, you have to do it yourself. But these tools will make your time on campus much easier.
We wish you every success and say ahoy!
Your Staytoo team
Helau, Alaaf and happy carnival! May your confetti be colorful and cheerful!
You have no idea what we’re actually talking about? Then welcome to the shrill carnival season, which starts in November but reaches its peak in February.
All over Germany around Rose Monday (12.02.24) you can see floats throwing sweets.
But there are other epic events during this time.
Find out more about customs like Fastnacht and read our tips for a really cool costume.
Fasching vs. Carnival
Whether it’s called Fasching, Fastnacht or Karneval depends in Germany on the region. In Saxony, Schleswig-Holstein, Bavaria and Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Fasching is celebrated; i. a. in northern Germany and the Rhineland, the festive season is called Karneval; in Hesse, Saarland and many other regions, Fastnacht. What is meant, however, is the same thing: the foolish season that begins on 11.11. at 11:11 a.m. and culminates with parades and festive meetings in February of the following year.
Note: For the sake of readability, we mainly use the term Fasching in this article, friends of carnival may forgive us.
Important Fasching terms
Are you ready to go to your first Fasching in Germany and celebrate with other people? Then you should know the following terms and their meanings:
Weiberfastnacht: Weiberfastnacht refers to the transition from the session Fasching to the street Fasching. So it is celebrated in costume in the streets, bars and pubs of the cities. In the past, the night was dedicated to women, but today this custom has loosened and all genders celebrate Weiberfastnacht. Depending on the region, the celebrating women are also called Möhnen. Caution, however, still to the well-dressed gentlemen: on Weiberfastnacht, men’s ties are cut off if they wear one.
Fastnacht: Fastnacht is not to be confused with the women’s carnival. The term Fastnacht is instead a regionally different term for Fasching or carnival. Alternatively, Fastnacht is also referred to and pronounced as “Fasnacht” or “Fassenacht”.
Rosenmontag: Especially in Rheinhessen and the Rhineland, Rosenmontag is a highlight that is celebrated with the Rosenmontag parade. A special feature is that Rosenmontag in the Fasching strongholds is a de facto holiday, but not a public holiday. So it is actually a normal weekday, but one on which people celebrate exuberantly.
Aschermittwoch: Aschermittwoch heralds the end of Fasching and the beginning of Lent, which lasts until Easter. In the Christian religious context, Aschermittwoch is meant to remind us of those days Jesus spent praying and fasting in the desert.
Lent: Aschermittwoch heralds the beginning of Lent. Lent lasts until Good Friday and also has a religious origin. In the past, people abstained from eating during Lent, but nowadays they fast in different ways, for example by not smoking, not drinking alcohol or abstaining from social media during Lent. So today, many people choose for themselves which vice they want to give up during Lent.
Funken-/Tanzmariechen: The term goes back to the so-called sutlers. These were women who had already accompanied soldiers in the Middle Ages and provided them with various services and goods. Among other things, the sutlers had also danced and were called in this context “Funken-” or “Tanzmariechen”. Today Tanzmariechen are the representatives of the local Fasching clubs and have to apply for this position.
Jeck/Narr: Jeck is another word for fool in the Rhineland. Both mean any person who actively participates in Carnival or Fasching, but is not organized in a corresponding club.
Narrenruf: greeting call of the Jecken among themselves, which differ regionally. From “Kölle Alaaf” (Cologne) to “Helau” (Düsseldorf, Koblenz, Mainz), “Ahoi” (Baden area) and even “Wau Wau” (in the Bayreuth area, among others), there are also battle cries such as “Alleh hopp” in Saarland and “Schelle, Schelle, Schell au!” in Wangen in Allgäu.
Session: Another term for the Fasching, carnical or Fastnacht season.
Umzug: Primarily floats, masquerade and dance groups that parade through the streets in costume, often making political-satirical jokes. Sweets, flowers, etc. are thrown into the crowd from so-called parade floats.
Carnival events near you
We introduce you to the top carnival events near your Staytoo apartment!
Berlin can’t do carnival? Not at all! The capital has a lot going for it, even though one of the biggest events only takes place outside the carnival season. Good vibes only guaranteed.
Karnevalsparty 2024
The Karnivalsparty 2024 is the place to be – or rather anyone with a party spirit. In the “epicenter of carnival madness”, as it says on the website, you can shake a leg to foolish DJ music. What we particularly like: not only is fun on the dance floor guaranteed, the entrance fee also includes a delicious buffet.
Alt-Wittenau 66
13437 Berlin
February 10, 2024 | 4:11 p.m.
39,11 € per person
Our rating: 4 out of 5 party hats
Karneval der Kulturen
The Carnival of Cultures is known as a spectacle far beyond the city’s borders. Over several days, you can admire entire parade groups in dazzling colors and celebrate diversity with people from all over the world. Last year, over 1 million people took part in the spectacle and the atmosphere here is simply unique.
We love this colorful mix of music and dance, festival and parade, plus the workshops and performances and of course the many different food stalls from all over the world with their delicious highlights.
Kreuzberg & Neukölln (you can find the exact route a few weeks before the carnival starts on the organizer’s website)
May 17 to 20, 2024
Free of charge
Our rating: 5 out of 5 party hats
The boomtown in eastern Germany has traditional carnival clubs – so the people of Leipzig know how to party. Immerse yourself in the shrill world of carnival in Leipzsch! You’ll have an unforgettable time with our event tips.
Leipzigs MEGA Faschingsparty 2024
Are you ready for a gigantic carnival party on 3 floors with the best hits from the 90s, 200s and 2010s? Let the fat party tracks that will make the walls in the Täubchenthal shake around your ears.
Balloons, glitter, confetti – we think it’s great that the organizer really pulls off the carnival concept in his Happy Place. Incidentally, this also applies to dressing up, as costumes are compulsory! If you turn up without a costume, admission will be more expensive. If that’s not motivation to make a real effort with your costume this year.
February 10, 2024 | Admission: 10 p.m.
Wachsmuthstraße 1
04229 Leipzig
From 15,65 Euro in advance (without costume additionally more expensive)
Our rating: 5 out of 5 party hats
Great Leipzig Rose Sunday Parade
Lioness Leila, the city of Leipzig’s carnival mascot, will once again lead the parade this year. Leipzig carnival clubs as well as friendly clubs and companies from the region organize the spectacle, which you should not miss.
Why? Because the Rose Sunday parade is unique in the east and is in no way inferior to the carnival spectacles in other federal states! We recommend the parade to anyone who misses carnival in eastern Germany and wants to feel at home.
February 11, 2024 | 2 p.m.
Starting from Brühl through Leipzig’s city center
Free of charge
Our rating: 4 out of 5 party hats
In Kaiserslautern, carnival has a long tradition: every year, parades and parade sessions invite those in the mood to celebrate. Away from the usual carnival events, we have picked out two delicacies for those who are lit.
One thing is clear: this event will certainly not be boring! The organizer explicitly calls for the craziest party people in town. Are you one of them? Then let’s go!
Free pizza will be handed out at 00:00 and free beer will be available at all bars from 01:00. Do we really need to give you any more reasons to show up and have fun?
We think so much craziness is great, and especially the idea of being added to the guest list via DM on Instagram beforehand. Neon bracelets on your wrist reveal what you’re in the mood for at the party – just dance or flirt? You decide.
February 09, 2024 | Admission: 10 p.m.
Night shift Kaiserslautern
Zollamtstraße 28
67663 Kaiserslautern
From 11.99 euros (EARLY BIRD TICKET)
Our rating: 5 out of 5 party hats
Dansberger Fasching
After a three-year break, the time has finally come again: the Dansberg Carnival has opened its doors. There will also be a happy hour again, with music from Kaiserslautern DJ IzzoBeatz blasting from the speakers.
There will also be a special treat that has not yet been revealed. Let us surprise you! We look forward to a relaxed atmosphere and reasonable prices at the Dansberger Fasching.
February 10, 2024 | Admission: 7:00 p.m.
At the handball court 1
67661 Kaiserslautern
10 Euro (VVK)
12 Euro (box office)
Our rating: 4 out of 5 party hats
Already for sailor’s yarn in Nuremberg? Sounds weird, but that’s exactly how carnival should be, right? With our party tips, you can throw yourself right into the fun.
Seemann’s Fasching
There will be plenty of partying on board the Mississippi Queen. The carnival party takes place on three decks, with a rich music program ranging from Malle hits to Neue Deutsche Welle and Schlager. You can listen to oldies in the Kapitän’s Bar. Experiencing the whole thing on an American-style steamer is an incomparable experience. Ahoy!
February 12, 2024 | 9:00 p.m.
Mississippi Queen
Donaustraße 40
90451 Nuremberg
11,21 Euro
Our rating: 5 out of 5 party hats
Illusion – Carnival party
Carnival completely informal, with or without a costume, even jogging bottoms are expressly welcome: This is how it’s done at the Illusion, combined with delicious special drinks and accompanied by disco/pop music.
What we appreciate: The organizers raise awareness when choosing costumes by asking that no boundaries be crossed or stereotypes reproduced. This way, carnival can take place safely.
February 12, 2024 | 9:00 p.m.
Frankenstrasse 200
90461 Nuremberg
6-8 Euro (box office)
Our rating: 4 out of 5 party hats
The “fifth season” plays an important role in Bonn, as you will see from the Bonn carnival revellers and their colorful costumes. Join them and visit these top events at carnival time.
BonnLive Carnival Concerts
Several carnival concerts take place on Münsterplatz during the high days of carnival. The Live Open Air brings together numerous well-known musicians, including the Cologne band Cat Ballou, the famous Rhineland carnival group Funky Marys, Mo-Torres and many more.
Delicious food and drinks will also be provided. If you can hardly wait for the festival season and want to chillax at the same time, then in our experience the BonnLive carnival concerts are just right for you!
Carnival Friday | February 09, 2024 | Admission: 5:00 pm
Carnival Saturday in blue-white-red | February 10, 2024 | Admission: 5:00 pm
Rose Monday | After-Zoch-Party | February 12, 2024 | Admission: 4:00 pm
From 27,25 Euro
Our rating: 5 out of 5 party hats
FUN KÖLSCH KARNEVAL | Carnival Saturday at the Brückenforum Bonn
Are you ready for Ikke Hüftgold? He will be performing at the FUN KÖLSCH KARNEVAL, as will many other artists. DJ Chris will also be playing the biggest carnival hits to give you an unforgettable carnival time. In our opinion, the fact that this good mood event takes place on a Saturday is an additional goody, and you can also flex your costume in public.
February 10, 2024 | 9:00 p.m.
Brückenforum Bonn
Friedrich-Breuer-Straße 17
53225 Bonn
From 18 Euro (VVK)
Our rating: 4 out of 5 party hats
Popular carnival strongholds
In Germany, there are popular carnival strongholds where you can see great parades and join in the celebrations. At the carnival, the Rhineland in particular stands out as a carnival stronghold with Cologne, Mainz and Düsseldorf.
In Cologne, the carnival parades begin on Shrove Monday at 6 p.m. at the Alter Markt. From there, the huge carnival parade with kilometers of floats continues through the city center. This year the carnival parade is something very special: after 200 years it will take place with a new route and in a new form. Alaaf!
Mainz is world-famous for its Rotenmontagsumzug and Youth Mask Parade on carnival. Carnival event highlights include the Meenzer Fassenacht (Feb. 16), the Büttendance Open-Air (Feb. 10 / 6:11 p.m.), the Altweiber Party (Feb. 16 / 7:11 p.m.) and the Prinzengardeball (Feb. 18 / 8:11 p.m.) as well as DER BALL – Die Nacht der Narren (Feb. 18 / 7:33 p.m.).
In Duesseldorf the Weiberfastnacht and the Karnevalssonntag belong to the carnival high points. Traditionally on carnival, the so-called Möhnen – an older word for women – storm Düsseldorf City Hall in the Altweiberfastnacht at 11:11 a.m. sharp and imprison the mayor. What sounds dramatic is a long-held, harmless carnival custom accompanied by lots of fun and colorful costumes.
Bavaria’s capital city offers lively festivities for Fasching fans. The Munich Dance Night (11.02.), the Children’s Fasching (12.02.), the Ball of the Stars (17.02.) and the Jamboree Ball (19.02.) are known far beyond the state borders.
Other carnival strongholds
Other carnival strongholds in the country can be found in Aachen, Bremen and Marne. Check the city websites for exact parade routes and start dates for carnival!
Fasching also takes place in Würzburg, and the term is also used in Saxony, as well as in parts of Austria. You can find the dates for Fasching events on the websites of your region.
Tips for your Fasching costume
Of course, the fifth season is most fun in the right costume. We have collected a few tips for the ideal Fasching costume:
- Feel comfortable in your costume. This is probably the most important tip when it comes to choosing a costume. Choose your costume according to whether you feel comfortable in it, only then you will have fun at Fasching or carnival. Slip into several costumes to find the right one for you.
- It can be colorful and flashy! Fasching is all about standing out. Not an easy task with so many people around you who are also wearing costumes. Therefore, choose bold colors, these days are made for extroverts!
- Humorous and funny, but be careful: Fasching or carnival has always been an opportunity to make fun of politics and social grievances. Beware of overly cynical or culturally offensive depictions, however, or unwanted discussions could await you instead of fun.
- Dress warmly enough: February is a cold, often wet month in Germany. So if you want to avoid catching a cold, don’t venture too freely among the revelers.
- Topicality wins: Of course, the easiest way is to don the old theme party costume in a Spiderman or cowgirl look. However, it is much better to wear a costume that is contemporary, such as the Joker from Batman or Wednesday Addams. You’ll definitely score points with that at the next parade.
- Full body costumes are practical: Full body costumes are super easy to put on, are a complete outfit without much preparation, fun, and depending on the fabric, keep you nice and warm. Highly recommended for beginners!
- Embellish purchased costumes yourself: Use different patterns and accessories to spice up your costume. Rhinestones, fairy lights, hats or epaulettes: The possibilities for this are almost endless.
- Group costumes make more of an impression: You’re going to Fasching/carnival with friends? How about wearing costumes together? The quasi-uniforms will make you stand out even more in the crowd.
More articles in our blog
We wish you a fantastic, beautiful and unforgettable carnival season in Germany! Before you get dressed up, check out our other exciting articles on the blog:
Ahoy, Alaaf and Helau!
Your Staytoo team
Have you resolved to go to career fairs this year? Just to see what the exhibitors have to offer?
Don’t do that!
That would be like going to a job interview in your pyjamas.
You have to understand: Career fairs are events where companies are looking for talent.
What does that mean for you?
That you don’t give away any potential at these events.
That you don’t answer your friends’ question “So, how was the fair?” by shrugging your shoulders and saying “It was okay”.
That you prepare yourself intensively for every trade fair, for every interview with a company, so that you come a big step closer to your dream job.
That’s the real potential of career fairs.
No one has told you this yet and you have no idea how to prepare?
You’re in luck because you’ve come across this article.
We’ll introduce you to selected events and tell you what you need to do. Ready to go? Then let’s go!
Tip: All the events we present here are completely free for you as a visitor.
Your 5-point guide to trade fair success
Here are the 5 most important tips for the time before, during and after the trade fair.
#1 Make a plan
Never go to a trade fair without clear goals. Find out what you can achieve at the fair: Do you want a job with a particular company? Check the exhibitor directory to see where the company has its stand. Research what the company is currently up to – most companies have news sections on their website. This will show the decision-makers that you are interested in the company’s interests and will be remembered. If you do this well, you will have massively increased your chances of being hired, even before an interview.
#2 Create business cards
These days they don’t cost much and are super-easy to create. Simply select a template from one of the many major providers, enter your contact details, send off your order – done! The cards will be with you a few days later. Extra tip: Think about a stylish business card case to perfect the classy, professional impression you want to make on the person you’re talking to. Smart cases only cost a few euros.
#3 Train your public image with friends / in front of the mirror
Pretend you are talking to the HR manager of your dream employer. Observe your facial expressions and gestures or have your friends observe both. Are you standing there with your shoulders slouching? Are you mumbling? Do you use your hands to emphasize what you are saying? What posture do you adopt when you imagine you are listening to the other person? Get feedback and work on improving your appearance (shoulders back, smile more, etc.).
#4 Dress like you’re going to a job interview
We’re talking business attire here – suit, blazer, just what you would wear in a professional setting. Remember: A visit to a trade fair stand is always a first date between employer and potential employee. And you would dress up for a date, wouldn’t you?
#5 Keep going after the trade fair
The trade fair days were exhausting, you had great, promising conversations, but you’re also happy to get back to your daily routine. Time to put your hands in your lap and wait for the companies to come knocking on your door, right? No! Before the event is after the event, with the difference that you have made a good first impression on the recruiters at the event. Now you should definitely keep at it and follow up, e.g. by sending an email to emphasize how much you enjoyed the interview and that you would be happy to make further contact. Be absolutely specific here.
Not like this:
Hello Mr. Müller, thank you very much for the interview, I would be happy to have further contact with you.
Like this:
Hello Mr. Müller, thank you very much for the interview on 09.11. at TALENTpro, which we had over an afternoon coffee at around 2 pm. During our exchange, I found your mention of an open trainee position in product development in the new year particularly interesting. I would be happy to talk to you about this in more detail if you are interested. Would the coming Thursday afternoon suit you, e.g. in the form of a digital coffee call via Teams?
I can offer these timeslots:
- 11 a.m.
- 3 p.m.
- 5 p.m.
I would be very happy to hear back from you.
Also, be careful not to come across as spammy, that would be the other extreme. You should definitely respect a statement like “We’ll get back to you” and follow up in a friendly manner after a few days at the most. If nothing comes back, let it go, otherwise it will backfire.
The best career events at a glance
Now you’re perfectly prepared for career events. But which ones should you attend? Here are our suggestions.
Job and training fairs in Nuremberg
Nuremberg is an important economic center in the region, with companies from the medical technology, mechanical engineering and electrical engineering sectors in particular being based here. The job and training fairs in Nuremberg are correspondingly diverse.
#1 Jobmesse Nürnberg 2024
Large exhibitors such as the German Armed Forces, ALDI Süd, Deutsche Bahn etc. are represented at this well-known job fair. But you will also find smaller companies here.
Great Hall
Münchener Str. 21
90478 Nuremberg
February 21, 2024- 12:00 to 18:00
In the past, the Nuremberg Job Fair has made a name for itself through good organization, excellent visitor support and great after-work events. The exhibitors were also very satisfied, which suggests that you will also find motivated contacts for your questions this time.
#2 Karrieretag Nürnberg
The Career Day Nuremberg invites you: Find your perfect job here, or take advantage of the resume and application portfolio check program. Career coaching sessions and a number of presentations on career preparation and promotion also await you.
Münchener Str. 21
90478 Nuremberg
May 14, 2024 – 10:00 a.m. to 5 p.m.
The Career Day offers the perfect mix of job fair and further training without having to invest several days, as would be the case at a traditional trade fair. Especially cool: You can have your application photos taken by professional photographers on site and take them home with you – free of charge!
#3 Studien- und Ausbildungsmesse Stuzubi
Stuzubi is aimed at young people who are looking for a training or study place. As a hybrid event, it offers an all-in-one package to inform you about the various careers, both at universities and at well-known employers such as the Bavarian Police, German Air Traffic Control and many more.
Large hall
Münchener Str. 21
90478 Nuremberg
January 20, 2024 – 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
March 23, 2024 (online) – 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Visitors to the trade fair emphasize the versatility of the exhibitors at the event – exactly what you want at a trade fair, right? Stuzubi is perfect for you, especially if you don’t yet know exactly what training you want to do or what you want to study. You will also meet young people there who will talk about their experiences first-hand.
Job and training fairs in Leipzig
The trade fair city of Leipzig has been considered a boomtown for years, and renowned companies such as Amazon and BMW have important locations here. At the following events, you can find out what exciting career paths you can take in Leipzig and the surrounding region.
#1 Jobmesse Leipzig 2024
With over 170 exhibitors, the Leipzig Job Fair is one of the largest career and recruiting events in Germany. The exhibitors specifically look for talented people and answer your questions in the first contact, which is why you have the best chance of finding the right job for you here.
Congress Center Leipzig (CCL)
Seehausener Allee 1
04356 Leipzig
January 27, 2024 – 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
We have found that this trade fair is not just “aimed at the masses”. Instead, both exhibitors and visitors take the necessary time to have interesting and exciting conversations. Another special feature is the location: the modern Congress Center Leipzig (CCL) also hosts other popular events such as the Leipzig Book Fair. The Center opens its doors to you at the end of January, where you can take your first steps towards a career.
#2 Stuzubi Leipzig
Still not sure what you want to study or what career you want to pursue later? At Stuzubi, you can talk to people who will share their experiences of the careers they have chosen. We find this mega-exciting and, above all, authentic and helpful for making a decision.
Pfaffendorfer Str. 31
04105 Leipzig
March 02, 2024 – 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
March 23, 2024 (online) – 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
At Stuzubi you will get real insights from trainees and students: How does everyday life work, what do you learn, what tasks and opportunities await you? Make sure you also take part in the Job Slam, where top exhibitors pitch their offers for you. And then there’s the unique location: the Congress Hall in the middle of Leipzig Zoo – how cool is that?
#3 azubi- & studientage Leipzig 2024
The azubi- & studientage Leipzig is taking place for the 23rd time – over the years, the event has constantly evolved so that you can not only chat with the exhibitors, but also hand them your application. It couldn’t be more personal! If you only discover your dream career (e.g. a dual study program) at the event itself, no problem – you can submit your application online after the initial contact with the employer.
Leipzig Trade Fair
Messe-Allee 1
04356 Leipzig
November 08, 2024 – 09:00 to 14:00
November 09, 2024 – 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
The azubi- & studientage will help you to filter out the right one for you from the huge range of training and study courses on offer – not just through information, but through personal contact with the universities of applied sciences, universities and training companies at the stands. This is very important during these days, so that you can get an impression and get a feel for which career is right for you.
Job and training fairs in Bonn
As the former federal capital, Bonn still has an important place in the German economy. Explore these events in Bonn to prepare for your future.
#1 Karrieretag Bonn
“Job hunting couldn’t be easier” – that’s the promise of the Bonn Career Day, or to be more precise, two career days on which the Telekom Dome opens its doors to you. Talk to decision-makers from well-known companies about your career opportunities and get coaching from a professional to boost your chances on the job market.
Telekom Dome
Basketsring 1
53123 Bonn
April 11, 2024 – 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
October 10, 2024 – 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
At this event, you will be optimally prepared for your career start with coaching, lectures, workshops, CV and application portfolio checks. Of course, there will also be a free application photo shoot. What more can you expect from a job event? Exactly.
#2 Bonner Hochschulmesse 2024
The Bonn University Fair can be described as a melting pot of universities and universities of applied sciences in the region. In addition to the University of Bonn, contacts from the University of Cologne, the University of Koblenz and numerous other exhibitors will be on hand to answer your questions.
Maritim Bonn
Kurt-Georg-Kiesinger-Allee 1
53175 Bonn
February 19, 2024 – 12:30 to 17:30
Organized by the Bonn Careers Advisory Service, the Bonn University Fair offers an important information hub for prospective students looking for the right course of study. The fact that the number of exhibitors does not exceed 30 ensures that you can take a closer look at the individual universities and their offers instead of being overwhelmed by an excess of choice.
#3 Fakultätskarrieretag Bonn
This event for prospective lawyers is a face-to-face fair with an online component. If you’ve always wanted to immerse yourself in law, you should mark this event in red pencil in your calendar.
Exhibition tent
Parking lot behind the Juridicum
Adenauerallee 24-42
53113 Bonn
June 11, 2024 – 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
The fusion of online and offline is brilliant at this event. Create a profile before the fair, search for employers who could be a match and receive an invitation for an interview. This way, you can prepare for the interviews before the event and give your law career a powerful boost.
Job and training fairs in Kaiserslautern
Do you like Kaiserslautern and would like to gain a foothold here? Then take a look at the following job and training events.
#1 Treffpunkt Kaiserslautern
Treffpunkt Kaiserslautern is an initiative by students for students. The organizers call the event a company contact fair, and that’s exactly what it’s all about: Meeting promising employers from the region.
Treffpunkt GbR
Erwin Schrödinger Str. 57
67663 Kaiserslautern
June 11 to June 13, 2024 (time unknown so far)
The special feature of this event is that students from TU Kaiserslautern are responsible for organizing the fair themselves. They know exactly what is important at such an event and what is important for you. Furthermore, the event is under the auspices of the TU, which guarantees additional quality in the placement of internships, dissertations, etc.
#2 bonding Firmenkontaktmesse Kaiserslautern
Find out directly at bonding about internships, entry opportunities, career opportunities, etc. This fair is also organized by students for students.
TU Kaiserslautern
Paul-Ehrlich-Strasse 28
67663 Kaiserslautern
November 20 to November 22, 2024 – 09:30 to 16:30
bonding is the central event, but “more than just a trade fair”, as the website says. This means that other exciting events such as excursions, lectures and competitions take place around bonding. Use bonding as a starting point and find out about other events here regularly.
Job and training fairs in Berlin
The capital has a large number of recruiting and career events. We have fished out the event gold nuggets for you!
#1 15. jobmesse berlin
Regional employers such as the Berlin fire department and the Neukölln district office as well as national institutions such as the Federal Criminal Police Office and customs will be presenting themselves at this event. Of course, you will also find private companies looking for committed young talent.
Eichenstraße 4
12435 Berlin
March 02, 2024 – 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
March 03, 2024 – 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Why is this happening?
This event goes far beyond the classic job interview. Application portfolio checks, application photo shoots and expert presentations create a program that will make you feel completely at ease as a potential applicant.
#2 vocatium Berlin
If you are still looking for a place to study, vocatium Berlin is the right place for you. This event is characterized by personal talks and a programme of lectures.
Eichenstraße 4
12435 Berlin
June 19, 2024 – 08:30 to 15:00
June 20, 2024 – 08:30 to 15:00
vocatium Berlin stands out from the crowd of recruiting events with its personal, scheduled discussions. This means that both visitors and exhibitors can prepare for these meetings and approach them in a targeted manner. This concept has been popular for years and is rarely found in today’s trade fair landscape.
#3 11. Jobmesse Berlin
The Berlin Job Fair is a classic event without a lot of frills, with a focus on providing training and further education opportunities.
Olympic Stadium Berlin
Olympic Square 3
14053 Berlin
March 23, 2024 – 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Sometimes you don’t need fancy specials or features for an event – just a focus on the essentials, namely finding the right employer for you. In addition to the numerous exhibitors, which also include global players, there is something that should not go unmentioned: The fair takes place in the Olympic Stadium, which creates a unique, motivating atmosphere.
#4 Einstieg Berlin 2024
Einstieg Berlin lives up to its name: it is aimed at young people who want to enter the world of work but don’t yet know which job is right for them.
Eichenstrasse 4
12435 Berlin
November 15, 2024 – 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
November 16, 2024 – 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
We like the relaxed, informal atmosphere at Einstieg Berlin. The exhibitors know that you are still at the very beginning and are accordingly friendly and open to your questions. After the intensive days, you will have learned about numerous exciting jobs and gained an overview of the various career opportunities.
#5 JOBMEDI Berlin 2024
JOBMEDI Berlin focuses on the healthcare sector – an enormously important area in which specialists are desperately needed. But which specialist area is right for you? What qualifications do you need for your dream job? And how can you get further training if necessary? You can find out all this at this fair.
Palais am Funkturm
14055 Berlin
December 06, 2024 – 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
December 07, 2024 – 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Why is this happening?
JOBMEDI Berlin is the place to be if you are looking for a career in nursing, healthcare or social services. We particularly like the high number of exhibitors who are committed and motivated to engage with visitors. The public transport connections are also ideal.
Extra-Tipp München: TALENTpro
In our search for the best career events, we have focused on local trade fairs that you can easily reach from your Staytoo apartment.
However, there is also an important, large trade fair that we don’t want to withhold from you: TALENTpro in Munich. You can easily get there by train or carpool, the travel effort is worth it!
Zenith Munich
Lilienthalallee 29
80939 Munich
June 11, 2024 – 09:00 to 16:30
June 12, 2024 – 09:00 to 16:30
Why is this happening?
TALENTpro is the largest gathering in German talent and recruiting management. What you get at the fair is correspondingly awesome: Gourmet food from food trucks, morning yoga sessions, live music, and of course, plenty of big-name exhibitors. You should definitely go to experience it!
More articles in our blog
Before you dive into the trade fairs, take a look at our other articles on the topics of work, career and self-employment:
We wish you every success in your search for the right job or employer for you!
Your Staytoo team
The new year has begun – high time to take a look at the most important changes for students in 2024. We have collected the most important changes for you and pass on some personal tips!
This will be better in 2024
This year you can look forward to the following positive changes:
#1 Higher mini-job limit
Mini-jobbers have been earning more since January 1, 2024. The upper limit for a part-time job without compulsory social insurance has been increased from €520 to €538 per month.
Our tip: check a new mini-job contract before you sign it. Will you be paid according to the new upper limit? If you already have a mini-job, renegotiate it now.
#2 Rising minimum wage
The statutory minimum wage is also increasing: instead of 9.82 euros, it has been 12.41 euros per hour since the beginning of the year.
Our tip: Make sure that you are paid according to the current minimum wage in your current or new employment relationship. This is not a salary negotiation in the traditional sense; your employer is obliged to pay the minimum wage, unless you are a volunteer or internship.
#3 Semester ticket instead of Germany ticket
From the 2024 summer semester, there will be a uniform mobility tariff for students. The fixed price will be 29.40 euros and the costs will be integrated into the semester fee. With the new semester ticket, you will be able to use trams, suburban trains, underground trains, regional trains and buses throughout Germany at this fixed price.
Our tip: Due to the new tariff, the transport associations expect a significant increase in use (30% and more). You should therefore avoid longer journeys and explore the best rail routes in Germany before the new semester ticket is introduced.
#4 Facilitated access to higher education
Germany wants to make it easier for people to study – without an Abitur or similar school-leaving qualification. The prerequisite for this is that you have completed vocational training and have at least two years of work experience. You can then take an aptitude test at the relevant university and start your studies there.
Facilitated access to higher education has been available in Germany for several years, but in 2024 this access will be intensively promoted. The exact conditions and options are still being determined by the individual federal states.
Our tip: regularly check the website of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and the websites of the individual federal states for new announcements on facilitated university access.
Are you from abroad and want to know whether you are eligible for admission? Then the DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) admissions database is a good place to look for courses that match your school-leaving qualification.
#5 Increase in the citizen’s income
If you receive state support in the form of citizen’s allowance, you can be happy: in 2024, the citizen’s allowance is increased, the basic amount for a single person is 563 euros per month.
Our tip: It is rare for students to be entitled to citizen’s allowance, as BAföG is available as financial support for students. However, special conditions may have to be met, e.g. Bürgergeld can be used as a top-up for BAfÖG if you are still living with your parents.
We recommend that you find out from your local Studentenwerk whether and to what extent you are entitled to Bürgergeld.
This will be worse in 2024
Unfortunately, not all changes are positive for students. But don’t worry: we’ll give you creative solutions for dealing with the negative trends in 2024.
#1 BAföG increase has (still) not materialized
In mid-January, the Federal Government intends to discuss whether and to what extent BAföG rates should be increased. Until then, however, it is still unclear whether there will be an increase at all. The stagnation has been criticized by the Deutsches Studierendenwerk, which claims that the BAföG rate is chronically too low. We hope that the government will manage to increase the rate, and as quickly as possible.
Our tip: don’t rely on BAföG alone, but look around for other sources of income, e.g. a part-time job or mini-job. This will allow you to benefit from an increased minimum wage and a higher upper limit for mini-jobs (see above).
Extra tip: BAföG can be extended under certain circumstances, for example due to pregnancy, disability or raising and caring for a child under the age of 14.
#2 Increased tuition fees
This year, several universities will increase their tuition fees for Bachelor’s and Master’s degree courses by up to 10 percent. The individual increases will be announced by the universities on their websites, so be sure to check there before you enrol.
Our tip: Is your dream university too expensive? Look around for alternatives, you can find excellent universities in our university ranking article.
#3 High interest rates for student loans
Students pay an average of 9% interest on student loans. According to media reports, the interest burden has tripled in recent years. There is no end in sight to this negative trend for 2024 either, on the contrary: the Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (KfW) only increased interest rates in October 2023.
Our tip: student loans are expensive, inflexible and you get into debt with them. Therefore, consider a student loan as the last choice of financing and try to find better alternatives beforehand (support from parents, BAföG, part-time job, etc.).
If these alternatives do not work out, we think it may be better to take out a private loan from relatives (preferably interest-free). Make sure you put the amount, payment installments, repayment dates, etc. in writing.
#4 Higher additional contributions for health insurance
Over 36 health insurance companies are increasing their contributions in 2024, which will unfortunately also affect a number of students with student health insurance. The additional contribution will increase by an average of 0.4 percentage points, with increases ranging from 0.1 to 0.8 percentage points depending on the health insurance provider.
Our tip: regularly compare health insurance offers for student health insurance. Switching is very easy, the notice period is two months and your new health insurance company will even take over the termination process. Please note, however, that you are tied to a new health insurance company for 12 months.
#5 Rising cost of living
Food, medicine, petrol: overall, life in Germany is becoming more expensive, due to inflation and other crises. Rising prices affect everyone, but this development is particularly difficult for students with little money. But don’t worry, in our blog you can find tips on saving energy and help with your tax return to save money.
Our tip: Get an overview of your costs as a student with our article. You can save money by switching to cheaper insurance, buying second-hand clothes or cooking for yourself instead of eating out, for example. You can find more money-saving tips in our article!
More articles in our blog
New year, new luck: maybe now is the time to start your own business while studying? Or would you like to be happier in your everyday life? With the following articles, you’ll be well prepared for the new year:
We wish you every success, happiness, health and joy in your studies in 2024!
Your Staytoo team
Ho, ho, ho! Christmas is just around the corner, we wish you a happy, reflective time and a happy new year! Before you rush off for cookies, mulled wine and presents, we have a little surprise for you: a wacky Christmas story that we guarantee you’ve never read before.
Do you like the story? Feel free to share it with friends & family and, of course, online.
Merry Christmas!
Your Staytoo team
You’ve probably noticed that Christmas markets have to pay GEMA fees for certain music they play this year. We hope that we will still hear hits like Last Christmas at the markets and have collected the most beautiful Christmas markets as our personal recommendations for you. Have fun discovering them!
Christmas markets Berlin
Berlin has lots of Christmas markets and it would be quite stressful to visit them all. So it’s just as well that we’ve picked out the coolest Christmas markets near you for you.
Schabermarkt Berlin
You live in the middle of Kreuzberg, so what could be better than an alternative Christmas market? The Schabermarkt takes place in the Bergmannkiez district and, atypically for a Christmas market, offers cultural events such as silent discos, poetry slams and open-air cinema. Of course, there is also plenty of mulled wine drinking and baking, as befits a Christmas market. We particularly like this mix.
Our rating: 3 out of 5 snowflakes
Tip: The information on the internet is contradictory as to whether the Schabermarkt will take place this year. We recommend you drop by spontaneously or alternatively try the Christmas rodeo on the Holzmarkt grounds.
Christmas Avenue
Christmas Avenue on Nollendorfplatz is home to a very special Christmas market with a cool lighting concept underneath the Berlin elevated railroad. Celebrate the pre-Christmas season together with the LGBTIQ community. We are impressed by the splendid colors and the lighting concept, this Christmas market is simply colorful and dazzling, and you will definitely not forget a mulled wine there.
Our rating: 5 out of 5 snowflakes
Christmas markets Bonn
Like Berlin, Bonn also has several Christmas markets. We’ll tell you where (at least) one is worth a visit.
Christmas market in Bonn city center
In fact, we recommend the Christmas market in the city center, mainly because it is close to your Staytoo apartment. The atmosphere is also impressive, with Bonn Minster and the town hall nearby, and there are also Bonn specialties to try, including Bönnscher Zwiebelkuchen (onion tart) or kale with Pinkelwurst. A special highlight for us: the Bönnsche honey wine, where honey is added to the classic mulled wine. Sweet and simply delicious!
Our rating: 4 out of 5 snowflakes
Bad Godesberg Christmas market
Godesberg Palace and the Electoral Palace Gardens provide a wonderful, picturesque backdrop for this Christmas market, which is created above all by the magical lights at the palace. Of course, we’re also looking forward to the ice rink, where we’ll be taking a few turns.
We particularly like the Christmas concerts that take place at this time of year, for example in the nearby Engelskirche church. With a bit of luck, there will also be Christmas boat trips on the Rhine again.
Our rating: 4 out of 5 snowflakes
Christmas markets Leipzig
Leipzig is known as “Little Berlin” for good reason. The Saxon metropolis offers a variety of Christmas markets in which alternative offerings also have their place.
Christmas market at the “Kreuz”
The Connewitzer Kreuz is a melting pot of different cultures and therefore ideal for an alternative Christmas market. Here you can enjoy traditional mulled wine accompanied by live music, as well as international cuisine.
You’ll also find all kinds of handicrafts that stand out from the usual standard carvings at a mainstream Christmas market. That’s why we particularly like the Christmas market, because we always find a unique Christmas gift here and are constantly discovering new delicacies.
Our rating: 4 out of 5 snowflakes
Christmas market at the “Feinkost”
“Feinkost” sounds like it would make your mouth water, doesn’t it? The Feinkost is a cultural center that you will inevitably recognize by the “Löffelfamilie”: a neon sign of the Volkseigener Betrieb Feinkost (VEB Feinkost), which already aroused the desire for delicious food in GDR times.
At Christmas time, you will find an ingenious program for gourmets here, which we particularly like. There is also plenty on offer culturally: sustainable gifts and art can be discovered here at around 30 stalls. In our opinion, you have to visit this market to experience its unique flair.
Our rating: 5 out of 5 snowflakes
Christmas markets Nuremberg
Like every other major city, Nuremberg naturally also has a classic Christmas market in the city center. But much more exciting are the mini Christmas markets, some of which are only open for one day and make a visit all the more exciting.
Christmas market at the forestry office
We like this market because it is an insider tip away from the hustle and bustle. Unlike the classic Christmas market, it is much more contemplative here and you can relax and soak up the atmosphere and the craftsmanship on offer at the stalls. Mistletoe branches and freshly cut Christmas trees round off the Christmas flair.
Please note: The Christmas market at the forestry office is only open on 09.12. from 11 am to 5 pm . So save the date in your calendar now!
Our rating: 4 out of 5 snowflakes
Mögeldorf Christmas Market
The historical and traditional flair of this Christmas market is remarkable. The stalls have a vintage feel and you get the feeling of immersing yourself in a different time – away from everyday life, which is why we particularly appreciate this market. The Mögeldorf Christmas market with its carousel and visit from Santa Claus is also particularly family-friendly.
Our rating: 4 out of 5 snowflakes
Christmas markets Kaiserslautern
During the Advent season, the city of Barbarossa is transformed into a pre-Christmas destination. You should definitely explore the following Christmas markets beyond the main markets.
Christmas market in the Edith Stein House
This Christmas market offers exclusively handmade crafts. If you want to discover high-quality craftsmanship with a cinnamon wafer, this is the place for you. Did we mention that the cinnamon waffles are legendary and the absolute highlight of this Christmas market? Be sure to try them, as well as the homemade cakes baked by the parish ladies!
Our rating: 4 out of 5 snowflakes
Cultural market before Christmas in the Fruchthalle
70 exhibitors present themselves here, making the cultural market in the Fruchthalle lively and varied. Not only will you find fair trade products from charitable organizations, but also small regional works of art, including candles, soaps, ceramics, leather goods, etc. For us, it’s the ideal pre-Christmas shopping paradise!
You can always relax in the café area at this Christmas market, which also hosts top-class concerts.
Our rating: 5 out of 5 snowflakes
More articles in our blog
Ho, ho, ho – before Santa Claus arrives, we’d like to give you some more tips, such as how to find creative gifts and which board games are perfect for a cozy game night in the apartment:
We hope you enjoy discovering the great Christmas markets near the Staytoo apartments and wish you a peaceful Advent season. But don’t worry: we’re not signing off for this year yet, there will still be a Staytoo article surprise in December.
Until then: Ahoy!
Your Staytoo team
Pumpkin soup is the only food you can think of during Thanksgiving? But there are so many more delicious recipes! We’ve collected our best-ofs and tell you why we can’t get enough of them.
Note: All recipes are designed for 4 portions.
#1 Tarte flambée with caramelized onions
You can prepare this tarte flambée in the pan, quickly and easily.
- 400 g spelt flour
- 220 ml water
- 100 g grated cheese (e.g. Emmental)
- 1 onion
- 1 bunch of parsley
- 1 tsp butter
- 2 tbsp sour cream
- 2 tbsp brown sugar
- salt
- pepper
1 Peel the onion and cut into thin strips.
2 Melt the butter in a pan and braise the onions with a little salt in the pan over a low heat (do not fry!).
3. Add the sugar and continue to fry the onions until they caramelize. Turn off the hob.
4. Mix the flour and water in a large bowl to form a dough, knead the dough thoroughly.
5. Add the onions to the batter, mix together and place in a large (28 cm) or two small pans.
6. Put the lid on the pan, bake the batter at the highest heat setting for approx. 3 minutes.
7. Turn off the heat, remove the pan lid and carefully turn the tarte flambée.
8. Brush the baked side with sour cream, sprinkle with cheese, salt and pepper.
9. Close the pan again with the lid and bake the tarte flambée for approx. 15 minutes on the lowest heat. Meanwhile, chop the parsley. Check from time to time (after approx. 10 minutes) that the base of the tarte flambée is not burning.
10. Remove the tarte flambée from the pan, sprinkle with the parsley and enjoy!
Our tip: You can change the taste of your tarte flambée by using a spicy tomato pesto instead of sour cream. We also think our experimental version with ricotta is really tasty. Both variations are perfect for an Italian evening.
That’s why we recommend this recipe
Tarte flambée always works and is a great hearty snack when it’s wet, dark and cold outside. The caramelized onions act like a flavour enhancer for all the other ingredients – amazing! Another thing we like about tarte flambée is that it can be topped in any way you like, just like pizza, only in autumnal style. We were also impressed by how easy the tarte flambée is to prepare in the pan, which makes it the ideal meal for the Staytoo apartment kitchen.
#2 Mexican pumpkin stew
This pumpkin stew will really heat you and your guests up.
- 400 g pumpkin (Hokkaido or butternut)
- 600 g kidney beans
- 150 g canned corn
- 600 g tomatoes (chunky)
- 400 ml vegetable stock
- ½ onion
- ¼ apple
- 2 tbsp spelt flour
- 1 tbsp caraway seeds
- 1 tbsp oregano
- 1 tbsp oil (olive or sunflower oil)
- 4 tsp tomato paste
- 2 tsp pumpkin seed oil
- salt
- pepper
1. Wash the pumpkin thoroughly, cut in half and remove the seeds. Then cut the pumpkin halves into small pieces.
2. Peel, halve and dice the onion.
3. Wash the apple and cut into apple quarters, dice one apple quarter.
4. Heat the oil in a pan and fry the diced pumpkin, apple and onion.
5. Add the tomato purée and spelt flour.
6. Deglaze with vegetable stock and tomatoes.
7. Simmer the pumpkin stew on a low heat for approx. 25 minutes.
8. Add the kidney beans, sweetcorn and spices, garnish with a drizzle of pumpkin seed oil and enjoy the pumpkin stew.
Our tip: If we eat this stew for several days, we spice it up with a few small ingredients on each new day. On Monday, for example, we add a spoonful of sour cream, on Tuesday we sprinkle in grated Parmesan cheese, on Wednesday we experiment with a piece of dark chocolate, which we grate into the hot stew and allow to melt.
That’s why we recommend this recipe
Pumpkin stew is super quick to prepare, is full of vitamins and minerals and, thanks to its simplicity, even the least talented cook can make it. What’s more, it can be frozen in large quantities and defrosted just as quickly, making it the perfect make-ahead meal (keyword: meal prep).
#3 Mushroom and feta burger
Yummy, yummy: this burger will put you in a good mood and you can bite into it with a clear conscience, as it is based on healthy mushrooms.
- 800 g mushrooms (mushroom mix, e.g. king oyster mushrooms, button mushrooms)
- 60 g lettuce (e.g. rocket)
- 8 g gherkins
- 4 burger buns
- 4 slices of mountain cheese
- 2 tomatoes
- 1 onion
- 2 cloves of garlic
- 8 tbsp smoke/barbecue sauce
- 1 tbsp cooking oil (olive or sunflower oil)
- salt
- pepper
- paprika powder
1. Clean the mushrooms and cut into fine strips.
2. Peel the onion and garlic and chop into small cubes.
3. Pour the oil into the pan, heat the pan to the highest level.
4. Fry the mushrooms with the onion cubes until the onions are lightly browned. Add the garlic and sauté briefly over a medium heat. Turn off the hob and remove the pan from the heat. Add salt, pepper and paprika powder so that the spices can soak into the mushroom, onion and garlic mixture.
5. Toast the burger bun halves until they are nice and crispy, meanwhile cut the cornichons and tomatoes into thin slices.
6. Top the bun halves with the vegetables and the mushroom, onion and garlic mixture, place one slice of mountain cheese per burger directly on top of the warm mixture so that it can melt.
7. Add the smoke sauce and lettuce as toppings, close the burger with the bun lid and enjoy.
Our tip: Use brioche buns for the burgers. This fluffy, light pastry gives your burger an ingenious sweet note.
That’s why we recommend this recipe
The taste explosion of this burger blew us away. The different flavors come across quite differently when you bite into it than we are used to from the classic mushroom pan. This is how we rediscover mushrooms in the fall!
#4 Chestnut goulash with dumplings
Chestnuts are sweet chestnuts that can be eaten raw or baked. They taste just as delicious when cooked in goulash, where they reveal their full flavor potential.
- 800 g beef goulash
- 280 g chestnuts
- 120 g bacon (for connoisseurs: guanciale)
- 1 packet of Bohemian dumplings
- 1 vegetable onion
- 2 bay leaves
- 320 milliliters red wine or grape juice
- 540 milliliters beef stock
- 3 tablespoons oil (olive or sunflower oil)
- salt
- pepper
- nutmeg
1. Wash the beef and bacon thoroughly and leave to dry on a kitchen towel.
2. Peel the chestnuts, peel the onion and chop the chestnuts and onions into small pieces.
3. Pour the oil into a pan, fry the chestnuts and onion pieces.
4. Deglaze with red wine/grape juice, add beef stock, bay leaves, salt, pepper and nutmeg.
5. Leave the goulash to simmer on a low heat for at least 2 hours.
6. About 20 minutes before serving: Wet the bottom of a saucepan with water and heat. As soon as the water boils, place the pasta strainer in the pan, spread the dumpling slices evenly and cover the pan with a clean tea towel over a low heat.
7. Serve the goulash with the dumplings.
Our tip: This goulash can of course also be made vegetarian or vegan; we have eaten it with saitan and vegetable stock instead of beef stock, for example, and we really enjoyed it. Please note, however, that bacon and beef are flavor carriers. We have therefore found that you need to season vegetable alternatives more strongly. We also use a paprika-based goulash cream as a flavor boost.
That’s why we recommend this recipe
In the cold and wet season, the body needs lots of vitamin C. But drinking lemon water or eating apples all the time gets pretty monotonous in the long run. That’s where the chestnut came in handy, because for a long time we didn’t even know that it contained as much vitamin C as an orange. Well, that clears up the fruit issue. And apart from that, chestnuts also have the perfect color, in our opinion, to make them look really appetizing in goulash.
#5 Sweet potato fries
For years, sweet potato fries have been the perfect alternative to their golden yellow relatives. We show you how to prepare them easily in the pan.
- 2 sweet potatoes
- 4 tbsp cooking oil (e.g. olive or sunflower oil)
- salt
- pepper
- paprika powder
1. Wash and peel the sweet potatoes thoroughly.
2. Quarter the sweet potatoes and cut into pieces as large as possible.
3. Heat the oil in a pan, add the sweet potato pieces and fry evenly over a medium heat.
4. Turn the sweet potato pieces regularly.
5. Switch off the hob, season the sweet potato fries generously and leave to marinate in the warm pan for a few minutes. Then serve.
Our tip: Refreshing dips go great with sweet potato fries, e.g. quark with a squeeze of lime juice and parsley.
That’s why we recommend this recipe
Unlike classic chips, sweet potato fries keep us full for longer. They are also healthier, taste more intense and have that subtle sweetness that gives us a little mood boost on dull autumn days.
#6 Brussels sprout soup
For a long time, Brussels sprouts weren’t exactly a burner on our plates. Wrongly so, we think, since we learned this recipe.
- 800 g Brussels sprouts
- 300 g onions
- 1 l vegetable stock
- 1 small knob of butter
- 200 ml sour cream
- 1 tbsp cooking oil (e.g. olive or sunflower oil)
- 1 tbsp rice vinegar
- 1 tsp balsamic vinegar
1. Thoroughly clean and wash the Brussels sprouts, remove any wilted leaves.
2. Peel the onion and cut into small cubes.
3. Melt the butter in a pan and sweat the onions for a few minutes until translucent
4. Add the Brussels sprouts and sauté, stirring constantly.
5. Deglaze with vegetable stock.
6. Add the spices, cooking oil, rice vinegar and balsamic vinegar.
7. Add most of the sour cream and simmer the soup for about 20 minutes.
8. Turn off the hob, puree the soup and serve garnished with a dollop of sour cream.
Our tip: You can also use coconut oil instead of sour cream. The oil gives your Brussels sprout soup an exotic touch, very tasty!
That’s why we recommend this recipe
With this Brussels sprout soup, we spice up the vegetable with the dubious reputation. What’s more, the delicate flavour of Brussels sprouts means that they go perfectly with a wide variety of cheeses and spices. So if you prefer to mix Parmesan, cheddar or mozzarella into your soup instead of Manchego: We can absolutely recommend experimenting with different cheeses!
More articles in our blog
Is your mouth watering already? Then get away from the screen and get cooking. 😉 However, if you’re looking for more recipe ideas, take a look at the following articles:
We wish you a healthy, wonderful fall with delicious food. And don’t forget to leave your apartment every now and then in the evening to marvel at the beautiful sunsets – they are particularly intense in the fall.
Ahoy and see you soon!
Your Staytoo team
You want to spend a semester abroad, but have no idea what you have to think about? No problem! With our tips you can prepare yourself optimally for your semester abroad.
#1 Educate yourself about your destination
Knowing regional customs and practices is immensely important for behaving properly as a guest in a foreign country.
Do not underestimate this point, because in many parts of the world (e.g. Asia, Muslim countries) behavior that we find normal in this country can lead to problems – revealing swimwear, for example, or entering a temple with shoes, which is an absolute no-go in many countries.
We experienced something like that in Singapore, for example: At some temples there was a notice that you are not allowed to enter with shoes or shorts. At some temples, this notice was not found, which is why tourists thought that this behavior does not apply there. A mistake that was not well received by the local population.
- Our tip: Be sure to check the website of the German Foreign Office for information about your destination. There you will also find current travel and safety information.
#2 Plan your trip
Which flight do you want to book? Where do you want to depart from and when? How will you get to the airport? Which public transport will take you to your accommodation at your destination? These and other questions should be answered before you start your semester abroad.
Our editor once made the mistake of booking a connecting flight that was too close. So it happened as it had to: Although he ran to the gate, he missed the next flight because he underestimated the size of the airport. So you should definitely pay attention to that, too.
#3 Clarify all university matters
Imagine arriving at your destination and not being able to attend classes because you didn’t register for them in time. Sounds unimaginable? Unfortunately, this happens to many students, including a friend of ours: She flew to Latin America, confident that she would be able to start her courses at the university.
There was only one problem: The university administration had informed her weeks before via e-mail that the start of the new semester would be delayed. Our friend had only checked her e-mails on site and learned about the delay. Annoying, since she had hoped to be able to start studying right after her arrival instead of being left.
Moral of the story: log into your accounts regularly before you travel so you don’t miss any important info.
- Our tip: Take care of log-ins to your university mail client and course portal as early as possible. Also contact the contact person at the university abroad if you have any questions.
Your goal should be to settle all matters before the journey begins. This way, you can fully focus on your studies on site.
#4 Take care of the finances
When it comes to finances, here are some hugely important aspects you should tackle:
Budget planning
The more you know in advance what expenses you will incur during your semester abroad, the better you can prepare financially. Rent for accommodation, expenses for food, clothing, medication: All of this should be part of your budget planning.
- Our tip: Use free services such as a free budget planner or tools such as Finanzguru to keep track of your income and expenses.
Banking & bank card usage
It is often the case that cash withdrawals and transfers abroad are subject to charges. If you are not careful, you may incur unnecessary fees. Also, certain bank cards may not work locally.
This is exactly what happened to the author of this article in Uganda: He tried to withdraw money locally with his credit card, which the machine refused to do. If he had read the fine print more carefully, he would have learned that using the card in non-EU countries must be requested in writing from his bank. So there he was in the middle of Africa, without any cash.
We therefore advise you to read the terms and conditions and price lists of your bank carefully before starting your trip. If necessary, it makes sense to change banks or to choose a separate travel account at a bank with more favorable conditions. Use specialized comparison portals such as Finanzfluss or a current account calculator from Finanztip.
Scholarships and other grants
Scholarships and grants exist for students who want to spend a semester abroad, including the GoEuro scholarship, Erasmus+, and the Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes e. V. study abroad grant.
- Our tip: Apply for a scholarship or grant as early as possible to meet application deadlines and give staff enough time to review your application. Use scholarship databases such as the DAAD database and myStipendium to find the right scholarship for you.
In our experience, early registration in the DAAD database is an ideal start for applying for scholarships abroad. Make sure that you provide complete and correct information.
Also, take the time to write a motivation letter that creatively addresses the question of why. For example, we know the story of a student friend of ours who explained his fascination for architecture in the Baltic States and was subsequently granted funding for his stay in Estonia. The fact that during his stay he was rather seldom in Baltic castles, but in party cellars – so what? 😉
#5 Learn the local language
Many students underestimate this point before starting their semester abroad. After all, English is the world language that almost everyone has learned. So why learn the language of the host country? Answer: Because it will give you a lot of advantages.
- Our tip: In addition to the numerous language learning apps, it is very effective and free of charge to watch videos by local YouTubers. Choose topics that interest you and turn on subtitles in German for the videos. This way you can learn the language in a playful way and also hear how native speakers talk.
We got the tip from a Swiss buddy who emigrated to Costa Rica over ten years ago. He explained to us that Spanish in Costa Rica is massively different from European Spanish, it is pragmatic and sounds different for many vocabulary words. Without his tip and without the YouTube videos of Costa Ricans, we would never have been able to prepare so well for the trip there.
These are the advantages of learning the local language:
- Independence: Especially in rural areas, millions of people around the world do not speak English. If you speak the local language, you can travel to remote places without having to struggle with language barriers.
- Sympathy: When traveling, have you ever seen people suddenly light up when you speak their language? It doesn’t have to be perfect or fluent, it’s all about the gesture that you’re making an effort.
- Qualification for the job market: In a globalized world, language skills are valuable. Large companies in particular have locations in different countries, which can open unexpected doors for your future career.
As you can see, learning the language of your destination country has many advantages. Basics are enough, and you will become a language pro over time anyway, if you regularly communicate with locals on site.
#6 Take out insurance
If you are going to spend a semester abroad, you should urgently clarify your insurance coverage in advance.
These insurances are particularly important:
- Health Insurance
- Travel Catch-Up Insurance
- Accident Insurance
- Liability Insurance
- Travel Cancellation Insurance
- Legal Expenses Insurance
- Baggage Insurance
All these insurances are important to protect you optimally abroad.
Be sure to ask your parents if they have already taken out insurance for you, and if so, which ones, so that you don’t take out duplicate insurance unnecessarily. That’s what we did and were sometimes surprised what we were already insured for (e.g. with an international health insurance).
#7 Make preparations for emergencies
No one wishes for an emergency to occur. Nevertheless, it is important that you make preparations for such an eventuality.
These are the most important emergency preparations:
Contact list
In the contact list, which you always have with you, you collect contact details of family members, friends, local contacts, your embassy and emergency numbers of your insurance. If something should happen to you, the helpers will know immediately who to contact.
- Our tip: Inform your most important personal contacts about your plans for the semester abroad so that they know when, where and for how long you will be traveling. We use in-house features in smartphones for this; on Android, for example, contacts can be saved as emergency contacts. Helpers can access these contacts even if they can’t unlock your phone.
Medical data
On a separate printout, you should summarize important medical information about yourself: What medications are you taking? Are there any allergies and/or pre-existing conditions? What blood group and vaccinations (keyword: vaccination certificate) do you have?
Emergency numbers
Memorize the phone numbers of local safety agencies and support organizations, including police, ambulance, fire and other emergency services. To be on the safe side, print out a list of numbers in case your phone goes dead, so you can still call for help, for example, from a local phone.
What’s also useful, in our experience, is to wear a smartwatch with an emergency call function on your wrist. Yes, we know these things aren’t fashionable for everyone. But it gives us a good feeling somewhere in the middle of nowhere to know that we can get help even if we can’t get to our cell phone, for example.
#8 Find accommodation
As a rule, students are responsible for finding accommodation for the duration of their semester abroad. Dormitory places and shared rooms are in high demand, especially at the beginning of the semester, which is why you should look for a place to stay as early as possible.
When we want to go abroad, we contact friends who travel a lot and have ideally already been to our destination country. They give us great tips on where we can stay cheaply and nicely, put us in touch with the local hosts, etc.
- Tip: You can also look for accommodation via online portals such as Erasmusu or Housinganywhere. From shared rooms to apartments, you have a wide choice.
#9 Secure your records
For a safe and worry-free time during your semester abroad, make copies of your most important documents before you travel.
Key documents include:
- Passport
- Visas
- Insurance Certificates (Health Insurance, Accident Insurance, etc.)
- Airline Tickets
- Driver’s License
- Certificate of Enrollment
- Proof of Qualifications (e.g. Language Certificates, Diplomas, Certificates)
- Contract for Accommodation
We recommend that you make both physical and digital copies of the documents in case you lose the printed copies. For example, there are fireproof bags in which we always carry copies. Chest pouches are also high on our list, where we always have copies of our IDs and some emergency cash on hand.
You can upload your digital copies to a cloud, but be sure to check the security and integrity of the cloud provider. Among other things, we use the free online storage of our mail client to store files securely and access them from any location. Do you also have a login with a German mail provider? Then take a look right now to see if they offer you a similar function.
More articles in our blog
Phew, that was a lot of organizational stuff, but with our tips on how to prepare for your semester abroad, you’ll make sure you start your adventure safe and organized. Want more know-how? Then read on right away:
All that remains for us to say is: We wish you much joy and success during your semester abroad. You will get to know new cultures and people and enrich your studies enormously. Ahoy and see you soon!
Unity and justice and freedom – the day of reunification took place on 03 October and is the most important national holiday of Germans. In fact, we can say: With exciting cities, beautiful landscapes and friendly people, Germany is a great country to study and live in.
But we Germans are also pretty weird. With these fun facts about Germany, you’ll find out what really makes us tick.
#1 You will recognize them by their punctuality
Yes, it’s true: Germans are very punctual creatures and demand this same punctuality from their fellow man. You can be the most talented applicant for a job, but if you are one minute late for an interview, that’s it. Adios and goodbye.
It’s not that we don’t like tardiness, we hate it, with tradespeople as well as friends. We expect life to run like clockwork, except with Deutsche Bahn – we’re happy if the trains run at all, but that’s another topic.
- Ride the train despite delays? It’s still worth it! Here are cool train routes for a trip on rails.
So if you want to make a habit of getting along well with us Germans, for heaven’s sake be on time! Then we let quite a lot pass, unless you dare to push your way to the checkout, which brings us to the next bizarre fact.
#2 Everything has its order – really everything!
You think you’re a decent person? Then treat yourself to a visit to a German allotment garden site and ask the people there what they are annoyed about with their neighbor. Don’t be surprised if the Laubenpieper, as allotment garden owners are called, complain that the 1.5-centimeter-long branch of the neighbor’s hedge protrudes into their own plot, or that the lawn on the plot opposite is only mowed once a week instead of every three days (but definitely not on Sunday!), as required by the association’s statutes.
We Germans insist on law and order; regulations are, so to speak, our map with which we go through life. By the way, the fact that we slavishly observe regulations does not mean that we do not grumble about precisely these regulations.
We may constantly want more freedom and less bureaucracy, but let’s be honest: Germans only experience true feelings of happiness when they get carried away by internal documentation requirements or the road traffic regulations according to paragraph XY.
We regulate the most absurd things; for example, you need a permit if you want to swim in one of our sewers. So if that’s what you have in mind for an excursion, no problem for us – but please get the official okay first 😉.
#3 Besserwessi and Jammerossi
If you talk to Germans, they will sometimes sound as if the Wall fell only yesterday and not 33 years ago. Most of the time, clichés come up about the overconfident, know-it-all West Germans, whereas the East Germans are always complaining and are too stupid to vote.
Discussions about this are as pointless as they are outdated, so we recommend that you do not take part in them. Germany is a federal country consisting of 16 very individual states. So see the geographical and cultural diversity in Germany for what it is: a real enrichment.
#4 German language, strange language
Our language is like a dragon: it can never be completely mastered, at best it can only be tamed. Even language professionals like copywriters and German teachers regularly despair of the sense and nonsense of grammatical rules. Even the Duden sometimes knows no better explanation than: It’s just the way it is.
At the same time, we are mighty proud of our language, which has funny irritations in store, including double meanings:
- Bank (seat / financial institution)
- Fly (insect / piece of clothing on the neck)
- Rope (rope / drop of water)
- Pine (type of tree / part of the body on the head)
Funny and strange is also the tendency of Germans to use extremely long words, which are created by stringing several words together:
- Danubesteamshipelectricitymainplantconstructionsubofficecompany
- Beeflabelingsupervisiontasktransferact
- Realestatetrafficpermitjurisdictiontransferordinance
- Telephonesubscriberdirectoryoffice
I don’t know why we have this soft spot, but notice something? The long words occur especially often in the bureaucratic setting, which brings us back to point #2: Everything has its order! 😉
#5 The highway without speed limit
Our European neighbors have speed limits on long-distance roads. We don’t, because Germans get a pulse at the idea of not being allowed to live out their freedom. That is to say, to take leave of one’s senses and speed along the left-hand lane of the autobahn with the speedometer needle at the limit.
We’re in a terrible hurry, you remember point #1, punctuality and all that. That’s why we’re also tailgating at speeds of 190 km/h. If you still haven’t understood that you have to give way, and you have to do so immediately, you will be made aware of this by flashing your headlights.
The German autobahns are known worldwide, which is why celebrities like Tom Hanks like to come here to tickle the horsepower out of their cars. The Hollywood actor summed up what German drivers think in a talk show on Letterman: “It doesn’t matter how fast you drive in Germany – someone is always faster!”
#6 Beer is official food
The Germans and their beer … The mere fact that we have over 12,000 pubs serving home-brewed beer speaks of a long and intense love affair with liquid gold.
We’re world-renowned for the quality of our beers, and if you ask us what the Reinheitsgebot means, you’ll hear hymns of praise and patriotic arias.
Sure, there’s alcohol in beer, but we see the combination of water, barley and malt as the source of life, which is why beer is considered an official food under our Food and Feed Code (yes, that’s really the name of the thing).
That’s why you’ll find beer in the grocery section of supermarkets and on the breakfast table, because a beer is simply part of a hearty Weißwurst breakfast, at least in Bavaria. In other German states, drinking beer in the morning is called Frühshoppen.
#7 Döner Kebab and Spaghetti Ice Cream – Made in Germany
The fact that baklava and other oriental specialties are sold in our kebab stores does not change the fact that the kebab was most likely invented by Kadir Numar, a Turkish immigrant who opened a snack bar at Bahnhof Zoo in 1971. This is most likely because there are several other people who could have invented it, but it is certain that Germany was the place where it was invented.
Spaghetti ice cream is also tricky: It was invented by the Italian Dario Fontanella, but not in picturesque Venice or sunny Palermo, but in Mannheim. In 1969, at the age of just 17, Fontanella came up with this creation, which has remained a fixture on German dessert menus to this day. At that time, Fontanella pressed vanilla ice cream through a spice press, thus combining German craftsmanship and Italian cuisine in pure pragmatism. Guten appetito!
More articles in our blog
We hope that these fun facts about Germany will help you feel at home here. In conclusion, we can say: We are a bit peculiar, but we can also laugh about our quirks. So be sure to come and have a cold beer with us – but be punctual!
If you want to get to know Germany and its citizens, which we highly recommend, check out these articles:
We wish you a great time in Germany and say a loud ahoy and Herzlich willkommen!
Writing texts, creating presentations, generating images: Artificial intelligences are ingenious companions for everyday life. How do you get the most out of them? Find out in this article!
AI application in studies
There are quite a few opportunities to use artificial intelligences in your studies. In the following tasks, AIs will support you effectively.
Research and write texts
This is what ChatGPT, neuroflash, Jasper & Co. have become known for: researching in a structured way and creating text drafts. This saves you a lot of time in the preparatory work.
But be careful: if you think you can submit the AI texts to your university as your own intellectual output – for example, in the form of term papers – be warned: they may be plagiarized, and most universities now have fairly effective AI text scanners. Read our article on ChatGPT and copyright, it deals with this topic more intensively.
Personalized learning with AI learning platforms and AI tutors
In the meantime, there are much better learning methods than binge learning, for example, with which you can acquire knowledge. You can get an additional learning boost by using AI learning platforms such as KI-Campus that match your learning type.
Are you a communicative learner? Then the exchange with chatbots and voice assistants will benefit you. Do you prefer the learning content to be audiovisual so that you can remember it well? In this case, video courses are excellent. Check out our article on the topic to find out which learning type you are.
You can also use AI platforms to create learning plans. You can even have learning plans put together for several days with different focuses.
AI tutors refine and intensify the learning process. They answer subject-specific questions and work with you to create curricula that fit your learning style. They also provide tips and feedback on your learning progress. And unlike a human tutor, the AI tutor is available to you 24/7.
Create presentations
Presentations are part of everyday study, for example during lectures. Popular AIs for presentations are, for example, Decktopus, Simplified or Plus AI. A classic slide presentation can be created quickly with SlidesAI, while Synthesia is suitable for fancy video presentations.
Do you want to add original images to your presentations? Image generators like Midjourney, Stable Diffusion, neuroflash or DALL-E 2 will help you. Tell the AI which graphics you need and it will provide you with the appropriate images.
Shorten monotonous work processes
In your studies, there are some tasks that consist of pure routine and just eat up time.
With KI you can automate the following tasks or have them supported:
- Exam preparation in general
- Data analysis
- Creation of reports
- Research
Also, use AI tools like Deepl or Google Translate to translate texts. You’ll certainly find it easier to read a text that you translate from academic English into your native language, for example.
Another strength of AI is data collection and presentation. If you’ve already collected data, for example in a survey or study, use AI to visualize it in the form of charts or to identify relevant patterns in the data and create meaningful reports.
AI capabilities that are valuable for the world of work
Two paths are particularly important for the use of artificial intelligence for companies: developing your own AI and working effectively with existing AI. For most companies, especially medium-sized ones, the second option is likely to be particularly exciting.
But it’s not just large companies that are developing AIs; smaller startups are also recognizing the value of developing their own. There will probably be many overlap and transfer processes in this direction in the working world: Many companies will initially rely on third-party AI and develop their own AI in parallel, provided the investment is worthwhile. The following capabilities and application possibilities are useful for both paths.
Understanding and speaking the language of AI
This does not mean programming languages, but the ability to feed AI with data, information and commands in such a way that the desired, high-quality results emerge. There is even a separate job description for this: the so-called AI Prompter, or internationally AI Prompter.
The AI or AI Prompter has perfected the communication with artificial intelligences, so that he achieves customized results for companies – and is paid excellently for it. If you don’t want to become a prompter, the ability to communicate effectively with AI will be in high demand outside of this job description.
Developing corporate strategy with AI
It is important for companies to recognize industry trends as well as social developments at an early stage. But even if several employees were to collect, filter and evaluate news every day, it would only be possible to gain a rough overview at best.
This is precisely where artificial intelligences come in: They perform what would overburden humans and can make forecasts based on patterns that emerge from a wide variety of information sources.
They are by no means error-free, but they do help to keep important developments on the radar screen and highlight trends that decision-makers in companies can use to steer a course. Thus, AI will also be essential for risk management in order to identify threats, competitors, etc. at an early stage and to be able to take action.
Increase efficiency with AI
In our market economy, companies are constantly working to optimize their processes: Workflows are to be accelerated, communication paths shortened, errors detected and costs saved. Artificial intelligences are excellent at identifying opportunities for improvement in work processes and taking over monotonous tasks.
This includes, for example, regularly creating reports, writing standard emails and creating templates, guides, etc. This is not about completely replacing employees. With the use of AIs, they can use their valuable time to subject AI-created content and automated work processes to quality control.
Customer service with AI
Years ago, chatbots already helped to handle customer inquiries. Today, artificial intelligences have literally become smarter in order to respond even more precisely and individually to personalized customer inquiries. From a mere chatbot, AI is thus becoming a personal customer assistant, available around the clock with helpful answers.
Furthermore, well-trained AIs are able to evaluate customer moods and profiles in such a way that possible disagreements as well as buying interests can be identified. Depending on the mood, the AI can then forward the customer to its own online store, for example, or to a human employee who will process the request.
Human Resource Management with AI
A key issue for companies is finding and recruiting employees. AI helps HR management to create profiles of desired employees and to formulate job advertisements based on these profiles. Artificial intelligence is also helpful in evaluating job applications, as well as in vacation planning and other HR issues.
In times of a shortage of skilled workers, artificial intelligences close another crucial gap: They ensure high employee satisfaction through constant analysis, evaluation and process automation, which in turn promotes employee retention.
Furthermore, AIs are useful from the business side to identify employee productivity and their performance peaks. This allows company leaders to create promotion and development plans that are customized for each employee.
In short, AI will greatly simplify recruitment, onboarding, and human resources as a whole.
Marketing with AI
The basis and the strength of AI for successful marketing are the analyses of collected data in order to effectively reach one’s own target groups. Artificial intelligences also help with subsequent processes, such as the creation of marketing campaigns.
AIs continuously optimize and control campaigns so that they are automated and marketers can focus on other processes, such as strategic marketing goals. Do you want to increase awareness of your brand or boost sales? Any marketing goal can be advanced in collaboration with artificial intelligence.
Other AI-relevant processes
In the near future, every area of business will be impacted by or with AI:
- Security (especially IT security)
- Database creation (e.g., customer databases or knowledge bases as in-house “wikis”)
- Delivery & production (supply chain optimization, more efficient production lines, etc.)
- Control of finances
- Research and development
Conclusion: The time to engage with AI is now
Some students and employees think they still have a lot of time before they have to deal with artificial intelligence. A mistake! AI such as ChatGPT, DALL-E 2, Midjourney, beautiful, Jasper, Google Bard, etc. are already being used at universities and in companies. We advise: Don’t oversleep this development, but use the currently so exciting time to learn how to use AI, as these skills are valuable assets for your career and can already help you in your studies.
In the future, specialists will be needed to get the most out of artificial intelligence. How convenient that you have already learned to trigger, automate and optimize processes with AI in your studies!
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You would like to do an internship during your studies or you have a compulsory internship coming up? Whether voluntary or a mandatory part of your studies, an internship offers you a unique opportunity to gain valuable experience for your future career. But before you start, there are bound to be a few questions:
- What kind of internship suits me?
- How do I find suitable internships or internship positions?
- What should I look out for when choosing?
In this blog article, we will answer these questions and give you valuable tips on how to find the best internship for you.
What kind of internship do you want?
Before you start looking for an internship, consider which internship best fits your studies and career goals. Do you want to gain practical experience in a specific area directly related to your field of study? Or do you want to explore different industries to find out which career path appeals to you most? Define your internship goals clearly so that you can search specifically for suitable internships.
How to find internships?
There are different ways to find internships. A good place to start are job exchanges on the Internet or special internship portals, here you will find a selection:
The career pages of companies are also good places to start. Direct contact with companies or organizations can be promising – send a speculative application or call to inquire about open internships. Don’t forget the opportunities offered by your university or course of study. They often have internship exchanges or career services that can support you in your search.
What should you look for before applying for an internship?
Make sure to clarify the general conditions before you sign an internship contract:
- Duration of the internship
- Remuneration
- working hours
- Possible additional benefits
Think carefully about the skills you would like to develop and find out whether the company or organization offers this opportunity. You can do this, for example, by asking the contact person for the internship about the specific content and processes of the internship. Which work stations will you get to know, what will you be taught there, how can you contribute?
Also find out about the company’s reputation and working conditions. Reviews from former interns can be helpful here; you can find such reviews on portals such as or kununu.
Gaining practical experience – gaining knowledge in the real world
An internship allows you to put your theoretical knowledge from your studies into practice. Here you learn how the working world really works and how you can successfully apply your acquired know-how in real-life situations. This valuable practical experience gives you an invaluable head start for your future career.
Professional orientation – Find the right path
Still unsure about what career path you want to take? Don’t worry, an internship will help you discover your interests and strengths. In different industries and companies you can find out which work environment suits you best and which activities excite you.
Make contacts – Build your network
During the internship, you have the opportunity to make valuable contacts. The people you meet – be it your supervisor, experienced colleagues or other interns – can become important mentors and door openers for your career in the future. A strong network is of great importance for your professional success.
Developing soft skills – building on personal strengths
In addition to technical knowledge, you can also work on your soft skills during the internship. The ability to work in a team, strong communication skills, problem-solving skills and time management are qualities that are in demand in almost every industry. An internship offers you the ideal platform to develop these skills and strengthen your personality.
Career advantage – Convince potential employers
A successfully completed internship is a real flagship on your resume. Employers value applicants who have already gained practical experience. Your internship shows that you are motivated, committed and willing to actively take on responsibility. This increases your chances of being perceived by companies as a sought-after employee.
An internship during your studies is an invaluable experience and investment for your professional future. If you know which internship suits you best, search for suitable positions and choose carefully, you will find an internship that perfectly matches your goals. Take advantage of this valuable opportunity to gain hands-on experience, discover your interests, and make valuable contacts for your career. A well-chosen internship can be the key to your professional success!
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More articles in ourThe application for your internship has been sent? Great, then we recommend you further articles in our online magazine for maximum success in your studies:
Family, sports club, study group: As social beings, we live in communities. These communities can bring you a lot of joy, success and health if you actively build and maintain them. In this article, we’ll show you why it pays to be part of communities.
What is a community?
“Community” or “fellowship” refers to a group that has something in common, be it shared interests, goals, values, or activities. A community can be large, such as a political party, or smaller, such as the residents of an apartment building – as is the case in our Staytoo community.
The most important effects of communities
The following effects offer you communities, whether in the private, professional or university sector:
#1 Make friends
Not everyone in a community becomes a boyfriend or girlfriend. But it’s the perfect social place to meet people you’re on the same wavelength with. Here you can exchange ideas in peace and give a friendship the time it needs to develop.
#2 Achieve better learning effects
Learning in a community has an extremely positive effect on our learning behavior. Fixed learning group appointments ensure the necessary discipline to consistently internalize the learning material, and the joint exchange about the learning content ensures that it is stored particularly well in the brain. This is especially true for the communicative learner type.
- Article Tips: Discover successful learning methods and find out your learning type.
#3 Gain new perspectives and experiences
Life is colorful and diverse, and so are communities with their different characters, all of whom have grown up and been shaped differently.
When you talk to people in your community, you’ll hear all kinds of stories and experiences from which you can learn a lot for your own life. You’ll also find that there are always multiple perspectives on challenges and problems, which is also an asset of communities.
#4 Living sustainability
Sharing space and equipment promotes overall sustainability. An example of this is a community gym: without a gym, each individual would have to buy the equipment – an enormous financial outlay that is not sustainable on top of everything else.
With a community gym, members can make the most of all the equipment by arrangement and time availability. The same applies to community spaces such as lounges or parks in public areas.
#5 Acquire and train social skills
Regular interaction with others develops your social skills. You’re always adjusting to the people you’re talking to.
You learn these social skills in communities:
- Listening
- Empathy
- Rhetoric
- Ability to work in a team
- Persuasiveness
- Self-confidence
- Determination
- Assertiveness
All these skills are extremely important in academic and professional life. Communities are real boosters in this respect; they promote your social skills considerably. The prerequisite for this is your own initiative. The more intensively you get involved in a community, the faster you will develop your social skills.
#6 Start joint projects
Together we achieve more. This has to do with the so-called synergy effects that result from joining forces. In a well-functioning community, the strengths of the members come to bear, while the weaknesses are compensated for.
Motivation, goal focus and a lot of fun are the effects here. This creates the ideal breeding ground for joint projects, be it the planning of an adventure trip, a social initiative or group work for the university.
Good examples of such groups at the university are, for example, student council members who take care of introductory events for freshmen or information events for students in a particular department.
Volunteering also often takes place in communities; for example, you can become active in self-help groups, as a mentor at the university or at the campus radio station. In this way, you can make a meaningful contribution to one or more projects.
#7 Promote cohesion & stability in difficult times
Ever since Corona, we’ve known that social interaction is incredibly important for each and everyone of us. A strong community helps you deal better with personal and social crises.
In a community, you learn together how to deal creatively with problems and challenges. It also feels incredibly good to be able to talk to each other, whether in personal meetings or phone calls with individual members, or in the group itself. Trust is the most important value in such a community – if this value is given, the group can support you emotionally, but also concretely in everyday life, for example by helping you with shopping, visits to the authorities, etc. – with everything that is difficult or impossible in a private crisis.
During social crises like the Corona pandemic with lockdowns, online communities have proven to be an enormous support for many people. The feeling of connectedness, both online and offline, gives people the strength and confidence to overcome a difficult time together.
#8 Satisfy important basic need to belong
Humans have a deeply anchored primal need to belong. It is therefore important for our satisfaction to feel that we belong to one or more groups with which we can identify. Communities fulfill this need perfectly.
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In our Staytoo online magazine you will find numerous other articles that provide practical tips and impulses.
Standing at the stove while the sun is shining outside? No way! With these summer recipes you will be full quickly and can enjoy your free time in the outdoor pool, at the lake or in the park.
Tip: All summer dishes recipes are designed for 4 servings.
#1 Greek farmer salad
Salads are fresh, crunchy and healthy. And this salad is a real explosion of flavor with the mixture of feta, pepper and melon.
- 750 g watermelon (whole or already cut)
- 250 g cucumber
- 1 package feta cheese
- 4 stalks of spring onions
- 5 tbsp balsamic cream
- 4 tbsp lemon juice
- 2 tbsp olive oil
- 4 tbsp pine nuts
- 1 tbsp honey
- 1 tbsp chili
- salt
- Pepper
Preparation time: 10 minutes
1. Cut melon pulp, feta and cucumber, dice and mix together in a large bowl.
2. Cut the spring onion stalks into thin strips and fold into the melon-feta cheese mixture.
3. Briefly toast pine nuts in a frying pan (without oil) until golden brown. While doing so, swirl the pan every now and then so that the kernels are toasted evenly.
4. Add the balsamic cream, lemon juice, olive oil, honey and spices. Mix everything together well.
5. Let the salad stand for five minutes and then serve.
#2 Spaghetti with 10 minutes tomato sauce
Pasta always goes, but in summer we don’t want it so heavy. This light, fresh tomato sauce comes just in time.
- 700 g spaghetti
- 4 medium tomatoes
- 1 can of tomatoes (chunky)
- 1 vegetable onion
- 4 tbsp olive oil
- 4 tbsp tomato past
- 1 tbsp lemon juice, freshly squeezed
- 1 handful fresh basil, chopped
- salt
- pepper
Preparation time: 10 minutes
1. Put pot with pasta water and 2 tbsp salt.
2. Peel and dice the onion, rinse and dice the tomatoes, but do not mix the two.
3. Heat olive oil in pan, sauté onions until translucent, meanwhile add pasta to boiling pasta water.
4. Add tomato paste to pan and sauté onions briefly for roasted flavor.
5. Add diced tomatoes and canned tomatoes to pan and simmer sauce with lid on for 5-6 minutes.
6. Turn off the heat, drain the pasta water as soon as the pasta is al dente and let the sauce cool slightly. Add fresh lemon juice, basil, pepper and salt to the sauce. Serve the pasta together with the sauce.
#3 Zucchini balls with yogurt lime dip
Zucchinis are an extremely popular summer vegetable. But just cutting them into slices or pieces and frying them is something anyone can do. In ball form with delicious dip you will experience the zucchini again completely different.
Ingredients zucchini balls
- 750 g zucchini
- 100 g feta cheese
- 120 g wholemeal flour (e.g. spelt flour)
- 1 bunch of spring onions
- 2 onions
- 3 cloves of garlic
- 8 tbsp breadcrumbs (breadcrumbs)
- 2 tbsp olive oil
- 1 tbsp paprika powder, sweet
- ½ lemon
- ½ bunch parsley
- ½ bunch dill
- pepper
- salt
Ingredients yogurt lime dip
- 300 g natural yogurt
- 1 lime
- 2 tbsp olive oil
- pepper
- salt
Preparation zucchini balls
Preparation time: 15 minutes
1. Wash zucchini thoroughly and grate coarsely with a grater. Place grated zucchini in a large bowl and add salt and pepper.
2. Chop parsley and dill and add to seasoned zucchini grates. Let the zucchini mixture sit in a place at room temperature for half an hour.
3. Add flour, breadcrumbs and feta cheese. Knead zucchini mixture thoroughly with hands until it feels “doughy”.
4. Form patties, heat pan with a dash of oil in it. Add zucchini balls and fry over medium heat until cooked through, about 5 minutes. Turn the balls several times so that they are golden brown on both sides.
5. Leave patties in pan to keep warm. Meanwhile, prepare yogurt-lime dip.
Preparation yogurt lime dip
1. Put natural yogurt in a bowl, season with pepper and salt.
2. Cut the lime in the middle and squeeze the juice into the yogurt.
3. Add olive oil and spices, mix dip vigorously with a fork. Done!
#4 Strawberry Bowl
Can’t imagine strawberries being good with anything other than compote or cake? Then try this delicious bowl. It’s fresh, fruity and sweet.
- 750 g watermelon (whole or already cut)
- 500 g strawberries
- 50 ml orange juice
- 1 bunch of fresh mint (Moroccan mint, peppermint or similar)
- 4 tbsp millet
- 2 tbsp agave syrup
- 50 g nuts (e.g. Brazil nuts)
Preparation time: 10 minutes
Tip: The Strawberry Bowl is especially refreshing if you put the bowls you serve it in in the fridge for 20 minutes beforehand.
1. Cut watermelon into pieces. Wash strawberries thoroughly and put about ¾ of them in a blender together with the melon pieces.
2. Add orange juice, agave syrup and ¾ of the mint to the blender and blend thoroughly.
3. Arrange strawberry-melon puree in bowls, sprinkle evenly with millet.
4. Chop nuts and also spread evenly over the puree.
#5 Huli-Huli Chicken Burger
Chicken Huli-Huli is a Hawaiian recipe and a real taste bomb. As if fried chicken with pineapple and a marinade of soy sauce, garlic and ketchup weren’t delicious enough, it comes as a burger. Have you worked up an appetite? Then let’s get started quickly!
- 4-6 large burger buns
- 1 pineapple (whole fruit, alternatively slices from a can)
- 600 g chicken fillet (raw or as ready-fried pieces)
- 10 tbsp tomato ketchup
- 8 tbsp soy sauce
- 2 tbsp lime juice
- 2 tbsp sesame oil
- 20 g fresh ginger
- 2 garlic cloves
- 1 chili pepper
- 1 bunch of coriander
- fresh lettuce (e.g. lamb’s lettuce)
- pepper
- salt
Preparation time: 15 minutes
1. Remove the stalk from the pineapple and slice the pineapple (if you don’t use canned slices). Put one third of the pineapple flesh in a bowl, mix with soy sauce, ketchup, sesame oil and lime juice. Peel and chop garlic cloves, chop cilantro, ginger and chili as well. Mix into the marinade and puree everything. Transfer about a third of the marinade into an extra small bowl.
2. Coat chicken fillets generously with marinade. Heat skillet and sear fillets well (if you chose the raw option).
3. Spread both sides of the burger buns with the remaining marinade and top the burger with the cooked chicken fillets and lettuce. Use the remaining pineapple slices as toppings. Close the burger with the top half of the bun and enjoy.
#6 Pesto Eggs
They went viral on TikTok and from there have made it into millions of kitchens: the legendary and delicious Pesto Eggs with Bread, which are delicious for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
- 4 eggs
- 4 slices of bread
- 60 g pesto of your choice (e.g. red or green pesto)
- 30 g cream cheese
- 1 avocado
- salt
- oregano
- Pepper
- chili flakes
Preparation time: 10 minutes
1. Spread pesto the size of the bread slices in a pan and heat.
2. When the pesto is hot, crack the eggs like fried eggs on the edge of the pan and fry in the pan.
3. Season egg-pesto mix with a pinch of salt, pepper, oregano and chili flakes.
4. Put the lid on the pan and let the egg-pesto mix simmer briefly. Meanwhile, spread avocado and cream cheese on bread slices.
5.Drape pesto eggs on bread slices and enjoy pesto eggs with bread or toast. Bon appetit!
#7 Gazpacho with mango
Gazpacho comes in various variations from Spain and Portugal, it is a cold vegetable soup. It doesn’t sound that great at first, but our melon gazpacho will delight you and your guests.
- 1 mango
- ½ cucumber
- 1 bell bell pepper (red)
- 1 bunch basil
- 1 bunch of parsley
- 1 bunch fresh mint (Moroccan mint, peppermint or similar)
- 2 tbsp olive oil
- 1 can of tomatoes
- 1 small onion
- 1 clove of garlic
- 1 lemon
- 1 tbsp white wine vinegar
- 50 g croutons
- salt
- pepper (preferably black)
Preparation time: 10 minutes
Tip: Keep as many ingredients as possible (e.g. mango, bell bell pepper and cucumber) in the refrigerator until you prepare the gazpacho. This way, the soup is already nice and cold when you serve it and doesn’t need to be chilled.
1. Cut the mango, bell bell pepper, onion and cucumber into small pieces.
2. Chop the garlic, parsley, basil and mint, add them to the blender together with the fruit, tomato and vegetable pieces and the white wine vinegar and blend to a creamy soup. Season to taste with lemon juice from squeezed lemon, salt and pepper.
3. Heat oil in a frying pan and toast croutons briefly.
4. Serve gazpacho in plates and sprinkle with croutons.
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There are over 400 universities in this country. How can you keep track of them all? With our guide to the top universities in Germany for the most popular fields of study: computer science, business administration, law, medicine, psychology and social work!
Note: For the ranking, we have selected several top universities. For this purpose, we have included, among other things, results from the current university ranking of ZEIT as well as authentic opinions of students from the portal Studycheck.
The best universities for computer science
For computer science, RWTH (Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule) Aachen has excelled. It is considered an elite university beyond the borders of Germany. Students particularly praise the freedom to shape their studies through elective courses and the good technical equipment.
- Famous graduates: Jürgen von der Lippe, Inga Humpe, Karl Lauterbach
Another popular address for computer science studies is the University of Bonn. With majors such as Autonomous Intelligent Systems, Algorithmics, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, etc., it offers a highly modern course of study.
According to the students, the course itself teaches them how to work efficiently and solve problems in a structured way. In addition, students are introduced to programming at an early stage, and overall, computer science in Bonn is very well positioned.
Especially practical: Our Staytoo apartment building in Bonn is located right next to the campus.
- Famous graduates: Andrea Nahles, Markus Gabriel, Frederik Pleitgen
Aalen University has made it to the top as a top university of applied sciences. In the Department of Computer Science, the high level of helpfulness of the lecturers is praised above all, even when questions arise outside of the lecture. Students also appreciate the compilation of electives according to their own interests, as well as the opportunity to work with modern technology such as VR goggles.
- Famous graduates: Marc Friedrich, Andrea Rögner, Moritz Böhringer
The best universities for business administration
In the field of business administration, the Technical University of Munich (TUM) leads the university ranking; the Technology and Management-Oriented Business Administration (TUM-BWL) degree program enjoys great popularity with a recommendation rate of 94%.
One student writes that she was taught very broad yet detailed knowledge in this degree program. Another student emphasizes that all study material can be conveniently accessed online.
- Famous graduates: Konrad Bloch, Heinrich Hertz, Samantha Cristoforetti
The RPTU Kaiserslautern (Rhineland-Palatinate Technical University Kaiserslautern-Landau) is also considered outstanding. It is a merger of the TU Kaiserslautern and the Landau campus of the University of Koblenz-Landau, and is located near the Palatinate Forest, the largest contiguous forest area in Germany.
According to evaluations, the business studies program is well organized, broadly diversified and provides a good overall view. In addition to the core topics, the seminars also teach scientific work well.
The Staytoo in Kaiserlautern offers you a very special location. The Technical University of Kaiserslautern is only a few minutes’ walk away, and the city’s research institutes can also be reached quickly.
- Famous graduates: Christoph Garth, Maryna Viazovska, Reem Alabali-Radovan
As with the Department of Computer Science, Aalen University of Applied Sciences again leads the ranking of universities of applied sciences. The courses on offer are Business Administration for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (B.A.) and International Business Administration (B.A.).
Students at Aalen University like the friendly professors, the commitment to teaching content and the clear way in which the lectures are presented. The university is digitally well positioned, so the scripts of the predominantly English-language lectures are available online.
- Famous graduates: Marc Friedrich, Andrea Rögner, Moritz Böhringer
The best universities for law/legal studies
According to the ranking, the University of Bayreuth fulfills the best prerequisites for studying law. The top university is committed to the topic of sustainability and, according to its self-image, conducts top-level research; in addition, it is one of the largest employers in the region.
Law studies are described as demanding but very fair. The lecturers are very pleasant and thanks to the good transport links via the Bayreuth Nord freeway exit, it is easy to get to the lecture on time even when there is a lot of traffic.
- Famous graduates: Auma Obama, Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg, Nina Buchmann
Second place goes to the FU Berlin, one of the best-known and largest universities in Germany. It also has historical relevance, being considered the nucleus of the student protests in 1968.
- Tip: The FU Berlin is also easily accessible from our apartment house for students in Berlin. Take a look at our house right now!
When studying law, one student praises the coherent structure of individual modules according to template as well as the many libraries on campus. Another student describes the choice of her studies at Freie Universität as the best decision. Furthermore, several students note the competence of the lecturers.
- Famous graduates: Rudi Dutschke, Elke Heidenreich, Farin Urlaub
The best universities for medicine
The front-runner in medical studies is Heidelberg University, which sees itself as a research university with international appeal.
According to one student, studying here is super exciting and, via the HeiCuMed model, unique for Germany. This is a reformed curriculum, the Heidelberg Curriculum Medicinale, with year-round teaching and an excellent reputation. Students continue to praise the university’s good facilities, saying that medical education is of the highest standard.
- Famous graduates: Max Weber, Mileva Marić, Erich Fromm
Second place goes to the University of Lübeck. Founded in 1964 as a medical academy in the far north, it continued to develop until it finally achieved university status in 2002.
The University of Lübeck is science-oriented, offering courses in medical nutritional sciences, medical informatics and human medicine, among others. According to the students, preclinical studies are very well organized, there is a family atmosphere on campus, and the Institute of Anatomy is described as ingenious. There is also a lot of practical laboratory work.
- Famous graduates: Johannes Wimmer, Matthias Marquardt, Andrea B. Maier
Leipzig University also ranks high in the popularity rankings. Founded as early as 1409, it is one of the country’s leading medical universities. The ambitious, thoughtful research program, also known as “The Leipzig Way,” inspires and fascinates tens of thousands of students from all over the world. In addition, Leipzig is a real boomtown with other hip universities such as the Hochschule für Technik, Wirtschaft und Kultur (HTWK).
Staytoo in Leipzig offers you everything a student heart desires – from supermarkets to trendy neighborhoods like Südvorstadt and cozy cafés. Our location is perfect for those studying at the HTWK, as we are just a short walk away.
- Famous graduates: Richard Wagner, Angela Merkel, Novalis
The best universities for psychology
When it comes to psychology studies, the University of Bamberg is right at the top of the rankings. It was founded in the 17th century and is therefore one of the oldest universities in Europe. With over 100 degree programs, the university places great value on personal support and excellent teaching.
All this in a cosmopolitan city teeming with beer pubs. What is emphasized about the study program is that the professors are highly committed and the courses are very interesting. In addition, the program is evaluated every semester to improve the quality of teaching.
- Famous graduates: Brigitte Mohn, Lothar Schmid, Henrike Lähnemann
Second place in the ranking goes to Ruhr-Uni-Bochum, which is also the city’s largest employer. It offers degree programs for over 42,600 students at 21 faculties.
The top priorities at the RUB are the networking of research and interdisciplinary cooperation. This is also confirmed by the students, who emphasize the good communication, exciting course content and the high level of self-motivation provided by friendly, courteous lecturers.
- Famous graduates: Melanie Raabe, Norbert Lammert, Jamiri
Studying psychology at the Humboldt University Berlin is also extremely popular. The HU Berlin regularly occupies leading positions in study rankings, and there is an ideal connection to our apartment building in Berlin. It only takes 20 minutes to get to the HU campus by bike, or you can quickly take the subway.
Students enjoy the conditions at the university, they write in their evaluations about the very good library, the profound way of studying and about lecturers who put their heart and soul into their work.
- Famous graduates: Max Planck, Georg Simmel, Karen Horney
The best universities for social work
The ZEIT ranking does not divide social work studies into universities of applied sciences, but into bachelor’s/master’s programs.
First place for the bachelor’s program goes to Augsburg University of Applied Sciences. It is a technical university that has committed itself to four quality promises: quality in terms of content and didactics, as well as the quality of supervision and pre-vocational quality with practical relevance.
The fairly new